Split products tests

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Rodel 2021-10-25 20:02:17 +08:00
parent f44f62c385
commit 9104089b01
3 changed files with 911 additions and 893 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,778 @@
* Internal dependencies
const { createSampleData, deleteSampleData } = require( '../../data/products' );
const { productsApi } = require('../../endpoints/products');
* Tests for the WooCommerce "List all products" API.
* @group api
* @group products
describe( 'Products API tests: List All Products', () => {
const PRODUCTS_COUNT = 20;
let sampleData;
beforeAll( async () => {
sampleData = await createSampleData();
}, 10000 );
afterAll( async () => {
await deleteSampleData( sampleData );
}, 10000 );
describe( 'List all products', () => {
it( 'defaults', async () => {
const result = await productsApi.listAll.products();
expect( result.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result.headers['x-wp-total'] ).toEqual( PRODUCTS_COUNT.toString() );
expect( result.headers['x-wp-totalpages'] ).toEqual( '2' );
} );
it( 'pagination', async () => {
const pageSize = 6;
const page1 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
per_page: pageSize,
} );
const page2 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
per_page: pageSize,
page: 2,
} );
expect( page1.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( page2.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
// Verify total page count.
expect( page1.headers['x-wp-total'] ).toEqual( PRODUCTS_COUNT.toString() );
expect( page1.headers['x-wp-totalpages'] ).toEqual( '4' );
// Verify we get pageSize'd arrays.
expect( Array.isArray( page1.body ) ).toBe( true );
expect( Array.isArray( page2.body ) ).toBe( true );
expect( page1.body ).toHaveLength( pageSize );
expect( page2.body ).toHaveLength( pageSize );
// Ensure all of the product IDs are unique (no page overlap).
const allProductIds = page1.body.concat( page2.body ).reduce( ( acc, product ) => {
acc[ product.id ] = 1;
return acc;
}, {} );
expect( Object.keys( allProductIds ) ).toHaveLength( pageSize * 2 );
// Verify that offset takes precedent over page number.
const page2Offset = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
per_page: pageSize,
page: 2,
offset: pageSize + 1,
} );
// The offset pushes the result set 1 product past the start of page 2.
expect( page2Offset.body ).toEqual(
expect.not.arrayContaining( [
expect.objectContaining( { id: page2.body[0].id } )
] )
expect( page2Offset.body[0].id ).toEqual( page2.body[1].id );
// Verify the last page only has 2 products as we expect.
const lastPage = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
per_page: pageSize,
page: 4,
} );
expect( Array.isArray( lastPage.body ) ).toBe( true );
expect( lastPage.body ).toHaveLength( 2 );
// Verify a page outside the total page count is empty.
const page6 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
per_page: pageSize,
page: 6,
} );
expect( Array.isArray( page6.body ) ).toBe( true );
expect( page6.body ).toHaveLength( 0 );
} );
it( 'search', async () => {
// Match in the short description.
const result1 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
search: 'external'
} );
expect( result1.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result1.body ).toHaveLength( 1 );
expect( result1.body[0].name ).toBe( 'WordPress Pennant' );
// Match in the product name.
const result2 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
search: 'pocket'
} );
expect( result2.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result2.body ).toHaveLength( 1 );
expect( result2.body[0].name ).toBe( 'Hoodie with Pocket' );
} );
it( 'inclusion / exclusion', async () => {
const allProducts = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
per_page: 20,
} );
expect( allProducts.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
const allProductIds = allProducts.body.map( product => product.id );
expect( allProductIds ).toHaveLength( PRODUCTS_COUNT );
const productsToFilter = [
const included = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
per_page: 20,
include: productsToFilter.join( ',' ),
} );
expect( included.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( included.body ).toHaveLength( productsToFilter.length );
expect( included.body ).toEqual(
productsToFilter.map( id => expect.objectContaining( { id } ) )
const excluded = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
per_page: 20,
exclude: productsToFilter.join( ',' ),
} );
expect( excluded.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( excluded.body ).toHaveLength( PRODUCTS_COUNT - productsToFilter.length );
expect( excluded.body ).toEqual(
productsToFilter.map( id => expect.objectContaining( { id } ) )
} );
it( 'slug', async () => {
// Match by slug.
const result1 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
slug: 't-shirt-with-logo'
} );
expect( result1.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result1.body ).toHaveLength( 1 );
expect( result1.body[0].slug ).toBe( 't-shirt-with-logo' );
// No matches
const result2 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
slug: 'no-product-with-this-slug'
} );
expect( result2.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result2.body ).toHaveLength( 0 );
} );
it( 'sku', async () => {
// Match by SKU.
const result1 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
sku: 'woo-sunglasses'
} );
expect( result1.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result1.body ).toHaveLength( 1 );
expect( result1.body[0].sku ).toBe( 'woo-sunglasses' );
// No matches
const result2 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
sku: 'no-product-with-this-sku'
} );
expect( result2.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result2.body ).toHaveLength( 0 );
} );
it( 'type', async () => {
const result1 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
type: 'simple'
} );
expect( result1.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result1.headers['x-wp-total'] ).toEqual( '16' );
const result2 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
type: 'external'
} );
expect( result2.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result2.body ).toHaveLength( 1 );
expect( result2.body[0].name ).toBe( 'WordPress Pennant' );
const result3 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
type: 'variable'
} );
expect( result3.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result3.body ).toHaveLength( 2 );
const result4 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
type: 'grouped'
} );
expect( result4.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result4.body ).toHaveLength( 1 );
expect( result4.body[0].name ).toBe( 'Logo Collection' );
} );
it( 'featured', async () => {
const featured = [
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Hoodie with Zipper' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Hoodie with Pocket' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Sunglasses' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Cap' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'V-Neck T-Shirt' } ),
const result1 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
featured: true,
} );
expect( result1.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result1.body ).toHaveLength( featured.length );
expect( result1.body ).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining( featured ) );
const result2 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
featured: false,
} );
expect( result2.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result2.body ).toEqual( expect.not.arrayContaining( featured ) );
} );
it( 'categories', async () => {
const accessory = [
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Beanie' } ),
const hoodies = [
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Hoodie with Zipper' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Hoodie with Pocket' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Hoodie with Logo' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Hoodie' } ),
// Verify that subcategories are included.
const result1 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
per_page: 20,
category: sampleData.categories.clothing.id,
} );
expect( result1.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result1.body ).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining( accessory ) );
expect( result1.body ).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining( hoodies ) );
// Verify sibling categories are not.
const result2 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
category: sampleData.categories.hoodies.id,
} );
expect( result2.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result2.body ).toEqual( expect.not.arrayContaining( accessory ) );
expect( result2.body ).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining( hoodies ) );
} );
it( 'on sale', async () => {
const onSale = [
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Beanie with Logo' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Hoodie with Pocket' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Single' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Cap' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Belt' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Beanie' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Hoodie' } ),
const result1 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
on_sale: true,
} );
expect( result1.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result1.body ).toHaveLength( onSale.length );
expect( result1.body ).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining( onSale ) );
const result2 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
on_sale: false,
} );
expect( result2.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result2.body ).toEqual( expect.not.arrayContaining( onSale ) );
} );
it( 'price', async () => {
const result1 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
min_price: 21,
max_price: 28,
} );
expect( result1.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result1.body ).toHaveLength( 1 );
expect( result1.body[0].name ).toBe( 'Long Sleeve Tee' );
expect( result1.body[0].price ).toBe( '25' );
const result2 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
max_price: 5,
} );
expect( result2.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result2.body ).toHaveLength( 1 );
expect( result2.body[0].name ).toBe( 'Single' );
expect( result2.body[0].price ).toBe( '2' );
const result3 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
min_price: 5,
order: 'asc',
orderby: 'price',
} );
expect( result3.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result3.body ).toEqual(
expect.not.arrayContaining( [
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Single' } )
] )
} );
it( 'before / after', async () => {
const before = [
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Album' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Single' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'T-Shirt with Logo' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Beanie with Logo' } ),
const after = [
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Hoodie' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'V-Neck T-Shirt' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Parent Product' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Child Product' } ),
const result1 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
before: '2021-09-05T15:50:19',
} );
expect( result1.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result1.body ).toHaveLength( before.length );
expect( result1.body ).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining( before ) );
const result2 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
after: '2021-09-18T15:50:18',
} );
expect( result2.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result2.body ).toEqual( expect.not.arrayContaining( before ) );
expect( result2.body ).toHaveLength( after.length );
expect( result2.body ).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining( after ) );
} );
it( 'attributes', async () => {
const red = sampleData.attributes.colors.find( term => term.name === 'Red' );
const redProducts = [
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'V-Neck T-Shirt' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Hoodie' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Beanie' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Beanie with Logo' } ),
const result = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
attribute: 'pa_color',
attribute_term: red.id,
} );
expect( result.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result.body ).toHaveLength( redProducts.length );
expect( result.body ).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining( redProducts ) );
} );
it( 'status', async () => {
const result1 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
status: 'pending'
} );
expect( result1.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result1.body ).toHaveLength( 1 );
expect( result1.body[0].name ).toBe( 'Polo' );
const result2 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
status: 'draft'
} );
expect( result2.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result2.body ).toHaveLength( 0 );
} );
it( 'shipping class', async () => {
const result = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
shipping_class: sampleData.shippingClasses.freight.id,
} );
expect( result.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result.body ).toHaveLength( 1 );
expect( result.body[0].name ).toBe( 'Long Sleeve Tee' );
} );
it( 'tax class', async () => {
const result = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
tax_class: 'reduced-rate',
} );
expect( result.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result.body ).toHaveLength( 1 );
expect( result.body[0].name ).toBe( 'Sunglasses' );
} );
it( 'stock status', async () => {
const result = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
stock_status: 'onbackorder',
} );
expect( result.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result.body ).toHaveLength( 1 );
expect( result.body[0].name ).toBe( 'T-Shirt' );
} );
it( 'tags', async () => {
const coolProducts = [
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Sunglasses' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Hoodie with Pocket' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Beanie' } ),
const result = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
tag: sampleData.tags.cool.id,
} );
expect( result.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result.body ).toHaveLength( coolProducts.length );
expect( result.body ).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining( coolProducts ) );
} );
it( 'parent', async () => {
const result1 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
parent: sampleData.hierarchicalProducts.parent.id,
} );
expect( result1.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result1.body ).toHaveLength( 1 );
expect( result1.body[0].name ).toBe( 'Child Product' );
const result2 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
parent_exclude: sampleData.hierarchicalProducts.parent.id,
} );
expect( result2.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result2.body ).toEqual( expect.not.arrayContaining( [
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Child Product' } ),
] ) );
} );
describe( 'orderby', () => {
const productNamesAsc = [
'Beanie with Logo',
'Child Product',
'Hoodie with Logo',
'Hoodie with Pocket',
'Hoodie with Zipper',
'Logo Collection',
'Long Sleeve Tee',
'Parent Product',
'T-Shirt with Logo',
'V-Neck T-Shirt',
'WordPress Pennant',
const productNamesDesc = [ ...productNamesAsc ].reverse();
const productNamesByRatingAsc = [
const productNamesByRatingDesc = [ ...productNamesByRatingAsc ].reverse();
const productNamesByPopularityDesc = [
'Beanie with Logo',
const productNamesByPopularityAsc = [ ...productNamesByPopularityDesc ].reverse();
it( 'default', async () => {
// Default = date desc.
const result = await productsApi.listAll.products();
expect( result.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
// Verify all dates are in descending order.
let lastDate = Date.now();
result.body.forEach( ( { date_created_gmt } ) => {
const created = Date.parse( date_created_gmt + '.000Z' );
expect( lastDate ).toBeGreaterThan( created );
lastDate = created;
} );
} );
it( 'date', async () => {
const result = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
order: 'asc',
orderby: 'date',
} );
expect( result.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
// Verify all dates are in ascending order.
let lastDate = 0;
result.body.forEach( ( { date_created_gmt } ) => {
const created = Date.parse( date_created_gmt + '.000Z' );
expect( created ).toBeGreaterThan( lastDate );
lastDate = created;
} );
} );
it( 'id', async () => {
const result1 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
order: 'asc',
orderby: 'id',
} );
expect( result1.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
// Verify all results are in ascending order.
let lastId = 0;
result1.body.forEach( ( { id } ) => {
expect( id ).toBeGreaterThan( lastId );
lastId = id;
} );
const result2 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
order: 'desc',
orderby: 'id',
} );
expect( result2.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
// Verify all results are in descending order.
lastId = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
result2.body.forEach( ( { id } ) => {
expect( lastId ).toBeGreaterThan( id );
lastId = id;
} );
} );
it( 'title', async () => {
const result1 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
order: 'asc',
orderby: 'title',
per_page: productNamesAsc.length,
} );
expect( result1.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
// Verify all results are in ascending order.
result1.body.forEach( ( { name }, idx ) => {
expect( name ).toBe( productNamesAsc[ idx ] );
} );
const result2 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
order: 'desc',
orderby: 'title',
per_page: productNamesDesc.length,
} );
expect( result2.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
// Verify all results are in descending order.
result2.body.forEach( ( { name }, idx ) => {
expect( name ).toBe( productNamesDesc[ idx ] );
} );
} );
it( 'slug', async () => {
const productNamesBySlugAsc = [
'Polo', // The Polo isn't published so it has an empty slug.
...productNamesAsc.filter( p => p !== 'Polo' ),
const productNamesBySlugDesc = [ ...productNamesBySlugAsc ].reverse();
const result1 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
order: 'asc',
orderby: 'slug',
per_page: productNamesBySlugAsc.length,
} );
expect( result1.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
// Verify all results are in ascending order.
result1.body.forEach( ( { name }, idx ) => {
expect( name ).toBe( productNamesBySlugAsc[ idx ] );
} );
const result2 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
order: 'desc',
orderby: 'slug',
per_page: productNamesBySlugDesc.length,
} );
expect( result2.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
// Verify all results are in descending order.
result2.body.forEach( ( { name }, idx ) => {
expect( name ).toBe( productNamesBySlugDesc[ idx ] );
} );
} );
it( 'price', async () => {
const productNamesMinPriceAsc = [
'Parent Product',
'Child Product',
'WordPress Pennant',
'V-Neck T-Shirt',
'Beanie with Logo',
'T-Shirt with Logo',
'Logo Collection',
'Long Sleeve Tee',
'Hoodie with Pocket',
'Hoodie with Zipper',
'Hoodie with Logo',
const result1 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
order: 'asc',
orderby: 'price',
per_page: productNamesMinPriceAsc.length
} );
expect( result1.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result1.body ).toHaveLength( productNamesMinPriceAsc.length );
// Verify all results are in ascending order.
// The query uses the min price calculated in the product meta lookup table,
// so we can't just check the price property of the response.
result1.body.forEach( ( { name }, idx ) => {
expect( name ).toBe( productNamesMinPriceAsc[ idx ] );
} );
const productNamesMaxPriceDesc = [
'Logo Collection',
'Hoodie with Logo',
'Hoodie with Zipper',
'Hoodie with Pocket',
'Long Sleeve Tee',
'V-Neck T-Shirt',
'T-Shirt with Logo',
'Beanie with Logo',
'WordPress Pennant',
'Child Product',
'Parent Product',
const result2 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
order: 'desc',
orderby: 'price',
per_page: productNamesMaxPriceDesc.length
} );
expect( result2.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result2.body ).toHaveLength( productNamesMaxPriceDesc.length );
// Verify all results are in descending order.
// The query uses the max price calculated in the product meta lookup table,
// so we can't just check the price property of the response.
result2.body.forEach( ( { name }, idx ) => {
expect( name ).toBe( productNamesMaxPriceDesc[ idx ] );
} );
} );
// This case will remain skipped until orderby include is fixed.
// See: https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/issues/30354#issuecomment-925955099.
it( 'include', async () => {
const includeIds = [
sampleData.groupedProducts[ 0 ].id,
sampleData.simpleProducts[ 3 ].id,
const result1 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
order: 'asc',
orderby: 'include',
include: includeIds.join( ',' ),
} );
expect( result1.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result1.body ).toHaveLength( includeIds.length );
// Verify all results are in proper order.
result1.body.forEach( ( { id }, idx ) => {
expect( id ).toBe( includeIds[ idx ] );
} );
const result2 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
order: 'desc',
orderby: 'include',
include: includeIds.join( ',' ),
} );
expect( result2.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result2.body ).toHaveLength( includeIds.length );
// Verify all results are in proper order.
result2.body.forEach( ( { id }, idx ) => {
expect( id ).toBe( includeIds[ idx ] );
} );
} );
it( 'rating (desc)', async () => {
const result2 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
order: 'desc',
orderby: 'rating',
per_page: productNamesByRatingDesc.length,
} );
expect( result2.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
// Verify all results are in descending order.
result2.body.forEach( ( { name }, idx ) => {
expect( name ).toBe( productNamesByRatingDesc[ idx ] );
} );
} );
// This case will remain skipped until ratings can be sorted ascending.
// See: https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/issues/30354#issuecomment-925955099.
it.skip( 'rating (asc)', async () => {
const result1 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
order: 'asc',
orderby: 'rating',
per_page: productNamesByRatingAsc.length,
} );
expect( result1.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
// Verify all results are in ascending order.
result1.body.forEach( ( { name }, idx ) => {
expect( name ).toBe( productNamesByRatingAsc[ idx ] );
} );
} );
it( 'popularity (desc)', async () => {
const result2 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
order: 'desc',
orderby: 'popularity',
per_page: productNamesByPopularityDesc.length,
} );
expect( result2.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
// Verify all results are in descending order.
result2.body.forEach( ( { name }, idx ) => {
expect( name ).toBe( productNamesByPopularityDesc[ idx ] );
} );
} );
// This case will remain skipped until popularity can be sorted ascending.
// See: https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/issues/30354#issuecomment-925955099.
it.skip( 'popularity (asc)', async () => {
const result1 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
order: 'asc',
orderby: 'popularity',
per_page: productNamesByPopularityAsc.length,
} );
expect( result1.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
// Verify all results are in ascending order.
result1.body.forEach( ( { name }, idx ) => {
expect( name ).toBe( productNamesByPopularityAsc[ idx ] );
} );
} );
} );
} );
} );

View File

@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
* Internal dependencies
const { productsApi } = require('../../endpoints/products');
* Tests for the WooCommerce Products API.
* These tests cover API endpoints for creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting a single product.
* @group api
* @group products
describe( 'Products CRUD API tests', () => {
let productId;
it( 'can add a simple product', async () => {
const product = {
name: 'A Simple Product',
regular_price: '25',
description: 'Description for this simple product.',
short_description: 'Shorter description.',
const { status, body } = await productsApi.create.product( product );
productId = body.id;
expect( status ).toEqual( productsApi.create.responseCode );
expect( productId ).toBeDefined();
expect( body ).toMatchObject( product );
expect( body.type ).toEqual( 'simple' );
expect( body.status ).toEqual( 'publish' );
expect( body.virtual ).toEqual( false );
expect( body.downloadable ).toEqual( false );
expect( body.shipping_required ).toEqual( true );
} );
it( 'can add a virtual product', async () => {
const virtualProduct = {
name: 'A Virtual Product',
regular_price: '10',
virtual: true,
const { status, body } = await productsApi.create.product(
const virtualProductId = body.id;
expect( status ).toEqual( productsApi.create.responseCode );
expect( virtualProductId ).toBeDefined();
expect( body ).toMatchObject( virtualProduct );
expect( body.type ).toEqual( 'simple' );
expect( body.status ).toEqual( 'publish' );
expect( body.shipping_required ).toEqual( false );
// Cleanup: Delete the virtual product
await productsApi.delete.product( virtualProductId, true );
} );
it( 'can add a variable product', async () => {
const variableProduct = {
name: 'A Variable Product',
type: 'variable',
attributes: [
name: 'Colour',
visible: true,
variation: true,
options: [ 'Red', 'Green', 'Blue' ],
name: 'Size',
visible: true,
variation: true,
options: [ 'Small', 'Medium', 'Large' ],
name: 'Logo',
visible: true,
variation: true,
options: [ 'Woo', 'WordPress' ],
const { status, body } = await productsApi.create.product(
const variableProductId = body.id;
expect( status ).toEqual( productsApi.create.responseCode );
expect( variableProductId ).toBeDefined();
expect( body ).toMatchObject( variableProduct );
expect( body.status ).toEqual( 'publish' );
// Cleanup: Delete the variable product
await productsApi.delete.product( variableProductId, true );
} );
it( 'can view a single product', async () => {
const { status, body } = await productsApi.retrieve.product( productId );
expect( status ).toEqual( productsApi.retrieve.responseCode );
expect( body.id ).toEqual( productId );
} );
it( 'can update a single product', async () => {
const updatePayload = {
regular_price: '25.99',
const { status, body } = await productsApi.update.product(
expect( status ).toEqual( productsApi.update.responseCode );
expect( body.id ).toEqual( productId );
expect( body.regular_price ).toEqual( updatePayload.regular_price );
} );
it( 'can delete a product', async () => {
const { status, body } = await productsApi.delete.product( productId, true );
expect( status ).toEqual( productsApi.delete.responseCode );
expect( body.id ).toEqual( productId );
// Verify that the product can no longer be retrieved.
const {
status: retrieveDeletedProductStatus,
} = await productsApi.retrieve.product( productId );
expect( retrieveDeletedProductStatus ).toEqual( 404 );
} );
} );

View File

@ -1,893 +0,0 @@
* Internal dependencies
const { createSampleData, deleteSampleData } = require( '../../data/products' );
const { productsApi } = require('../../endpoints/products');
* Tests for the WooCommerce Products API.
* @group api
* @group products
describe( 'Products API tests', () => {
const PRODUCTS_COUNT = 20;
let sampleData;
let productId;
beforeAll( async () => {
sampleData = await createSampleData();
}, 10000 );
afterAll( async () => {
await deleteSampleData( sampleData );
}, 10000 );
describe( 'List all products', () => {
it( 'defaults', async () => {
const result = await productsApi.listAll.products();
expect( result.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result.headers['x-wp-total'] ).toEqual( PRODUCTS_COUNT.toString() );
expect( result.headers['x-wp-totalpages'] ).toEqual( '2' );
} );
it( 'pagination', async () => {
const pageSize = 6;
const page1 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
per_page: pageSize,
} );
const page2 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
per_page: pageSize,
page: 2,
} );
expect( page1.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( page2.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
// Verify total page count.
expect( page1.headers['x-wp-total'] ).toEqual( PRODUCTS_COUNT.toString() );
expect( page1.headers['x-wp-totalpages'] ).toEqual( '4' );
// Verify we get pageSize'd arrays.
expect( Array.isArray( page1.body ) ).toBe( true );
expect( Array.isArray( page2.body ) ).toBe( true );
expect( page1.body ).toHaveLength( pageSize );
expect( page2.body ).toHaveLength( pageSize );
// Ensure all of the product IDs are unique (no page overlap).
const allProductIds = page1.body.concat( page2.body ).reduce( ( acc, product ) => {
acc[ product.id ] = 1;
return acc;
}, {} );
expect( Object.keys( allProductIds ) ).toHaveLength( pageSize * 2 );
// Verify that offset takes precedent over page number.
const page2Offset = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
per_page: pageSize,
page: 2,
offset: pageSize + 1,
} );
// The offset pushes the result set 1 product past the start of page 2.
expect( page2Offset.body ).toEqual(
expect.not.arrayContaining( [
expect.objectContaining( { id: page2.body[0].id } )
] )
expect( page2Offset.body[0].id ).toEqual( page2.body[1].id );
// Verify the last page only has 2 products as we expect.
const lastPage = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
per_page: pageSize,
page: 4,
} );
expect( Array.isArray( lastPage.body ) ).toBe( true );
expect( lastPage.body ).toHaveLength( 2 );
// Verify a page outside the total page count is empty.
const page6 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
per_page: pageSize,
page: 6,
} );
expect( Array.isArray( page6.body ) ).toBe( true );
expect( page6.body ).toHaveLength( 0 );
} );
it( 'search', async () => {
// Match in the short description.
const result1 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
search: 'external'
} );
expect( result1.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result1.body ).toHaveLength( 1 );
expect( result1.body[0].name ).toBe( 'WordPress Pennant' );
// Match in the product name.
const result2 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
search: 'pocket'
} );
expect( result2.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result2.body ).toHaveLength( 1 );
expect( result2.body[0].name ).toBe( 'Hoodie with Pocket' );
} );
it( 'inclusion / exclusion', async () => {
const allProducts = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
per_page: 20,
} );
expect( allProducts.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
const allProductIds = allProducts.body.map( product => product.id );
expect( allProductIds ).toHaveLength( PRODUCTS_COUNT );
const productsToFilter = [
const included = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
per_page: 20,
include: productsToFilter.join( ',' ),
} );
expect( included.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( included.body ).toHaveLength( productsToFilter.length );
expect( included.body ).toEqual(
productsToFilter.map( id => expect.objectContaining( { id } ) )
const excluded = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
per_page: 20,
exclude: productsToFilter.join( ',' ),
} );
expect( excluded.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( excluded.body ).toHaveLength( PRODUCTS_COUNT - productsToFilter.length );
expect( excluded.body ).toEqual(
productsToFilter.map( id => expect.objectContaining( { id } ) )
} );
it( 'slug', async () => {
// Match by slug.
const result1 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
slug: 't-shirt-with-logo'
} );
expect( result1.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result1.body ).toHaveLength( 1 );
expect( result1.body[0].slug ).toBe( 't-shirt-with-logo' );
// No matches
const result2 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
slug: 'no-product-with-this-slug'
} );
expect( result2.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result2.body ).toHaveLength( 0 );
} );
it( 'sku', async () => {
// Match by SKU.
const result1 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
sku: 'woo-sunglasses'
} );
expect( result1.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result1.body ).toHaveLength( 1 );
expect( result1.body[0].sku ).toBe( 'woo-sunglasses' );
// No matches
const result2 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
sku: 'no-product-with-this-sku'
} );
expect( result2.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result2.body ).toHaveLength( 0 );
} );
it( 'type', async () => {
const result1 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
type: 'simple'
} );
expect( result1.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result1.headers['x-wp-total'] ).toEqual( '16' );
const result2 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
type: 'external'
} );
expect( result2.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result2.body ).toHaveLength( 1 );
expect( result2.body[0].name ).toBe( 'WordPress Pennant' );
const result3 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
type: 'variable'
} );
expect( result3.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result3.body ).toHaveLength( 2 );
const result4 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
type: 'grouped'
} );
expect( result4.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result4.body ).toHaveLength( 1 );
expect( result4.body[0].name ).toBe( 'Logo Collection' );
} );
it( 'featured', async () => {
const featured = [
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Hoodie with Zipper' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Hoodie with Pocket' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Sunglasses' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Cap' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'V-Neck T-Shirt' } ),
const result1 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
featured: true,
} );
expect( result1.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result1.body ).toHaveLength( featured.length );
expect( result1.body ).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining( featured ) );
const result2 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
featured: false,
} );
expect( result2.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result2.body ).toEqual( expect.not.arrayContaining( featured ) );
} );
it( 'categories', async () => {
const accessory = [
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Beanie' } ),
const hoodies = [
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Hoodie with Zipper' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Hoodie with Pocket' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Hoodie with Logo' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Hoodie' } ),
// Verify that subcategories are included.
const result1 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
per_page: 20,
category: sampleData.categories.clothing.id,
} );
expect( result1.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result1.body ).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining( accessory ) );
expect( result1.body ).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining( hoodies ) );
// Verify sibling categories are not.
const result2 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
category: sampleData.categories.hoodies.id,
} );
expect( result2.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result2.body ).toEqual( expect.not.arrayContaining( accessory ) );
expect( result2.body ).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining( hoodies ) );
} );
it( 'on sale', async () => {
const onSale = [
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Beanie with Logo' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Hoodie with Pocket' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Single' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Cap' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Belt' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Beanie' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Hoodie' } ),
const result1 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
on_sale: true,
} );
expect( result1.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result1.body ).toHaveLength( onSale.length );
expect( result1.body ).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining( onSale ) );
const result2 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
on_sale: false,
} );
expect( result2.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result2.body ).toEqual( expect.not.arrayContaining( onSale ) );
} );
it( 'price', async () => {
const result1 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
min_price: 21,
max_price: 28,
} );
expect( result1.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result1.body ).toHaveLength( 1 );
expect( result1.body[0].name ).toBe( 'Long Sleeve Tee' );
expect( result1.body[0].price ).toBe( '25' );
const result2 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
max_price: 5,
} );
expect( result2.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result2.body ).toHaveLength( 1 );
expect( result2.body[0].name ).toBe( 'Single' );
expect( result2.body[0].price ).toBe( '2' );
const result3 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
min_price: 5,
order: 'asc',
orderby: 'price',
} );
expect( result3.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result3.body ).toEqual(
expect.not.arrayContaining( [
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Single' } )
] )
} );
it( 'before / after', async () => {
const before = [
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Album' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Single' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'T-Shirt with Logo' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Beanie with Logo' } ),
const after = [
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Hoodie' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'V-Neck T-Shirt' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Parent Product' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Child Product' } ),
const result1 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
before: '2021-09-05T15:50:19',
} );
expect( result1.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result1.body ).toHaveLength( before.length );
expect( result1.body ).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining( before ) );
const result2 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
after: '2021-09-18T15:50:18',
} );
expect( result2.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result2.body ).toEqual( expect.not.arrayContaining( before ) );
expect( result2.body ).toHaveLength( after.length );
expect( result2.body ).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining( after ) );
} );
it( 'attributes', async () => {
const red = sampleData.attributes.colors.find( term => term.name === 'Red' );
const redProducts = [
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'V-Neck T-Shirt' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Hoodie' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Beanie' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Beanie with Logo' } ),
const result = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
attribute: 'pa_color',
attribute_term: red.id,
} );
expect( result.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result.body ).toHaveLength( redProducts.length );
expect( result.body ).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining( redProducts ) );
} );
it( 'status', async () => {
const result1 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
status: 'pending'
} );
expect( result1.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result1.body ).toHaveLength( 1 );
expect( result1.body[0].name ).toBe( 'Polo' );
const result2 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
status: 'draft'
} );
expect( result2.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result2.body ).toHaveLength( 0 );
} );
it( 'shipping class', async () => {
const result = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
shipping_class: sampleData.shippingClasses.freight.id,
} );
expect( result.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result.body ).toHaveLength( 1 );
expect( result.body[0].name ).toBe( 'Long Sleeve Tee' );
} );
it( 'tax class', async () => {
const result = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
tax_class: 'reduced-rate',
} );
expect( result.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result.body ).toHaveLength( 1 );
expect( result.body[0].name ).toBe( 'Sunglasses' );
} );
it( 'stock status', async () => {
const result = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
stock_status: 'onbackorder',
} );
expect( result.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result.body ).toHaveLength( 1 );
expect( result.body[0].name ).toBe( 'T-Shirt' );
} );
it( 'tags', async () => {
const coolProducts = [
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Sunglasses' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Hoodie with Pocket' } ),
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Beanie' } ),
const result = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
tag: sampleData.tags.cool.id,
} );
expect( result.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result.body ).toHaveLength( coolProducts.length );
expect( result.body ).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining( coolProducts ) );
} );
it( 'parent', async () => {
const result1 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
parent: sampleData.hierarchicalProducts.parent.id,
} );
expect( result1.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result1.body ).toHaveLength( 1 );
expect( result1.body[0].name ).toBe( 'Child Product' );
const result2 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
parent_exclude: sampleData.hierarchicalProducts.parent.id,
} );
expect( result2.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result2.body ).toEqual( expect.not.arrayContaining( [
expect.objectContaining( { name: 'Child Product' } ),
] ) );
} );
describe( 'orderby', () => {
const productNamesAsc = [
'Beanie with Logo',
'Child Product',
'Hoodie with Logo',
'Hoodie with Pocket',
'Hoodie with Zipper',
'Logo Collection',
'Long Sleeve Tee',
'Parent Product',
'T-Shirt with Logo',
'V-Neck T-Shirt',
'WordPress Pennant',
const productNamesDesc = [ ...productNamesAsc ].reverse();
const productNamesByRatingAsc = [
const productNamesByRatingDesc = [ ...productNamesByRatingAsc ].reverse();
const productNamesByPopularityDesc = [
'Beanie with Logo',
const productNamesByPopularityAsc = [ ...productNamesByPopularityDesc ].reverse();
it( 'default', async () => {
// Default = date desc.
const result = await productsApi.listAll.products();
expect( result.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
// Verify all dates are in descending order.
let lastDate = Date.now();
result.body.forEach( ( { date_created_gmt } ) => {
const created = Date.parse( date_created_gmt + '.000Z' );
expect( lastDate ).toBeGreaterThan( created );
lastDate = created;
} );
} );
it( 'date', async () => {
const result = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
order: 'asc',
orderby: 'date',
} );
expect( result.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
// Verify all dates are in ascending order.
let lastDate = 0;
result.body.forEach( ( { date_created_gmt } ) => {
const created = Date.parse( date_created_gmt + '.000Z' );
expect( created ).toBeGreaterThan( lastDate );
lastDate = created;
} );
} );
it( 'id', async () => {
const result1 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
order: 'asc',
orderby: 'id',
} );
expect( result1.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
// Verify all results are in ascending order.
let lastId = 0;
result1.body.forEach( ( { id } ) => {
expect( id ).toBeGreaterThan( lastId );
lastId = id;
} );
const result2 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
order: 'desc',
orderby: 'id',
} );
expect( result2.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
// Verify all results are in descending order.
lastId = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
result2.body.forEach( ( { id } ) => {
expect( lastId ).toBeGreaterThan( id );
lastId = id;
} );
} );
it( 'title', async () => {
const result1 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
order: 'asc',
orderby: 'title',
per_page: productNamesAsc.length,
} );
expect( result1.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
// Verify all results are in ascending order.
result1.body.forEach( ( { name }, idx ) => {
expect( name ).toBe( productNamesAsc[ idx ] );
} );
const result2 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
order: 'desc',
orderby: 'title',
per_page: productNamesDesc.length,
} );
expect( result2.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
// Verify all results are in descending order.
result2.body.forEach( ( { name }, idx ) => {
expect( name ).toBe( productNamesDesc[ idx ] );
} );
} );
it( 'slug', async () => {
const productNamesBySlugAsc = [
'Polo', // The Polo isn't published so it has an empty slug.
...productNamesAsc.filter( p => p !== 'Polo' ),
const productNamesBySlugDesc = [ ...productNamesBySlugAsc ].reverse();
const result1 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
order: 'asc',
orderby: 'slug',
per_page: productNamesBySlugAsc.length,
} );
expect( result1.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
// Verify all results are in ascending order.
result1.body.forEach( ( { name }, idx ) => {
expect( name ).toBe( productNamesBySlugAsc[ idx ] );
} );
const result2 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
order: 'desc',
orderby: 'slug',
per_page: productNamesBySlugDesc.length,
} );
expect( result2.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
// Verify all results are in descending order.
result2.body.forEach( ( { name }, idx ) => {
expect( name ).toBe( productNamesBySlugDesc[ idx ] );
} );
} );
it( 'price', async () => {
const productNamesMinPriceAsc = [
'Parent Product',
'Child Product',
'WordPress Pennant',
'V-Neck T-Shirt',
'Beanie with Logo',
'T-Shirt with Logo',
'Logo Collection',
'Long Sleeve Tee',
'Hoodie with Pocket',
'Hoodie with Zipper',
'Hoodie with Logo',
const result1 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
order: 'asc',
orderby: 'price',
per_page: productNamesMinPriceAsc.length
} );
expect( result1.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result1.body ).toHaveLength( productNamesMinPriceAsc.length );
// Verify all results are in ascending order.
// The query uses the min price calculated in the product meta lookup table,
// so we can't just check the price property of the response.
result1.body.forEach( ( { name }, idx ) => {
expect( name ).toBe( productNamesMinPriceAsc[ idx ] );
} );
const productNamesMaxPriceDesc = [
'Logo Collection',
'Hoodie with Logo',
'Hoodie with Zipper',
'Hoodie with Pocket',
'Long Sleeve Tee',
'V-Neck T-Shirt',
'T-Shirt with Logo',
'Beanie with Logo',
'WordPress Pennant',
'Child Product',
'Parent Product',
const result2 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
order: 'desc',
orderby: 'price',
per_page: productNamesMaxPriceDesc.length
} );
expect( result2.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result2.body ).toHaveLength( productNamesMaxPriceDesc.length );
// Verify all results are in descending order.
// The query uses the max price calculated in the product meta lookup table,
// so we can't just check the price property of the response.
result2.body.forEach( ( { name }, idx ) => {
expect( name ).toBe( productNamesMaxPriceDesc[ idx ] );
} );
} );
// This case will remain skipped until orderby include is fixed.
// See: https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/issues/30354#issuecomment-925955099.
it( 'include', async () => {
const includeIds = [
sampleData.groupedProducts[ 0 ].id,
sampleData.simpleProducts[ 3 ].id,
const result1 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
order: 'asc',
orderby: 'include',
include: includeIds.join( ',' ),
} );
expect( result1.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result1.body ).toHaveLength( includeIds.length );
// Verify all results are in proper order.
result1.body.forEach( ( { id }, idx ) => {
expect( id ).toBe( includeIds[ idx ] );
} );
const result2 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
order: 'desc',
orderby: 'include',
include: includeIds.join( ',' ),
} );
expect( result2.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
expect( result2.body ).toHaveLength( includeIds.length );
// Verify all results are in proper order.
result2.body.forEach( ( { id }, idx ) => {
expect( id ).toBe( includeIds[ idx ] );
} );
} );
it( 'rating (desc)', async () => {
const result2 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
order: 'desc',
orderby: 'rating',
per_page: productNamesByRatingDesc.length,
} );
expect( result2.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
// Verify all results are in descending order.
result2.body.forEach( ( { name }, idx ) => {
expect( name ).toBe( productNamesByRatingDesc[ idx ] );
} );
} );
// This case will remain skipped until ratings can be sorted ascending.
// See: https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/issues/30354#issuecomment-925955099.
it.skip( 'rating (asc)', async () => {
const result1 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
order: 'asc',
orderby: 'rating',
per_page: productNamesByRatingAsc.length,
} );
expect( result1.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
// Verify all results are in ascending order.
result1.body.forEach( ( { name }, idx ) => {
expect( name ).toBe( productNamesByRatingAsc[ idx ] );
} );
} );
it( 'popularity (desc)', async () => {
const result2 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
order: 'desc',
orderby: 'popularity',
per_page: productNamesByPopularityDesc.length,
} );
expect( result2.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
// Verify all results are in descending order.
result2.body.forEach( ( { name }, idx ) => {
expect( name ).toBe( productNamesByPopularityDesc[ idx ] );
} );
} );
// This case will remain skipped until popularity can be sorted ascending.
// See: https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/issues/30354#issuecomment-925955099.
it.skip( 'popularity (asc)', async () => {
const result1 = await productsApi.listAll.products( {
order: 'asc',
orderby: 'popularity',
per_page: productNamesByPopularityAsc.length,
} );
expect( result1.statusCode ).toEqual( 200 );
// Verify all results are in ascending order.
result1.body.forEach( ( { name }, idx ) => {
expect( name ).toBe( productNamesByPopularityAsc[ idx ] );
} );
} );
} );
} );
it( 'can add a simple product', async () => {
const product = {
name: 'A Simple Product',
regular_price: '25',
description: 'Description for this simple product.',
short_description: 'Shorter description.',
const { status, body } = await productsApi.create.product( product );
productId = body.id;
expect( status ).toEqual( productsApi.create.responseCode );
expect( productId ).toBeDefined();
expect( body ).toMatchObject( product );
expect( body.type ).toEqual( 'simple' );
expect( body.status ).toEqual( 'publish' );
expect( body.virtual ).toEqual( false );
expect( body.downloadable ).toEqual( false );
expect( body.shipping_required ).toEqual( true );
} );
it( 'can add a virtual product', async () => {
const virtualProduct = {
name: 'A Virtual Product',
regular_price: '10',
virtual: true,
const { status, body } = await productsApi.create.product(
const virtualProductId = body.id;
expect( status ).toEqual( productsApi.create.responseCode );
expect( virtualProductId ).toBeDefined();
expect( body ).toMatchObject( virtualProduct );
expect( body.type ).toEqual( 'simple' );
expect( body.status ).toEqual( 'publish' );
expect( body.shipping_required ).toEqual( false );
// Cleanup: Delete the virtual product
await productsApi.delete.product( virtualProductId, true );
} );
it( 'can add a variable product', async () => {
const variableProduct = {
name: 'A Variable Product',
type: 'variable',
attributes: [
name: 'Colour',
visible: true,
variation: true,
options: [ 'Red', 'Green', 'Blue' ],
name: 'Size',
visible: true,
variation: true,
options: [ 'Small', 'Medium', 'Large' ],
name: 'Logo',
visible: true,
variation: true,
options: [ 'Woo', 'WordPress' ],
const { status, body } = await productsApi.create.product(
const variableProductId = body.id;
expect( status ).toEqual( productsApi.create.responseCode );
expect( variableProductId ).toBeDefined();
expect( body ).toMatchObject( variableProduct );
expect( body.status ).toEqual( 'publish' );
// Cleanup: Delete the variable product
await productsApi.delete.product( variableProductId, true );
} );
it( 'can view a single product', async () => {
const { status, body } = await productsApi.retrieve.product( productId );
expect( status ).toEqual( productsApi.retrieve.responseCode );
expect( body.id ).toEqual( productId );
} );
it( 'can update a single product', async () => {
const updatePayload = {
regular_price: '25.99',
const { status, body } = await productsApi.update.product(
expect( status ).toEqual( productsApi.update.responseCode );
expect( body.id ).toEqual( productId );
expect( body.regular_price ).toEqual( updatePayload.regular_price );
} );
it( 'can delete a product', async () => {
const { status, body } = await productsApi.delete.product( productId, true );
expect( status ).toEqual( productsApi.delete.responseCode );
expect( body.id ).toEqual( productId );
// Verify that the product can no longer be retrieved.
const {
status: retrieveDeletedProductStatus,
} = await productsApi.retrieve.product( productId );
expect( retrieveDeletedProductStatus ).toEqual( 404 );
} );
} );