Product counts. #1789

This commit is contained in:
Mike Jolley 2012-11-28 15:03:22 +00:00
parent 733d5bdb44
commit 9d853e0c02
2 changed files with 139 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -1861,3 +1861,140 @@ function woocommerce_get_order_item_meta( $item_id, $key, $single = true ) {
function woocommerce_date_format() {
return apply_filters( 'woocommerce_date_format', get_option( 'date_format' ) );
* Function for recounting product terms, ignoring hidden products.
* @access public
* @param mixed $term
* @param mixed $taxonomy
* @return void
function _woocommerce_term_recount( $terms, $taxonomy ) {
global $wpdb;
// Stock query
if ( get_option( 'woocommerce_hide_out_of_stock_items' ) == 'yes' ) {
$stock_join = "LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->postmeta} AS meta_stock ON posts.ID = meta_stock.post_id";
$stock_query = "
meta_stock.meta_key = '_stock_status'
meta_stock.meta_value = 'instock'
} else {
$stock_query = $stock_join = '';
// Main query
$count_query = $wpdb->prepare( "
SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT posts.ID ) FROM {$wpdb->posts} as posts
LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->postmeta} AS meta_visibilty ON posts.ID = meta_visibilty.post_id
LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->term_relationships} AS rel ON posts.ID = rel.object_ID
LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} AS tax USING( term_taxonomy_id )
LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->terms} AS term USING( term_id )
WHERE posts.post_status = 'publish'
AND posts.post_type = 'product'
meta_visibilty.meta_key = '_visibility'
meta_visibilty.meta_value IN ( 'visible', 'catalog' )
AND tax.taxonomy = %s
", $taxonomy->name );
// Store terms + counts here
$term_counts = array();
$counted_terms = array();
$maybe_count_parents = array();
// Count those terms!
foreach ( (array) $terms as $term ) {
$term_ids = array();
$counting_term = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT term_id, parent FROM $wpdb->term_taxonomy WHERE term_taxonomy_id = $term AND taxonomy = '$taxonomy->name'");
if ( is_taxonomy_hierarchical( $taxonomy->name ) ) {
// Grab the parents to count later
$parent = $counting_term->parent;
while ( $parent > 0 ) {
$maybe_count_parents[] = $parent;
$parent_term = get_term_by( 'id', $parent, $taxonomy->name );
$parent = $parent_term->parent;
// We need to get the $term's hierarchy so we can count its children too
$term_ids = get_term_children( $counting_term->term_id, $taxonomy->name );
$term_ids[] = absint( $counting_term->term_id );
// Generate term query
$term_query = 'AND term.term_id IN ( ' . implode( ',', $term_ids ) . ' )';
// Get the count
$count = $wpdb->get_var( $count_query . $term_query );
update_woocommerce_term_meta( $counting_term->term_id, 'product_count_' . $taxonomy->name, absint( $count ) );
$counted_terms[] = $counting_term->term_id;
// Re-count parents
if ( is_taxonomy_hierarchical( $taxonomy->name ) ) {
$terms = array_diff( $maybe_count_parents, $counted_terms );
foreach ( (array) $terms as $term ) {
$term_ids = get_term_children( $term, $taxonomy->name );
$term_ids[] = $term;
// Generate term query
$term_query = 'AND term.term_id IN ( ' . implode( ',', $term_ids ) . ' )';
// Get the count
$count = $wpdb->get_var( $count_query . $term_query );
update_woocommerce_term_meta( $term, 'product_count_' . $taxonomy->name, absint( $count ) );
// Standard callback
_update_post_term_count( $terms, $taxonomy );
* woocommerce_change_term_counts function.
* @access public
* @param mixed $terms
* @param mixed $taxonomies
* @param mixed $args
* @return void
function woocommerce_change_term_counts( $terms, $taxonomies, $args ) {
if ( ! in_array( $taxonomies[0], apply_filters( 'woocommerce_change_term_counts', array( 'product_cat', 'product_tag' ) ) ) )
return $terms;
foreach ( $terms as &$term ) {
$count = get_woocommerce_term_meta( $term->term_id, 'product_count_' . $taxonomies[0] , true );
if ( $count != '' )
$term->count = $count;
return $terms;
if ( ! is_admin() && ! is_ajax() )
add_filter( 'get_terms', 'woocommerce_change_term_counts', 10, 3 );

View File

@ -679,7 +679,7 @@ class Woocommerce {
'hierarchical' => true,
'update_count_callback' => '_update_post_term_count',
'update_count_callback' => '_woocommerce_term_recount',
'label' => __( 'Product Categories', 'woocommerce'),
'labels' => array(
'name' => __( 'Product Categories', 'woocommerce'),
@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ class Woocommerce {
'hierarchical' => false,
'update_count_callback' => '_update_post_term_count',
'update_count_callback' => '_woocommerce_term_recount',
'label' => __( 'Product Tags', 'woocommerce'),
'labels' => array(
'name' => __( 'Product Tags', 'woocommerce'),