Remove settings api docs, moving to wiki

This commit is contained in:
Justin Shreve 2016-03-28 12:08:43 -07:00
parent 6bb546e11c
commit 9f7c769c4f
3 changed files with 0 additions and 200 deletions

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# Settings API Proposal
The Settings API is a set of WP-API endpoints that return information about WooCommerce settings. Settings can also be updated with the API.
The API should be capable of handling settings in many different contexts including pages (WooCommerce > Settings), "metaboxes" (product data, coupon data), shipping zones, and be extendable to other contexts in the future.
All settings are registered with PHP filters. Not through the REST API. The REST API is only for retrieving settings and updating them.
## Locations
## Groups
# The below sections are being moved to their own doc files (and may change) as the API gets fleshed out.
## /settings/$identifer
Gets the actual settings to be displayed in a specific area. You can load settings for a specific group, or for a specific metabox.
GET /settings/page:products:general would return settings for Settings > Products > General.
GET /settings/metabox:coupons would return settings for Coupons > Add New Coupon > Coupon Data metabox.
To register settings:
// The filter (page_products_general) should match the identifer for the area we are loading settings for.
apply_filters( 'woocommerce_settings_page_products_general', array(
'label' => __( 'Measurements', 'woocommerce' ),
'type' => 'title',
'id' => 'product_measurement_options'
'label' => __( 'Weight Unit', 'woocommerce' ),
'description' => __( 'This controls what unit you will define weights in.', 'woocommerce' ),
'id' => 'woocommerce_weight_unit',
'default' => 'kg',
'type' => 'select',
'options' => array(
'kg' => __( 'kg', 'woocommerce' ),
'g' => __( 'g', 'woocommerce' ),
'lbs' => __( 'lbs', 'woocommerce' ),
'oz' => __( 'oz', 'woocommerce' ),
) );
Settings response:
"label": "Measurements",
"type": "title",
"id": "product_measurement_options"
"label": "Weight Unit",
"description": "This controls what unit you will define weights in.",
"id": "woocommerce_weight_unit",
"default": "kg",
"type": "select",
"options": {
"kg": "kg",
"g": "g",
"lbs": "lbs",
"oz": "oz"
We should different form input types for 'type', text, textarea, select, radio, checkbox, ...
## GET /settings/$identifer/$setting
Get data for an individual setting.
## PUT /settings/$identifer/$setting
Update a setting by passing a new 'value' in the body. A success response will be returned.
## PUT /settings/$identifer
Update multiple settings at the same time with key => value pairs. A success response will be returned.

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# Groups
## Basic Info
Groups are settings thats are grouped together on setting pages _only_ (type=page). That means setting locations like metaboxes don't have groups.
For example, a location would be the 'Products' page.
The products page would ave the following groups: 'General', 'Display', 'Inventory', and 'Downloadable Products'.
"id": "general",
"label": "General",
"description": ""
There are 3 fields that make up a group:
* _id_: A unique identifier that can be used to link settings together. The identifiers for groups only need to be unique on a specific page, so you can have a 'general' group under 'Products' and a 'general' group under Shipping. Alphanumeric string that contains no spaces. Required.
* _label_: A human readable label. This is a translated string that can be used in the UI. Required.
* _description_: A human readable description. This is a translated string that can be used in the UI. Optional.
Any other fields passed will be stripped out before the JSON response is sent back to the client.
## Registering a group
Groups can be registered with the `woocommerce_settings_groups_{$location_id}` filter:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_settings_groups_products', function( $groups ) {
$groups[] = array(
'id' => 'extra-settings',
'label' => __( 'Extras', 'woocommerce-test-extension' ),
'description' => '',
return $groups;
} );
## Endpoints
There are no separate endpoints for groups. You can access a list of groups for a specific page/location by calling that location's endpoint.
### GET /settings/locations/$id
"id": "test",
"type": "page",
"label": "Test Extension",
"description": "My awesome test settings.",
"groups": [
"id": "general",
"label": "General",
"description": ""

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# Locations
## Basic Info
Settings can be grouped together by location.
A location is just a grouping of settings that all share a common 'location' key.
This is so you can pull all settings meant to be displayed together in a particular area.
In wp-admin there is a "Coupon Data" box on the "Add New Coupon" page.
The coupon data box is considered location and would be represented like so:
"id": "coupon-data",
"type": "metabox",
"label": "Coupon Data",
"description": ""
There are 4 fields that make up all locations:
* _id_: A unique identifier that can be used to link settings together. This shoud be a unique (for the whole system) value. Prefixing with your plugin slug is recommended for non-core changes. Alphanumeric string that contains no spaces. Required.
* _type_: Context for where the settings in this location are going to be displayed. Right now core accepts 'page' for settings pages (pages currently under WooCommerce > Settings), 'metabox' (for metabox grouped settings like Coupon Data - this name is subject to change as this API develops), and 'shipping-zone' for settings associated with shipping zone settings. Alphanumeric string that contains no spaces. Required, defaults to 'page'.
* _label_: A human readable label. This is a translated string that can be used in the UI. Required.
* _description_: A human readable description. This is a translated string that can be used in the UI. Optional.
Any other fields passed will be stripped out before the JSON response is sent back to the client.
Locations with type 'page' can also have an associated set of 'groups' which are sub sections/pages. See [](
Pages will return an array of groups in their response.
## Registering a Location
Locations can be registered with the `woocommerce_settings_locations` filter:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_settings_locations', function( $locations ) {
$locations[] = array(
'id' => 'test-extension',
'type' => 'page',
'label' => __( 'Test Extension', 'woocommerce-test-extension' ),
'description' => __( 'My awesome test settings.', 'woocommerce-test-extension' ),
return $locations;
} );
## Endpoints
### GET /settings/locations
Returns a list of all locations supported by WC.
There is an optional ?type parameter that allows you to return only locations for a specific context (like all page locations).
### GET /settings/locations/$id
Returns information on a single location + any associated groups.