* Split d3chart/utils.js

* Add format comment to breakpoints.js
This commit is contained in:
Albert Juhé Lluveras 2019-01-04 11:21:42 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent 3cd27ed631
commit b91cfd2cc6
18 changed files with 1130 additions and 1076 deletions

View File

@ -15,24 +15,25 @@ import { select as d3Select } from 'd3-selection';
import D3Base from './d3base';
import {
} from './utils';
import {
} from './utils';
} from './utils/scales';
import { drawAxis, getXTicks } from './utils/axis';
import { drawBars } from './utils/bar-chart';
import { drawLines } from './utils/line-chart';
* A simple D3 line and bar chart component for timeseries data in React.

View File

@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
* Internal dependencies
import { getColor, getFormatter } from './utils';
import { getFormatter } from './utils';
import { getColor } from './utils/color';
* A legend specifically designed for the WooCommerce admin charts.

View File

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
/** @format */
// /**
// * /* eslint-disable quote-props
// *
// * @format
// */
export default [
date: '2018-08-01T00:00:00',
'Custom (Aug 1, 2018)': { label: '2018-08-01 00:00', value: 58929.99 },
'Previous Period (Jul 31, 2018)': { label: '2018-07-31 00:00', value: 160130.74000000002 },
date: '2018-08-01T01:00:00',
'Custom (Aug 1, 2018)': { label: '2018-08-01 01:00', value: 3805.56 },
'Previous Period (Jul 31, 2018)': { label: '2018-07-31 01:00', value: 0 },
date: '2018-08-01T02:00:00',
'Custom (Aug 1, 2018)': { label: '2018-08-01 02:00', value: 3805.56 },
'Previous Period (Jul 31, 2018)': { label: '2018-07-31 02:00', value: 0 },

View File

@ -1,847 +0,0 @@
/** @format */
* External dependencies
import { find, findIndex, get } from 'lodash';
import { max as d3Max } from 'd3-array';
import { axisBottom as d3AxisBottom, axisLeft as d3AxisLeft } from 'd3-axis';
import { format as d3Format } from 'd3-format';
import {
scaleBand as d3ScaleBand,
scaleLinear as d3ScaleLinear,
scaleTime as d3ScaleTime,
} from 'd3-scale';
import { event as d3Event, select as d3Select } from 'd3-selection';
import { line as d3Line } from 'd3-shape';
const dayTicksThreshold = 63;
const weekTicksThreshold = 9;
const smallBreak = 783;
const mediumBreak = 1130;
const wideBreak = 1365;
const smallPoints = 7;
const mediumPoints = 12;
const largePoints = 16;
const mostPoints = 31;
* Allows an overriding formatter or defaults to d3Format or d3TimeFormat
* @param {string|function} format - either a format string for the D3 formatters or an overriding fomatting method
* @param {function} formatter - default d3Format or another formatting method, which accepts the string `format`
* @returns {function} to be used to format an input given the format and formatter
export const getFormatter = ( format, formatter = d3Format ) =>
typeof format === 'function' ? format : formatter( format );
* Describes `smallestFactor`
* @param {number} inputNum - any double or integer
* @returns {integer} smallest factor of num
export const getFactors = inputNum => {
const numFactors = [];
for ( let i = 1; i <= Math.floor( Math.sqrt( inputNum ) ); i += 1 ) {
if ( inputNum % i === 0 ) {
numFactors.push( i );
inputNum / i !== i && numFactors.push( inputNum / i );
numFactors.sort( ( x, y ) => x - y ); // numeric sort
return numFactors;
* Describes `getUniqueKeys`
* @param {array} data - The chart component's `data` prop.
* @returns {array} of unique category keys
export const getUniqueKeys = data => {
return [
...new Set(
data.reduce( ( accum, curr ) => {
Object.keys( curr ).forEach( key => key !== 'date' && accum.push( key ) );
return accum;
}, [] )
* Describes `getOrderedKeys`
* @param {array} data - The chart component's `data` prop.
* @param {array} uniqueKeys - from `getUniqueKeys`.
* @returns {array} of unique category keys ordered by cumulative total value
export const getOrderedKeys = ( data, uniqueKeys ) =>
.map( key => ( {
focus: true,
total: data.reduce( ( a, c ) => a + c[ key ].value, 0 ),
visible: true,
} ) )
.sort( ( a, b ) => b.total - a.total );
* Describes `getLineData`
* @param {array} data - The chart component's `data` prop.
* @param {array} orderedKeys - from `getOrderedKeys`.
* @returns {array} an array objects with a category `key` and an array of `values` with `date` and `value` properties
export const getLineData = ( data, orderedKeys ) =>
orderedKeys.map( row => ( {
key: row.key,
focus: row.focus,
visible: row.visible,
values: data.map( d => ( {
date: d.date,
focus: row.focus,
label: get( d, [ row.key, 'label' ], '' ),
value: get( d, [ row.key, 'value' ], 0 ),
visible: row.visible,
} ) ),
} ) );
* Describes `getUniqueDates`
* @param {array} lineData - from `GetLineData`
* @param {function} parseDate - D3 time format parser
* @returns {array} an array of unique date values sorted from earliest to latest
export const getUniqueDates = ( lineData, parseDate ) => {
return [
...new Set(
lineData.reduce( ( accum, { values } ) => {
values.forEach( ( { date } ) => accum.push( date ) );
return accum;
}, [] )
].sort( ( a, b ) => parseDate( a ) - parseDate( b ) );
export const getColor = ( key, params ) => {
const smallColorScales = [
[ 0.5 ],
[ 0.333, 0.667 ],
[ 0.2, 0.5, 0.8 ],
[ 0.12, 0.375, 0.625, 0.88 ],
let keyValue = 0;
const len = params.orderedKeys.length;
const idx = findIndex( params.orderedKeys, d => d.key === key );
if ( len < 5 ) {
keyValue = smallColorScales[ len ][ idx ];
} else {
keyValue = idx / ( params.orderedKeys.length - 1 );
return params.colorScheme( keyValue );
* Describes getXScale
* @param {array} uniqueDates - from `getUniqueDates`
* @param {number} width - calculated width of the charting space
* @returns {function} a D3 scale of the dates
export const getXScale = ( uniqueDates, width ) =>
.domain( uniqueDates )
.rangeRound( [ 0, width ] )
.paddingInner( 0.1 );
* Describes getXGroupScale
* @param {array} orderedKeys - from `getOrderedKeys`
* @param {function} xScale - from `getXScale`
* @returns {function} a D3 scale for each category within the xScale range
export const getXGroupScale = ( orderedKeys, xScale ) =>
.domain( orderedKeys.filter( d => d.visible ).map( d => d.key ) )
.rangeRound( [ 0, xScale.bandwidth() ] )
.padding( 0.07 );
* Describes getXLineScale
* @param {array} uniqueDates - from `getUniqueDates`
* @param {number} width - calculated width of the charting space
* @returns {function} a D3 scaletime for each date
export const getXLineScale = ( uniqueDates, width ) =>
.domain( [ new Date( uniqueDates[ 0 ] ), new Date( uniqueDates[ uniqueDates.length - 1 ] ) ] )
.rangeRound( [ 0, width ] );
* Describes and rounds the maximum y value to the nearest thousand, ten-thousand, million etc. In case it is a decimal number, ceils it.
* @param {array} lineData - from `getLineData`
* @returns {number} the maximum value in the timeseries multiplied by 4/3
export const getYMax = lineData => {
const yMax = 4 / 3 * d3Max( lineData, d => d3Max( d.values.map( date => date.value ) ) );
const pow3Y = Math.pow( 10, ( ( Math.log( yMax ) * Math.LOG10E + 1 ) | 0 ) - 2 ) * 3;
return Math.ceil( Math.ceil( yMax / pow3Y ) * pow3Y );
* Describes getYScale
* @param {number} height - calculated height of the charting space
* @param {number} yMax - from `getYMax`
* @returns {function} the D3 linear scale from 0 to the value from `getYMax`
export const getYScale = ( height, yMax ) =>
.domain( [ 0, yMax ] )
.rangeRound( [ height, 0 ] );
* Describes getyTickOffset
* @param {number} height - calculated height of the charting space
* @param {number} yMax - from `getYMax`
* @returns {function} the D3 linear scale from 0 to the value from `getYMax`, offset by 12 pixels down
export const getYTickOffset = ( height, yMax ) =>
.domain( [ 0, yMax ] )
.rangeRound( [ height + 12, 12 ] );
* Describes getyTickOffset
* @param {function} xLineScale - from `getXLineScale`.
* @param {function} yScale - from `getYScale`.
* @returns {function} the D3 line function for plotting all category values
export const getLine = ( xLineScale, yScale ) =>
.x( d => xLineScale( new Date( d.date ) ) )
.y( d => yScale( d.value ) );
* Calculate the maximum number of ticks allowed in the x-axis based on the width and mode of the chart
* @param {integer} width - calculated page width
* @param {string} mode - item-comparison or time-comparison
* @returns {integer} number of x-axis ticks based on width and chart mode
export const calculateMaxXTicks = ( width, mode ) => {
if ( width < smallBreak ) {
return smallPoints;
} else if ( width >= smallBreak && width <= mediumBreak ) {
return mediumPoints;
} else if ( width > mediumBreak && width <= wideBreak ) {
if ( mode === 'time-comparison' ) {
return largePoints;
} else if ( mode === 'item-comparison' ) {
return mediumPoints;
} else if ( width > wideBreak ) {
if ( mode === 'time-comparison' ) {
return mostPoints;
} else if ( mode === 'item-comparison' ) {
return largePoints;
return largePoints;
* Filter out irrelevant dates so only the first date of each month is kept.
* @param {array} dates - string dates.
* @returns {array} Filtered dates.
export const getFirstDatePerMonth = dates => {
return dates.filter(
( date, i ) => i === 0 || new Date( date ).getMonth() !== new Date( dates[ i - 1 ] ).getMonth()
* Get x-axis ticks given the unique dates and the increment factor.
* @param {array} uniqueDates - all the unique dates from the input data for the chart
* @param {integer} incrementFactor - increment factor for the visible ticks.
* @returns {array} Ticks for the x-axis.
export const getXTicksFromIncrementFactor = ( uniqueDates, incrementFactor ) => {
const ticks = [];
for ( let idx = 0; idx < uniqueDates.length; idx = idx + incrementFactor ) {
ticks.push( uniqueDates[ idx ] );
// If the first date is missing from the ticks array, add it back in.
if ( ticks[ 0 ] !== uniqueDates[ 0 ] ) {
ticks.unshift( uniqueDates[ 0 ] );
return ticks;
* Calculates the increment factor between ticks so there aren't more than maxTicks.
* @param {array} uniqueDates - all the unique dates from the input data for the chart
* @param {integer} maxTicks - maximum number of ticks that can be displayed in the x-axis
* @returns {integer} x-axis ticks increment factor
export const calculateXTicksIncrementFactor = ( uniqueDates, maxTicks ) => {
let factors = [];
let i = 1;
// First we get all the factors of the length of the uniqueDates array
// if the number is a prime number or near prime (with 3 factors) then we
// step down by 1 integer and try again.
while ( factors.length <= 3 ) {
factors = getFactors( uniqueDates.length - i );
i += 1;
return factors.find( f => uniqueDates.length / f < maxTicks );
* Given an array of dates, returns true if the first and last one belong to the same day.
* @param {array} dates - an array of dates
* @returns {boolean} whether the first and last date are different hours from the same date.
const areDatesInTheSameDay = dates => {
const firstDate = new Date( dates [ 0 ] );
const lastDate = new Date( dates [ dates.length - 1 ] );
return (
firstDate.getDate() === lastDate.getDate() &&
firstDate.getMonth() === lastDate.getMonth() &&
firstDate.getFullYear() === lastDate.getFullYear()
* Returns ticks for the x-axis.
* @param {array} uniqueDates - all the unique dates from the input data for the chart
* @param {integer} width - calculated page width
* @param {string} mode - item-comparison or time-comparison
* @param {string} interval - string of the interval used in the graph (hour, day, week...)
* @returns {integer} number of x-axis ticks based on width and chart mode
export const getXTicks = ( uniqueDates, width, mode, interval ) => {
const maxTicks = calculateMaxXTicks( width, mode );
if (
( uniqueDates.length >= dayTicksThreshold && interval === 'day' ) ||
( uniqueDates.length >= weekTicksThreshold && interval === 'week' )
) {
uniqueDates = getFirstDatePerMonth( uniqueDates );
if ( uniqueDates.length <= maxTicks ||
( interval === 'hour' && areDatesInTheSameDay( uniqueDates ) && width > smallBreak ) ) {
return uniqueDates;
const incrementFactor = calculateXTicksIncrementFactor( uniqueDates, maxTicks );
return getXTicksFromIncrementFactor( uniqueDates, incrementFactor );
* Describes getDateSpaces
* @param {array} data - The chart component's `data` prop.
* @param {array} uniqueDates - from `getUniqueDates`
* @param {number} width - calculated width of the charting space
* @param {function} xLineScale - from `getXLineScale`
* @returns {array} that icnludes the date, start (x position) and width to mode the mouseover rectangles
export const getDateSpaces = ( data, uniqueDates, width, xLineScale ) =>
uniqueDates.map( ( d, i ) => {
const datapoints = find( data, { date: d } );
const xNow = xLineScale( new Date( d ) );
const xPrev =
i >= 1
? xLineScale( new Date( uniqueDates[ i - 1 ] ) )
: xLineScale( new Date( uniqueDates[ 0 ] ) );
const xNext =
i < uniqueDates.length - 1
? xLineScale( new Date( uniqueDates[ i + 1 ] ) )
: xLineScale( new Date( uniqueDates[ uniqueDates.length - 1 ] ) );
let xWidth = i === 0 ? xNext - xNow : xNow - xPrev;
const xStart = i === 0 ? 0 : xNow - xWidth / 2;
xWidth = i === 0 || i === uniqueDates.length - 1 ? xWidth / 2 : xWidth;
return {
date: d,
start: uniqueDates.length > 1 ? xStart : 0,
width: uniqueDates.length > 1 ? xWidth : width,
values: Object.keys( datapoints )
.filter( key => key !== 'date' )
.map( key => {
return {
value: datapoints[ key ].value,
date: d,
} ),
} );
* Compares 2 strings and returns a list of words that are unique from s2
* @param {string} s1 - base string to compare against
* @param {string} s2 - string to compare against the base string
* @param {string|Object} splitChar - character or RegExp to use to deliminate words
* @returns {array} of unique words that appear in s2 but not in s1, the base string
export const compareStrings = ( s1, s2, splitChar = new RegExp( [ ' |,' ], 'g' ) ) => {
const string1 = s1.split( splitChar );
const string2 = s2.split( splitChar );
const diff = new Array();
const long = s1.length > s2.length ? string1 : string2;
for ( let x = 0; x < long.length; x++ ) {
string1[ x ] !== string2[ x ] && diff.push( string2[ x ] );
return diff;
export const drawAxis = ( node, params ) => {
const xScale = params.type === 'line' ? params.xLineScale : params.xScale;
const removeDuplicateDates = ( d, i, ticks, formatter ) => {
const monthDate = d instanceof Date ? d : new Date( d );
let prevMonth = i !== 0 ? ticks[ i - 1 ] : ticks[ i ];
prevMonth = prevMonth instanceof Date ? prevMonth : new Date( prevMonth );
return i === 0
? formatter( monthDate )
: compareStrings( formatter( prevMonth ), formatter( monthDate ) ).join( ' ' );
const yGrids = [];
for ( let i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
if ( params.yMax > 1 ) {
const roundedValue = Math.round( i / 3 * params.yMax );
if ( yGrids[ yGrids.length - 1 ] !== roundedValue ) {
yGrids.push( roundedValue );
} else {
yGrids.push( i / 3 * params.yMax );
const ticks = params.xTicks.map( d => ( params.type === 'line' ? new Date( d ) : d ) );
.append( 'g' )
.attr( 'class', 'axis' )
.attr( 'aria-hidden', 'true' )
.attr( 'transform', `translate(0, ${ params.height })` )
d3AxisBottom( xScale )
.tickValues( ticks )
.tickFormat( ( d, i ) => params.interval === 'hour'
? params.xFormat( d )
: removeDuplicateDates( d, i, ticks, params.xFormat ) )
.append( 'g' )
.attr( 'class', 'axis axis-month' )
.attr( 'aria-hidden', 'true' )
.attr( 'transform', `translate(0, ${ params.height + 20 })` )
d3AxisBottom( xScale )
.tickValues( ticks )
.tickFormat( ( d, i ) => removeDuplicateDates( d, i, ticks, params.x2Format ) )
.call( g => g.select( '.domain' ).remove() );
.append( 'g' )
.attr( 'class', 'pipes' )
.attr( 'transform', `translate(0, ${ params.height })` )
d3AxisBottom( xScale )
.tickValues( ticks )
.tickSize( 5 )
.tickFormat( '' )
.append( 'g' )
.attr( 'class', 'grid' )
.attr( 'transform', `translate(-${ params.margin.left },0)` )
d3AxisLeft( params.yScale )
.tickValues( yGrids )
.tickSize( -params.width - params.margin.left - params.margin.right )
.tickFormat( '' )
.call( g => g.select( '.domain' ).remove() );
.append( 'g' )
.attr( 'class', 'axis y-axis' )
.attr( 'aria-hidden', 'true' )
.attr( 'transform', 'translate(-50, 0)' )
.attr( 'text-anchor', 'start' )
d3AxisLeft( params.yTickOffset )
.tickValues( yGrids )
.tickFormat( d => params.yFormat( d !== 0 ? d : 0 ) )
node.selectAll( '.domain' ).remove();
.selectAll( '.axis' )
.selectAll( '.tick' )
.select( 'line' )
const getTooltipRowLabel = ( d, row, params ) => {
if ( d[ row.key ].labelDate ) {
return params.tooltipLabelFormat(
d[ row.key ].labelDate instanceof Date
? d[ row.key ].labelDate
: new Date( d[ row.key ].labelDate )
return row.key;
const showTooltip = ( params, d, position ) => {
const keys = params.orderedKeys.filter( row => row.visible ).map(
row => `
<li class="key-row">
<div class="key-container">
<span class="key-color" style="background-color:${ getColor( row.key, params ) }"></span>
<span class="key-key">${ getTooltipRowLabel( d, row, params ) }</span>
<span class="key-value">${ params.tooltipValueFormat( d[ row.key ].value ) }</span>
const tooltipTitle = params.tooltipTitle
? params.tooltipTitle
: params.tooltipLabelFormat( d.date instanceof Date ? d.date : new Date( d.date ) );
.style( 'left', position.x + 'px' )
.style( 'top', position.y + 'px' )
.style( 'visibility', 'visible' ).html( `
<h4>${ tooltipTitle }</h4>
${ keys.join( '' ) }
` );
const handleMouseOverBarChart = ( date, parentNode, node, data, params, position ) => {
d3Select( parentNode )
.select( '.barfocus' )
.attr( 'opacity', '0.1' );
showTooltip( params, data.find( e => e.date === date ), position );
const handleMouseOutBarChart = ( parentNode, params ) => {
d3Select( parentNode )
.select( '.barfocus' )
.attr( 'opacity', '0' );
params.tooltip.style( 'visibility', 'hidden' );
const handleMouseOverLineChart = ( date, parentNode, node, data, params, position ) => {
d3Select( parentNode )
.select( '.focus-grid' )
.attr( 'opacity', '1' );
showTooltip( params, data.find( e => e.date === date ), position );
const handleMouseOutLineChart = ( parentNode, params ) => {
d3Select( parentNode )
.select( '.focus-grid' )
.attr( 'opacity', '0' );
params.tooltip.style( 'visibility', 'hidden' );
const calculateTooltipXPosition = (
) => {
const xPosition =
elementCoords.left + elementCoords.width * elementWidthRatio + tooltipMargin - chartCoords.left;
if ( tooltipPosition === 'below' ) {
return Math.max(
xPosition - tooltipSize.width / 2,
chartCoords.width - tooltipSize.width - tooltipMargin
if ( xPosition + tooltipSize.width + tooltipMargin > chartCoords.width ) {
return Math.max(
elementCoords.left +
elementCoords.width * ( 1 - elementWidthRatio ) -
tooltipSize.width -
tooltipMargin -
return xPosition;
const calculateTooltipYPosition = (
) => {
if ( tooltipPosition === 'below' ) {
return chartCoords.height;
const yPosition = elementCoords.top + tooltipMargin - chartCoords.top;
if ( yPosition + tooltipSize.height + tooltipMargin > chartCoords.height ) {
return Math.max( 0, elementCoords.top - tooltipSize.height - tooltipMargin - chartCoords.top );
return yPosition;
const calculateTooltipPosition = ( element, chart, tooltipPosition, elementWidthRatio = 1 ) => {
const elementCoords = element.getBoundingClientRect();
const chartCoords = chart.getBoundingClientRect();
const tooltipSize = d3Select( '.d3-chart__tooltip' )
const tooltipMargin = 24;
if ( tooltipPosition === 'below' ) {
elementWidthRatio = 0;
return {
x: calculateTooltipXPosition(
y: calculateTooltipYPosition(
export const drawLines = ( node, data, params ) => {
const series = node
.append( 'g' )
.attr( 'class', 'lines' )
.selectAll( '.line-g' )
.data( params.lineData.filter( d => d.visible ).reverse() )
.append( 'g' )
.attr( 'class', 'line-g' )
.attr( 'role', 'region' )
.attr( 'aria-label', d => d.key );
let lineStroke = params.width <= wideBreak || params.uniqueDates.length > 50 ? 2 : 3;
lineStroke = params.width <= smallBreak ? 1.25 : lineStroke;
const dotRadius = params.width <= wideBreak ? 4 : 6;
.append( 'path' )
.attr( 'fill', 'none' )
.attr( 'stroke-width', lineStroke )
.attr( 'stroke-linejoin', 'round' )
.attr( 'stroke-linecap', 'round' )
.attr( 'stroke', d => getColor( d.key, params ) )
.style( 'opacity', d => {
const opacity = d.focus ? 1 : 0.1;
return d.visible ? opacity : 0;
} )
.attr( 'd', d => params.line( d.values ) );
const minDataPointSpacing = 36;
params.width / params.uniqueDates.length > minDataPointSpacing &&
.selectAll( 'circle' )
.data( ( d, i ) => d.values.map( row => ( { ...row, i, visible: d.visible, key: d.key } ) ) )
.append( 'circle' )
.attr( 'r', dotRadius )
.attr( 'fill', d => getColor( d.key, params ) )
.attr( 'stroke', '#fff' )
.attr( 'stroke-width', lineStroke + 1 )
.style( 'opacity', d => {
const opacity = d.focus ? 1 : 0.1;
return d.visible ? opacity : 0;
} )
.attr( 'cx', d => params.xLineScale( new Date( d.date ) ) )
.attr( 'cy', d => params.yScale( d.value ) )
.attr( 'tabindex', '0' )
.attr( 'aria-label', d => {
const label = d.label
? d.label
: params.tooltipLabelFormat( d.date instanceof Date ? d.date : new Date( d.date ) );
return `${ label } ${ params.tooltipValueFormat( d.value ) }`;
} )
.on( 'focus', ( d, i, nodes ) => {
const position = calculateTooltipPosition(
handleMouseOverLineChart( d.date, nodes[ i ].parentNode, node, data, params, position );
} )
.on( 'blur', ( d, i, nodes ) => handleMouseOutLineChart( nodes[ i ].parentNode, params ) );
const focus = node
.append( 'g' )
.attr( 'class', 'focusspaces' )
.selectAll( '.focus' )
.data( params.dateSpaces )
.append( 'g' )
.attr( 'class', 'focus' );
const focusGrid = focus
.append( 'g' )
.attr( 'class', 'focus-grid' )
.attr( 'opacity', '0' );
.append( 'line' )
.attr( 'x1', d => params.xLineScale( new Date( d.date ) ) )
.attr( 'y1', 0 )
.attr( 'x2', d => params.xLineScale( new Date( d.date ) ) )
.attr( 'y2', params.height );
.selectAll( 'circle' )
.data( d => d.values.reverse() )
.append( 'circle' )
.attr( 'r', dotRadius + 2 )
.attr( 'fill', d => getColor( d.key, params ) )
.attr( 'stroke', '#fff' )
.attr( 'stroke-width', lineStroke + 2 )
.attr( 'cx', d => params.xLineScale( new Date( d.date ) ) )
.attr( 'cy', d => params.yScale( d.value ) );
.append( 'rect' )
.attr( 'class', 'focus-g' )
.attr( 'x', d => d.start )
.attr( 'y', 0 )
.attr( 'width', d => d.width )
.attr( 'height', params.height )
.attr( 'opacity', 0 )
.on( 'mouseover', ( d, i, nodes ) => {
const elementWidthRatio = i === 0 || i === params.dateSpaces.length - 1 ? 0 : 0.5;
const position = calculateTooltipPosition(
handleMouseOverLineChart( d.date, nodes[ i ].parentNode, node, data, params, position );
} )
.on( 'mouseout', ( d, i, nodes ) => handleMouseOutLineChart( nodes[ i ].parentNode, params ) );
export const drawBars = ( node, data, params ) => {
const barGroup = node
.append( 'g' )
.attr( 'class', 'bars' )
.selectAll( 'g' )
.data( data )
.append( 'g' )
.attr( 'transform', d => `translate(${ params.xScale( d.date ) },0)` )
.attr( 'class', 'bargroup' )
.attr( 'role', 'region' )
d =>
params.mode === 'item-comparison'
? params.tooltipLabelFormat( d.date instanceof Date ? d.date : new Date( d.date ) )
: null
.append( 'rect' )
.attr( 'class', 'barfocus' )
.attr( 'x', 0 )
.attr( 'y', 0 )
.attr( 'width', params.xGroupScale.range()[ 1 ] )
.attr( 'height', params.height )
.attr( 'opacity', '0' );
.selectAll( '.bar' )
.data( d =>
params.orderedKeys.filter( row => row.visible ).map( row => ( {
key: row.key,
focus: row.focus,
value: get( d, [ row.key, 'value' ], 0 ),
label: get( d, [ row.key, 'label' ], '' ),
visible: row.visible,
date: d.date,
} ) )
.append( 'rect' )
.attr( 'class', 'bar' )
.attr( 'x', d => params.xGroupScale( d.key ) )
.attr( 'y', d => params.yScale( d.value ) )
.attr( 'width', params.xGroupScale.bandwidth() )
.attr( 'height', d => params.height - params.yScale( d.value ) )
.attr( 'fill', d => getColor( d.key, params ) )
.attr( 'tabindex', '0' )
.attr( 'aria-label', d => {
const label = params.mode === 'time-comparison' && d.label ? d.label : d.key;
return `${ label } ${ params.tooltipValueFormat( d.value ) }`;
} )
.style( 'opacity', d => {
const opacity = d.focus ? 1 : 0.1;
return d.visible ? opacity : 0;
} )
.on( 'focus', ( d, i, nodes ) => {
const targetNode = d.value > 0 ? d3Event.target : d3Event.target.parentNode;
const position = calculateTooltipPosition( targetNode, node.node(), params.tooltipPosition );
handleMouseOverBarChart( d.date, nodes[ i ].parentNode, node, data, params, position );
} )
.on( 'blur', ( d, i, nodes ) => handleMouseOutBarChart( nodes[ i ].parentNode, params ) );
.append( 'rect' )
.attr( 'class', 'barmouse' )
.attr( 'x', 0 )
.attr( 'y', 0 )
.attr( 'width', params.xGroupScale.range()[ 1 ] )
.attr( 'height', params.height )
.attr( 'opacity', '0' )
.on( 'mouseover', ( d, i, nodes ) => {
const position = calculateTooltipPosition(
handleMouseOverBarChart( d.date, nodes[ i ].parentNode, node, data, params, position );
} )
.on( 'mouseout', ( d, i, nodes ) => handleMouseOutBarChart( nodes[ i ].parentNode, params ) );

View File

@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
/** @format */
* External dependencies
import { axisBottom as d3AxisBottom, axisLeft as d3AxisLeft } from 'd3-axis';
import { smallBreak, wideBreak } from './breakpoints';
const dayTicksThreshold = 63;
const weekTicksThreshold = 9;
const mediumBreak = 1130;
const smallPoints = 7;
const mediumPoints = 12;
const largePoints = 16;
const mostPoints = 31;
* Describes `smallestFactor`
* @param {number} inputNum - any double or integer
* @returns {integer} smallest factor of num
const getFactors = inputNum => {
const numFactors = [];
for ( let i = 1; i <= Math.floor( Math.sqrt( inputNum ) ); i += 1 ) {
if ( inputNum % i === 0 ) {
numFactors.push( i );
inputNum / i !== i && numFactors.push( inputNum / i );
numFactors.sort( ( x, y ) => x - y ); // numeric sort
return numFactors;
* Calculate the maximum number of ticks allowed in the x-axis based on the width and mode of the chart
* @param {integer} width - calculated page width
* @param {string} mode - item-comparison or time-comparison
* @returns {integer} number of x-axis ticks based on width and chart mode
const calculateMaxXTicks = ( width, mode ) => {
if ( width < smallBreak ) {
return smallPoints;
} else if ( width >= smallBreak && width <= mediumBreak ) {
return mediumPoints;
} else if ( width > mediumBreak && width <= wideBreak ) {
if ( mode === 'time-comparison' ) {
return largePoints;
} else if ( mode === 'item-comparison' ) {
return mediumPoints;
} else if ( width > wideBreak ) {
if ( mode === 'time-comparison' ) {
return mostPoints;
} else if ( mode === 'item-comparison' ) {
return largePoints;
return largePoints;
* Get x-axis ticks given the unique dates and the increment factor.
* @param {array} uniqueDates - all the unique dates from the input data for the chart
* @param {integer} incrementFactor - increment factor for the visible ticks.
* @returns {array} Ticks for the x-axis.
const getXTicksFromIncrementFactor = ( uniqueDates, incrementFactor ) => {
const ticks = [];
for ( let idx = 0; idx < uniqueDates.length; idx = idx + incrementFactor ) {
ticks.push( uniqueDates[ idx ] );
// If the first date is missing from the ticks array, add it back in.
if ( ticks[ 0 ] !== uniqueDates[ 0 ] ) {
ticks.unshift( uniqueDates[ 0 ] );
return ticks;
* Calculates the increment factor between ticks so there aren't more than maxTicks.
* @param {array} uniqueDates - all the unique dates from the input data for the chart
* @param {integer} maxTicks - maximum number of ticks that can be displayed in the x-axis
* @returns {integer} x-axis ticks increment factor
const calculateXTicksIncrementFactor = ( uniqueDates, maxTicks ) => {
let factors = [];
let i = 1;
// First we get all the factors of the length of the uniqueDates array
// if the number is a prime number or near prime (with 3 factors) then we
// step down by 1 integer and try again.
while ( factors.length <= 3 ) {
factors = getFactors( uniqueDates.length - i );
i += 1;
return factors.find( f => uniqueDates.length / f < maxTicks );
* Given an array of dates, returns true if the first and last one belong to the same day.
* @param {array} dates - an array of dates
* @returns {boolean} whether the first and last date are different hours from the same date.
const areDatesInTheSameDay = dates => {
const firstDate = new Date( dates [ 0 ] );
const lastDate = new Date( dates [ dates.length - 1 ] );
return (
firstDate.getDate() === lastDate.getDate() &&
firstDate.getMonth() === lastDate.getMonth() &&
firstDate.getFullYear() === lastDate.getFullYear()
* Filter out irrelevant dates so only the first date of each month is kept.
* @param {array} dates - string dates.
* @returns {array} Filtered dates.
const getFirstDatePerMonth = dates => {
return dates.filter(
( date, i ) => i === 0 || new Date( date ).getMonth() !== new Date( dates[ i - 1 ] ).getMonth()
* Returns ticks for the x-axis.
* @param {array} uniqueDates - all the unique dates from the input data for the chart
* @param {integer} width - calculated page width
* @param {string} mode - item-comparison or time-comparison
* @param {string} interval - string of the interval used in the graph (hour, day, week...)
* @returns {integer} number of x-axis ticks based on width and chart mode
export const getXTicks = ( uniqueDates, width, mode, interval ) => {
const maxTicks = calculateMaxXTicks( width, mode );
if (
( uniqueDates.length >= dayTicksThreshold && interval === 'day' ) ||
( uniqueDates.length >= weekTicksThreshold && interval === 'week' )
) {
uniqueDates = getFirstDatePerMonth( uniqueDates );
if ( uniqueDates.length <= maxTicks ||
( interval === 'hour' && areDatesInTheSameDay( uniqueDates ) && width > smallBreak ) ) {
return uniqueDates;
const incrementFactor = calculateXTicksIncrementFactor( uniqueDates, maxTicks );
return getXTicksFromIncrementFactor( uniqueDates, incrementFactor );
* Compares 2 strings and returns a list of words that are unique from s2
* @param {string} s1 - base string to compare against
* @param {string} s2 - string to compare against the base string
* @param {string|Object} splitChar - character or RegExp to use to deliminate words
* @returns {array} of unique words that appear in s2 but not in s1, the base string
export const compareStrings = ( s1, s2, splitChar = new RegExp( [ ' |,' ], 'g' ) ) => {
const string1 = s1.split( splitChar );
const string2 = s2.split( splitChar );
const diff = new Array();
const long = s1.length > s2.length ? string1 : string2;
for ( let x = 0; x < long.length; x++ ) {
string1[ x ] !== string2[ x ] && diff.push( string2[ x ] );
return diff;
export const drawAxis = ( node, params ) => {
const xScale = params.type === 'line' ? params.xLineScale : params.xScale;
const removeDuplicateDates = ( d, i, ticks, formatter ) => {
const monthDate = d instanceof Date ? d : new Date( d );
let prevMonth = i !== 0 ? ticks[ i - 1 ] : ticks[ i ];
prevMonth = prevMonth instanceof Date ? prevMonth : new Date( prevMonth );
return i === 0
? formatter( monthDate )
: compareStrings( formatter( prevMonth ), formatter( monthDate ) ).join( ' ' );
const yGrids = [];
for ( let i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
if ( params.yMax > 1 ) {
const roundedValue = Math.round( i / 3 * params.yMax );
if ( yGrids[ yGrids.length - 1 ] !== roundedValue ) {
yGrids.push( roundedValue );
} else {
yGrids.push( i / 3 * params.yMax );
const ticks = params.xTicks.map( d => ( params.type === 'line' ? new Date( d ) : d ) );
.append( 'g' )
.attr( 'class', 'axis' )
.attr( 'aria-hidden', 'true' )
.attr( 'transform', `translate(0, ${ params.height })` )
d3AxisBottom( xScale )
.tickValues( ticks )
.tickFormat( ( d, i ) => params.interval === 'hour'
? params.xFormat( d )
: removeDuplicateDates( d, i, ticks, params.xFormat ) )
.append( 'g' )
.attr( 'class', 'axis axis-month' )
.attr( 'aria-hidden', 'true' )
.attr( 'transform', `translate(0, ${ params.height + 20 })` )
d3AxisBottom( xScale )
.tickValues( ticks )
.tickFormat( ( d, i ) => removeDuplicateDates( d, i, ticks, params.x2Format ) )
.call( g => g.select( '.domain' ).remove() );
.append( 'g' )
.attr( 'class', 'pipes' )
.attr( 'transform', `translate(0, ${ params.height })` )
d3AxisBottom( xScale )
.tickValues( ticks )
.tickSize( 5 )
.tickFormat( '' )
.append( 'g' )
.attr( 'class', 'grid' )
.attr( 'transform', `translate(-${ params.margin.left },0)` )
d3AxisLeft( params.yScale )
.tickValues( yGrids )
.tickSize( -params.width - params.margin.left - params.margin.right )
.tickFormat( '' )
.call( g => g.select( '.domain' ).remove() );
.append( 'g' )
.attr( 'class', 'axis y-axis' )
.attr( 'aria-hidden', 'true' )
.attr( 'transform', 'translate(-50, 0)' )
.attr( 'text-anchor', 'start' )
d3AxisLeft( params.yTickOffset )
.tickValues( yGrids )
.tickFormat( d => params.yFormat( d !== 0 ? d : 0 ) )
node.selectAll( '.domain' ).remove();
.selectAll( '.axis' )
.selectAll( '.tick' )
.select( 'line' )

View File

@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
/** @format */
* External dependencies
import { get } from 'lodash';
import { event as d3Event, select as d3Select } from 'd3-selection';
* Internal dependencies
import { getColor } from './color';
import { calculateTooltipPosition, showTooltip } from './tooltip';
const handleMouseOverBarChart = ( date, parentNode, node, data, params, position ) => {
d3Select( parentNode )
.select( '.barfocus' )
.attr( 'opacity', '0.1' );
showTooltip( params, data.find( e => e.date === date ), position );
const handleMouseOutBarChart = ( parentNode, params ) => {
d3Select( parentNode )
.select( '.barfocus' )
.attr( 'opacity', '0' );
params.tooltip.style( 'visibility', 'hidden' );
export const drawBars = ( node, data, params ) => {
const barGroup = node
.append( 'g' )
.attr( 'class', 'bars' )
.selectAll( 'g' )
.data( data )
.append( 'g' )
.attr( 'transform', d => `translate(${ params.xScale( d.date ) },0)` )
.attr( 'class', 'bargroup' )
.attr( 'role', 'region' )
d =>
params.mode === 'item-comparison'
? params.tooltipLabelFormat( d.date instanceof Date ? d.date : new Date( d.date ) )
: null
.append( 'rect' )
.attr( 'class', 'barfocus' )
.attr( 'x', 0 )
.attr( 'y', 0 )
.attr( 'width', params.xGroupScale.range()[ 1 ] )
.attr( 'height', params.height )
.attr( 'opacity', '0' );
.selectAll( '.bar' )
.data( d =>
params.orderedKeys.filter( row => row.visible ).map( row => ( {
key: row.key,
focus: row.focus,
value: get( d, [ row.key, 'value' ], 0 ),
label: get( d, [ row.key, 'label' ], '' ),
visible: row.visible,
date: d.date,
} ) )
.append( 'rect' )
.attr( 'class', 'bar' )
.attr( 'x', d => params.xGroupScale( d.key ) )
.attr( 'y', d => params.yScale( d.value ) )
.attr( 'width', params.xGroupScale.bandwidth() )
.attr( 'height', d => params.height - params.yScale( d.value ) )
.attr( 'fill', d => getColor( d.key, params ) )
.attr( 'tabindex', '0' )
.attr( 'aria-label', d => {
const label = params.mode === 'time-comparison' && d.label ? d.label : d.key;
return `${ label } ${ params.tooltipValueFormat( d.value ) }`;
} )
.style( 'opacity', d => {
const opacity = d.focus ? 1 : 0.1;
return d.visible ? opacity : 0;
} )
.on( 'focus', ( d, i, nodes ) => {
const targetNode = d.value > 0 ? d3Event.target : d3Event.target.parentNode;
const position = calculateTooltipPosition( targetNode, node.node(), params.tooltipPosition );
handleMouseOverBarChart( d.date, nodes[ i ].parentNode, node, data, params, position );
} )
.on( 'blur', ( d, i, nodes ) => handleMouseOutBarChart( nodes[ i ].parentNode, params ) );
.append( 'rect' )
.attr( 'class', 'barmouse' )
.attr( 'x', 0 )
.attr( 'y', 0 )
.attr( 'width', params.xGroupScale.range()[ 1 ] )
.attr( 'height', params.height )
.attr( 'opacity', '0' )
.on( 'mouseover', ( d, i, nodes ) => {
const position = calculateTooltipPosition(
handleMouseOverBarChart( d.date, nodes[ i ].parentNode, node, data, params, position );
} )
.on( 'mouseout', ( d, i, nodes ) => handleMouseOutBarChart( nodes[ i ].parentNode, params ) );

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
/** @format */
export const smallBreak = 783;
export const wideBreak = 1365;

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
/** @format */
* External dependencies
import { findIndex } from 'lodash';
export const getColor = ( key, params ) => {
const smallColorScales = [
[ 0.5 ],
[ 0.333, 0.667 ],
[ 0.2, 0.5, 0.8 ],
[ 0.12, 0.375, 0.625, 0.88 ],
let keyValue = 0;
const len = params.orderedKeys.length;
const idx = findIndex( params.orderedKeys, d => d.key === key );
if ( len < 5 ) {
keyValue = smallColorScales[ len ][ idx ];
} else {
keyValue = idx / ( params.orderedKeys.length - 1 );
return params.colorScheme( keyValue );

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@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
/** @format */
* External dependencies
import { find, get } from 'lodash';
import { format as d3Format } from 'd3-format';
import { line as d3Line } from 'd3-shape';
* Allows an overriding formatter or defaults to d3Format or d3TimeFormat
* @param {string|function} format - either a format string for the D3 formatters or an overriding fomatting method
* @param {function} formatter - default d3Format or another formatting method, which accepts the string `format`
* @returns {function} to be used to format an input given the format and formatter
export const getFormatter = ( format, formatter = d3Format ) =>
typeof format === 'function' ? format : formatter( format );
* Describes `getUniqueKeys`
* @param {array} data - The chart component's `data` prop.
* @returns {array} of unique category keys
export const getUniqueKeys = data => {
return [
...new Set(
data.reduce( ( accum, curr ) => {
Object.keys( curr ).forEach( key => key !== 'date' && accum.push( key ) );
return accum;
}, [] )
* Describes `getOrderedKeys`
* @param {array} data - The chart component's `data` prop.
* @param {array} uniqueKeys - from `getUniqueKeys`.
* @returns {array} of unique category keys ordered by cumulative total value
export const getOrderedKeys = ( data, uniqueKeys ) =>
.map( key => ( {
focus: true,
total: data.reduce( ( a, c ) => a + c[ key ].value, 0 ),
visible: true,
} ) )
.sort( ( a, b ) => b.total - a.total );
* Describes `getLineData`
* @param {array} data - The chart component's `data` prop.
* @param {array} orderedKeys - from `getOrderedKeys`.
* @returns {array} an array objects with a category `key` and an array of `values` with `date` and `value` properties
export const getLineData = ( data, orderedKeys ) =>
orderedKeys.map( row => ( {
key: row.key,
focus: row.focus,
visible: row.visible,
values: data.map( d => ( {
date: d.date,
focus: row.focus,
label: get( d, [ row.key, 'label' ], '' ),
value: get( d, [ row.key, 'value' ], 0 ),
visible: row.visible,
} ) ),
} ) );
* Describes `getUniqueDates`
* @param {array} lineData - from `GetLineData`
* @param {function} parseDate - D3 time format parser
* @returns {array} an array of unique date values sorted from earliest to latest
export const getUniqueDates = ( lineData, parseDate ) => {
return [
...new Set(
lineData.reduce( ( accum, { values } ) => {
values.forEach( ( { date } ) => accum.push( date ) );
return accum;
}, [] )
].sort( ( a, b ) => parseDate( a ) - parseDate( b ) );
* Describes getLine
* @param {function} xLineScale - from `getXLineScale`.
* @param {function} yScale - from `getYScale`.
* @returns {function} the D3 line function for plotting all category values
export const getLine = ( xLineScale, yScale ) =>
.x( d => xLineScale( new Date( d.date ) ) )
.y( d => yScale( d.value ) );
* Describes getDateSpaces
* @param {array} data - The chart component's `data` prop.
* @param {array} uniqueDates - from `getUniqueDates`
* @param {number} width - calculated width of the charting space
* @param {function} xLineScale - from `getXLineScale`
* @returns {array} that icnludes the date, start (x position) and width to mode the mouseover rectangles
export const getDateSpaces = ( data, uniqueDates, width, xLineScale ) =>
uniqueDates.map( ( d, i ) => {
const datapoints = find( data, { date: d } );
const xNow = xLineScale( new Date( d ) );
const xPrev =
i >= 1
? xLineScale( new Date( uniqueDates[ i - 1 ] ) )
: xLineScale( new Date( uniqueDates[ 0 ] ) );
const xNext =
i < uniqueDates.length - 1
? xLineScale( new Date( uniqueDates[ i + 1 ] ) )
: xLineScale( new Date( uniqueDates[ uniqueDates.length - 1 ] ) );
let xWidth = i === 0 ? xNext - xNow : xNow - xPrev;
const xStart = i === 0 ? 0 : xNow - xWidth / 2;
xWidth = i === 0 || i === uniqueDates.length - 1 ? xWidth / 2 : xWidth;
return {
date: d,
start: uniqueDates.length > 1 ? xStart : 0,
width: uniqueDates.length > 1 ? xWidth : width,
values: Object.keys( datapoints )
.filter( key => key !== 'date' )
.map( key => {
return {
value: datapoints[ key ].value,
date: d,
} ),
} );

View File

@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
/** @format */
* External dependencies
import { event as d3Event, select as d3Select } from 'd3-selection';
import { smallBreak, wideBreak } from './breakpoints';
* Internal dependencies
import { getColor } from './color';
import { calculateTooltipPosition, showTooltip } from './tooltip';
const handleMouseOverLineChart = ( date, parentNode, node, data, params, position ) => {
d3Select( parentNode )
.select( '.focus-grid' )
.attr( 'opacity', '1' );
showTooltip( params, data.find( e => e.date === date ), position );
const handleMouseOutLineChart = ( parentNode, params ) => {
d3Select( parentNode )
.select( '.focus-grid' )
.attr( 'opacity', '0' );
params.tooltip.style( 'visibility', 'hidden' );
export const drawLines = ( node, data, params ) => {
const series = node
.append( 'g' )
.attr( 'class', 'lines' )
.selectAll( '.line-g' )
.data( params.lineData.filter( d => d.visible ).reverse() )
.append( 'g' )
.attr( 'class', 'line-g' )
.attr( 'role', 'region' )
.attr( 'aria-label', d => d.key );
let lineStroke = params.width <= wideBreak || params.uniqueDates.length > 50 ? 2 : 3;
lineStroke = params.width <= smallBreak ? 1.25 : lineStroke;
const dotRadius = params.width <= wideBreak ? 4 : 6;
.append( 'path' )
.attr( 'fill', 'none' )
.attr( 'stroke-width', lineStroke )
.attr( 'stroke-linejoin', 'round' )
.attr( 'stroke-linecap', 'round' )
.attr( 'stroke', d => getColor( d.key, params ) )
.style( 'opacity', d => {
const opacity = d.focus ? 1 : 0.1;
return d.visible ? opacity : 0;
} )
.attr( 'd', d => params.line( d.values ) );
const minDataPointSpacing = 36;
params.width / params.uniqueDates.length > minDataPointSpacing &&
.selectAll( 'circle' )
.data( ( d, i ) => d.values.map( row => ( { ...row, i, visible: d.visible, key: d.key } ) ) )
.append( 'circle' )
.attr( 'r', dotRadius )
.attr( 'fill', d => getColor( d.key, params ) )
.attr( 'stroke', '#fff' )
.attr( 'stroke-width', lineStroke + 1 )
.style( 'opacity', d => {
const opacity = d.focus ? 1 : 0.1;
return d.visible ? opacity : 0;
} )
.attr( 'cx', d => params.xLineScale( new Date( d.date ) ) )
.attr( 'cy', d => params.yScale( d.value ) )
.attr( 'tabindex', '0' )
.attr( 'aria-label', d => {
const label = d.label
? d.label
: params.tooltipLabelFormat( d.date instanceof Date ? d.date : new Date( d.date ) );
return `${ label } ${ params.tooltipValueFormat( d.value ) }`;
} )
.on( 'focus', ( d, i, nodes ) => {
const position = calculateTooltipPosition(
handleMouseOverLineChart( d.date, nodes[ i ].parentNode, node, data, params, position );
} )
.on( 'blur', ( d, i, nodes ) => handleMouseOutLineChart( nodes[ i ].parentNode, params ) );
const focus = node
.append( 'g' )
.attr( 'class', 'focusspaces' )
.selectAll( '.focus' )
.data( params.dateSpaces )
.append( 'g' )
.attr( 'class', 'focus' );
const focusGrid = focus
.append( 'g' )
.attr( 'class', 'focus-grid' )
.attr( 'opacity', '0' );
.append( 'line' )
.attr( 'x1', d => params.xLineScale( new Date( d.date ) ) )
.attr( 'y1', 0 )
.attr( 'x2', d => params.xLineScale( new Date( d.date ) ) )
.attr( 'y2', params.height );
.selectAll( 'circle' )
.data( d => d.values.reverse() )
.append( 'circle' )
.attr( 'r', dotRadius + 2 )
.attr( 'fill', d => getColor( d.key, params ) )
.attr( 'stroke', '#fff' )
.attr( 'stroke-width', lineStroke + 2 )
.attr( 'cx', d => params.xLineScale( new Date( d.date ) ) )
.attr( 'cy', d => params.yScale( d.value ) );
.append( 'rect' )
.attr( 'class', 'focus-g' )
.attr( 'x', d => d.start )
.attr( 'y', 0 )
.attr( 'width', d => d.width )
.attr( 'height', params.height )
.attr( 'opacity', 0 )
.on( 'mouseover', ( d, i, nodes ) => {
const elementWidthRatio = i === 0 || i === params.dateSpaces.length - 1 ? 0 : 0.5;
const position = calculateTooltipPosition(
handleMouseOverLineChart( d.date, nodes[ i ].parentNode, node, data, params, position );
} )
.on( 'mouseout', ( d, i, nodes ) => handleMouseOutLineChart( nodes[ i ].parentNode, params ) );

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@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
/** @format */
* External dependencies
import { max as d3Max } from 'd3-array';
import {
scaleBand as d3ScaleBand,
scaleLinear as d3ScaleLinear,
scaleTime as d3ScaleTime,
} from 'd3-scale';
* Describes and rounds the maximum y value to the nearest thousand, ten-thousand, million etc. In case it is a decimal number, ceils it.
* @param {array} lineData - from `getLineData`
* @returns {number} the maximum value in the timeseries multiplied by 4/3
export const getYMax = lineData => {
const yMax = 4 / 3 * d3Max( lineData, d => d3Max( d.values.map( date => date.value ) ) );
const pow3Y = Math.pow( 10, ( ( Math.log( yMax ) * Math.LOG10E + 1 ) | 0 ) - 2 ) * 3;
return Math.ceil( Math.ceil( yMax / pow3Y ) * pow3Y );
* Describes getXScale
* @param {array} uniqueDates - from `getUniqueDates`
* @param {number} width - calculated width of the charting space
* @returns {function} a D3 scale of the dates
export const getXScale = ( uniqueDates, width ) =>
.domain( uniqueDates )
.rangeRound( [ 0, width ] )
.paddingInner( 0.1 );
* Describes getXGroupScale
* @param {array} orderedKeys - from `getOrderedKeys`
* @param {function} xScale - from `getXScale`
* @returns {function} a D3 scale for each category within the xScale range
export const getXGroupScale = ( orderedKeys, xScale ) =>
.domain( orderedKeys.filter( d => d.visible ).map( d => d.key ) )
.rangeRound( [ 0, xScale.bandwidth() ] )
.padding( 0.07 );
* Describes getXLineScale
* @param {array} uniqueDates - from `getUniqueDates`
* @param {number} width - calculated width of the charting space
* @returns {function} a D3 scaletime for each date
export const getXLineScale = ( uniqueDates, width ) =>
.domain( [ new Date( uniqueDates[ 0 ] ), new Date( uniqueDates[ uniqueDates.length - 1 ] ) ] )
.rangeRound( [ 0, width ] );
* Describes getYScale
* @param {number} height - calculated height of the charting space
* @param {number} yMax - from `getYMax`
* @returns {function} the D3 linear scale from 0 to the value from `getYMax`
export const getYScale = ( height, yMax ) =>
.domain( [ 0, yMax ] )
.rangeRound( [ height, 0 ] );
* Describes getyTickOffset
* @param {number} height - calculated height of the charting space
* @param {number} yMax - from `getYMax`
* @returns {function} the D3 linear scale from 0 to the value from `getYMax`, offset by 12 pixels down
export const getYTickOffset = ( height, yMax ) =>
.domain( [ 0, yMax ] )
.rangeRound( [ height + 12, 12 ] );

View File

@ -1,162 +1,12 @@
/** @format */
* External dependencies
* @format
// import { noop } from 'lodash';
import { utcParse as d3UTCParse } from 'd3-time-format';
* Internal dependencies
import dummyOrders from './fixtures/dummy';
import {
} from '../utils';
const orderedKeys = [
key: 'Cap',
focus: true,
visible: true,
total: 34513697,
key: 'T-Shirt',
focus: true,
visible: true,
total: 14762281,
key: 'Sunglasses',
focus: true,
visible: true,
total: 12430349,
key: 'Polo',
focus: true,
visible: true,
total: 8712807,
key: 'Hoodie',
focus: true,
visible: true,
total: 6968764,
const orderedDates = [
const parseDate = d3UTCParse( '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S' );
const testUniqueKeys = getUniqueKeys( dummyOrders );
const testOrderedKeys = getOrderedKeys( dummyOrders, testUniqueKeys );
const testLineData = getLineData( dummyOrders, testOrderedKeys );
const testUniqueDates = getUniqueDates( testLineData, parseDate );
const testXScale = getXScale( testUniqueDates, 100 );
const testXLineScale = getXLineScale( testUniqueDates, 100 );
const testYMax = getYMax( testLineData );
const testYScale = getYScale( 100, testYMax );
describe( 'parseDate', () => {
it( 'correctly parse date in the expected format', () => {
const testDate = parseDate( '2018-06-30T00:00:00' );
const expectedDate = new Date( Date.UTC( 2018, 5, 30 ) );
expect( testDate.getTime() ).toEqual( expectedDate.getTime() );
} );
} );
describe( 'getUniqueKeys', () => {
it( 'returns an array of keys excluding date', () => {
// sort is a mutating action so we need a copy
const testUniqueKeysClone = testUniqueKeys.slice();
const sortedAZKeys = orderedKeys.map( d => d.key ).slice();
expect( testUniqueKeysClone.sort() ).toEqual( sortedAZKeys.sort() );
} );
} );
describe( 'getOrderedKeys', () => {
it( 'returns an array of keys order by value from largest to smallest', () => {
expect( testOrderedKeys ).toEqual( orderedKeys );
} );
} );
describe( 'getLineData', () => {
it( 'returns a sorted array of objects with category key', () => {
expect( testLineData ).toBeInstanceOf( Array );
expect( testLineData ).toHaveLength( 5 );
expect( testLineData.map( d => d.key ) ).toEqual( orderedKeys.map( d => d.key ) );
} );
testLineData.forEach( d => {
it( 'ensure a key and that the values property is an array', () => {
expect( d ).toHaveProperty( 'key' );
expect( d ).toHaveProperty( 'values' );
expect( d.values ).toBeInstanceOf( Array );
} );
it( 'ensure all unique dates exist in values array', () => {
const rowDates = d.values.map( row => row.date );
expect( rowDates ).toEqual( orderedDates );
} );
d.values.forEach( row => {
it( 'ensure a date property and that the values property is an array with date (parseable) and value properties', () => {
expect( row ).toHaveProperty( 'date' );
expect( row ).toHaveProperty( 'value' );
expect( parseDate( row.date ) ).not.toBeNull();
expect( typeof row.date ).toBe( 'string' );
expect( typeof row.value ).toBe( 'number' );
} );
} );
} );
} );
describe( 'getXScale', () => {
it( 'properly scale inputs to the provided domain and range', () => {
expect( testXScale( orderedDates[ 0 ] ) ).toEqual( 3 );
expect( testXScale( orderedDates[ 2 ] ) ).toEqual( 35 );
expect( testXScale( orderedDates[ orderedDates.length - 1 ] ) ).toEqual( 83 );
} );
it( 'properly scale inputs and test the bandwidth', () => {
expect( testXScale.bandwidth() ).toEqual( 14 );
} );
} );
describe( 'getXGroupScale', () => {
it( 'properly scale inputs based on the getXScale', () => {
const testXGroupScale = getXGroupScale( testOrderedKeys, testXScale );
expect( testXGroupScale( orderedKeys[ 0 ].key ) ).toEqual( 2 );
expect( testXGroupScale( orderedKeys[ 2 ].key ) ).toEqual( 6 );
expect( testXGroupScale( orderedKeys[ orderedKeys.length - 1 ].key ) ).toEqual( 10 );
} );
} );
describe( 'getXLineScale', () => {
it( 'properly scale inputs for the line', () => {
expect( testXLineScale( new Date( orderedDates[ 0 ] ) ) ).toEqual( 0 );
expect( testXLineScale( new Date( orderedDates[ 2 ] ) ) ).toEqual( 40 );
expect( testXLineScale( new Date( orderedDates[ orderedDates.length - 1 ] ) ) ).toEqual( 100 );
} );
} );
* Internal dependencies
import { compareStrings, getXTicks } from '../axis';
describe( 'getXTicks', () => {
describe( 'interval=day', () => {
@ -380,42 +230,6 @@ describe( 'getXTicks', () => {
} );
} );
describe( 'getYMax', () => {
it( 'calculate the correct maximum y value', () => {
expect( testYMax ).toEqual( 15000000 );
} );
} );
describe( 'getYScale', () => {
it( 'properly scale the y values given the height and maximum y value', () => {
expect( testYScale( 0 ) ).toEqual( 100 );
expect( testYScale( testYMax ) ).toEqual( 0 );
} );
} );
describe( 'getYTickOffset', () => {
it( 'properly scale the y values for the y-axis ticks given the height and maximum y value', () => {
const testYTickOffset1 = getYTickOffset( 100, testYMax );
expect( testYTickOffset1( 0 ) ).toEqual( 112 );
expect( testYTickOffset1( testYMax ) ).toEqual( 12 );
} );
} );
describe( 'getDateSpaces', () => {
it( 'return an array used to space out the mouseover rectangles, used for tooltips', () => {
const testDateSpaces = getDateSpaces( dummyOrders, testUniqueDates, 100, testXLineScale );
expect( testDateSpaces[ 0 ].date ).toEqual( '2018-05-30T00:00:00' );
expect( testDateSpaces[ 0 ].start ).toEqual( 0 );
expect( testDateSpaces[ 0 ].width ).toEqual( 10 );
expect( testDateSpaces[ 3 ].date ).toEqual( '2018-06-02T00:00:00' );
expect( testDateSpaces[ 3 ].start ).toEqual( 50 );
expect( testDateSpaces[ 3 ].width ).toEqual( 20 );
expect( testDateSpaces[ testDateSpaces.length - 1 ].date ).toEqual( '2018-06-04T00:00:00' );
expect( testDateSpaces[ testDateSpaces.length - 1 ].start ).toEqual( 90 );
expect( testDateSpaces[ testDateSpaces.length - 1 ].width ).toEqual( 10 );
} );
} );
describe( 'compareStrings', () => {
it( 'return an array of unique words from s2 that dont appear in base string', () => {
expect( compareStrings( 'Jul 2018', 'Aug 2018' ).join( ' ' ) ).toEqual( 'Aug' );

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
/** @format */
export default [

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
/** @format */
export default [
key: 'Cap',
focus: true,
visible: true,
total: 34513697,
key: 'T-Shirt',
focus: true,
visible: true,
total: 14762281,
key: 'Sunglasses',
focus: true,
visible: true,
total: 12430349,
key: 'Polo',
focus: true,
visible: true,
total: 8712807,
key: 'Hoodie',
focus: true,
visible: true,
total: 6968764,

View File

@ -1,11 +1,4 @@
/** @format */
* /* eslint-disable quote-props
* @format
export default [
date: '2018-05-30T00:00:00',

View File

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
/** @format */
* External dependencies
import { utcParse as d3UTCParse } from 'd3-time-format';
* Internal dependencies
import dummyOrders from './fixtures/dummy-orders';
import orderedDates from './fixtures/dummy-ordered-dates';
import orderedKeys from './fixtures/dummy-ordered-keys';
import {
} from '../index';
import { getXLineScale } from '../scales';
const parseDate = d3UTCParse( '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S' );
const testUniqueKeys = getUniqueKeys( dummyOrders );
const testOrderedKeys = getOrderedKeys( dummyOrders, testUniqueKeys );
const testLineData = getLineData( dummyOrders, testOrderedKeys );
const testUniqueDates = getUniqueDates( testLineData, parseDate );
const testXLineScale = getXLineScale( testUniqueDates, 100 );
describe( 'parseDate', () => {
it( 'correctly parse date in the expected format', () => {
const testDate = parseDate( '2018-06-30T00:00:00' );
const expectedDate = new Date( Date.UTC( 2018, 5, 30 ) );
expect( testDate.getTime() ).toEqual( expectedDate.getTime() );
} );
} );
describe( 'getUniqueKeys', () => {
it( 'returns an array of keys excluding date', () => {
// sort is a mutating action so we need a copy
const testUniqueKeysClone = testUniqueKeys.slice();
const sortedAZKeys = orderedKeys.map( d => d.key ).slice();
expect( testUniqueKeysClone.sort() ).toEqual( sortedAZKeys.sort() );
} );
} );
describe( 'getOrderedKeys', () => {
it( 'returns an array of keys order by value from largest to smallest', () => {
expect( testOrderedKeys ).toEqual( orderedKeys );
} );
} );
describe( 'getLineData', () => {
it( 'returns a sorted array of objects with category key', () => {
expect( testLineData ).toBeInstanceOf( Array );
expect( testLineData ).toHaveLength( 5 );
expect( testLineData.map( d => d.key ) ).toEqual( orderedKeys.map( d => d.key ) );
} );
testLineData.forEach( d => {
it( 'ensure a key and that the values property is an array', () => {
expect( d ).toHaveProperty( 'key' );
expect( d ).toHaveProperty( 'values' );
expect( d.values ).toBeInstanceOf( Array );
} );
it( 'ensure all unique dates exist in values array', () => {
const rowDates = d.values.map( row => row.date );
expect( rowDates ).toEqual( orderedDates );
} );
d.values.forEach( row => {
it( 'ensure a date property and that the values property is an array with date (parseable) and value properties', () => {
expect( row ).toHaveProperty( 'date' );
expect( row ).toHaveProperty( 'value' );
expect( parseDate( row.date ) ).not.toBeNull();
expect( typeof row.date ).toBe( 'string' );
expect( typeof row.value ).toBe( 'number' );
} );
} );
} );
} );
describe( 'getDateSpaces', () => {
it( 'return an array used to space out the mouseover rectangles, used for tooltips', () => {
const testDateSpaces = getDateSpaces( dummyOrders, testUniqueDates, 100, testXLineScale );
expect( testDateSpaces[ 0 ].date ).toEqual( '2018-05-30T00:00:00' );
expect( testDateSpaces[ 0 ].start ).toEqual( 0 );
expect( testDateSpaces[ 0 ].width ).toEqual( 10 );
expect( testDateSpaces[ 3 ].date ).toEqual( '2018-06-02T00:00:00' );
expect( testDateSpaces[ 3 ].start ).toEqual( 50 );
expect( testDateSpaces[ 3 ].width ).toEqual( 20 );
expect( testDateSpaces[ testDateSpaces.length - 1 ].date ).toEqual( '2018-06-04T00:00:00' );
expect( testDateSpaces[ testDateSpaces.length - 1 ].start ).toEqual( 90 );
expect( testDateSpaces[ testDateSpaces.length - 1 ].width ).toEqual( 10 );
} );
} );

View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
/** @format */
* External dependencies
import { utcParse as d3UTCParse } from 'd3-time-format';
* Internal dependencies
import dummyOrders from './fixtures/dummy-orders';
import orderedDates from './fixtures/dummy-ordered-dates';
import orderedKeys from './fixtures/dummy-ordered-keys';
import {
} from '../index';
import { getXGroupScale, getXScale, getXLineScale, getYMax, getYScale, getYTickOffset } from '../scales';
const parseDate = d3UTCParse( '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S' );
const testUniqueKeys = getUniqueKeys( dummyOrders );
const testOrderedKeys = getOrderedKeys( dummyOrders, testUniqueKeys );
const testLineData = getLineData( dummyOrders, testOrderedKeys );
const testUniqueDates = getUniqueDates( testLineData, parseDate );
const testXScale = getXScale( testUniqueDates, 100 );
const testXLineScale = getXLineScale( testUniqueDates, 100 );
const testYMax = getYMax( testLineData );
const testYScale = getYScale( 100, testYMax );
describe( 'getXScale', () => {
it( 'properly scale inputs to the provided domain and range', () => {
expect( testXScale( orderedDates[ 0 ] ) ).toEqual( 3 );
expect( testXScale( orderedDates[ 2 ] ) ).toEqual( 35 );
expect( testXScale( orderedDates[ orderedDates.length - 1 ] ) ).toEqual( 83 );
} );
it( 'properly scale inputs and test the bandwidth', () => {
expect( testXScale.bandwidth() ).toEqual( 14 );
} );
} );
describe( 'getXGroupScale', () => {
it( 'properly scale inputs based on the getXScale', () => {
const testXGroupScale = getXGroupScale( testOrderedKeys, testXScale );
expect( testXGroupScale( orderedKeys[ 0 ].key ) ).toEqual( 2 );
expect( testXGroupScale( orderedKeys[ 2 ].key ) ).toEqual( 6 );
expect( testXGroupScale( orderedKeys[ orderedKeys.length - 1 ].key ) ).toEqual( 10 );
} );
} );
describe( 'getXLineScale', () => {
it( 'properly scale inputs for the line', () => {
expect( testXLineScale( new Date( orderedDates[ 0 ] ) ) ).toEqual( 0 );
expect( testXLineScale( new Date( orderedDates[ 2 ] ) ) ).toEqual( 40 );
expect( testXLineScale( new Date( orderedDates[ orderedDates.length - 1 ] ) ) ).toEqual( 100 );
} );
} );
describe( 'getYMax', () => {
it( 'calculate the correct maximum y value', () => {
expect( testYMax ).toEqual( 15000000 );
} );
} );
describe( 'getYScale', () => {
it( 'properly scale the y values given the height and maximum y value', () => {
expect( testYScale( 0 ) ).toEqual( 100 );
expect( testYScale( testYMax ) ).toEqual( 0 );
} );
} );
describe( 'getYTickOffset', () => {
it( 'properly scale the y values for the y-axis ticks given the height and maximum y value', () => {
const testYTickOffset1 = getYTickOffset( 100, testYMax );
expect( testYTickOffset1( 0 ) ).toEqual( 112 );
expect( testYTickOffset1( testYMax ) ).toEqual( 12 );
} );
} );

View File

@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
/** @format */
* External dependencies
import { select as d3Select } from 'd3-selection';
* Internal dependencies
import { getColor } from './color';
const calculateTooltipXPosition = (
) => {
const xPosition =
elementCoords.left + elementCoords.width * elementWidthRatio + tooltipMargin - chartCoords.left;
if ( tooltipPosition === 'below' ) {
return Math.max(
xPosition - tooltipSize.width / 2,
chartCoords.width - tooltipSize.width - tooltipMargin
if ( xPosition + tooltipSize.width + tooltipMargin > chartCoords.width ) {
return Math.max(
elementCoords.left +
elementCoords.width * ( 1 - elementWidthRatio ) -
tooltipSize.width -
tooltipMargin -
return xPosition;
const calculateTooltipYPosition = (
) => {
if ( tooltipPosition === 'below' ) {
return chartCoords.height;
const yPosition = elementCoords.top + tooltipMargin - chartCoords.top;
if ( yPosition + tooltipSize.height + tooltipMargin > chartCoords.height ) {
return Math.max( 0, elementCoords.top - tooltipSize.height - tooltipMargin - chartCoords.top );
return yPosition;
export const calculateTooltipPosition = ( element, chart, tooltipPosition, elementWidthRatio = 1 ) => {
const elementCoords = element.getBoundingClientRect();
const chartCoords = chart.getBoundingClientRect();
const tooltipSize = d3Select( '.d3-chart__tooltip' )
const tooltipMargin = 24;
if ( tooltipPosition === 'below' ) {
elementWidthRatio = 0;
return {
x: calculateTooltipXPosition(
y: calculateTooltipYPosition(
const getTooltipRowLabel = ( d, row, params ) => {
if ( d[ row.key ].labelDate ) {
return params.tooltipLabelFormat(
d[ row.key ].labelDate instanceof Date
? d[ row.key ].labelDate
: new Date( d[ row.key ].labelDate )
return row.key;
export const showTooltip = ( params, d, position ) => {
const keys = params.orderedKeys.filter( row => row.visible ).map(
row => `
<li class="key-row">
<div class="key-container">
<span class="key-color" style="background-color:${ getColor( row.key, params ) }"></span>
<span class="key-key">${ getTooltipRowLabel( d, row, params ) }</span>
<span class="key-value">${ params.tooltipValueFormat( d[ row.key ].value ) }</span>
const tooltipTitle = params.tooltipTitle
? params.tooltipTitle
: params.tooltipLabelFormat( d.date instanceof Date ? d.date : new Date( d.date ) );
.style( 'left', position.x + 'px' )
.style( 'top', position.y + 'px' )
.style( 'visibility', 'visible' ).html( `
<h4>${ tooltipTitle }</h4>
${ keys.join( '' ) }
` );