Master is 3.5.0-dev

This commit is contained in:
Mike Jolley 2018-05-24 16:20:05 +01:00
parent 2b52d00cb5
commit c1de1d6fb7
3 changed files with 190 additions and 179 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,192 @@
== Changelog ==
= 3.4.0 - 2018-05-23 =
* Feature - GDPR: Tools to export WooCommerce data using the new export functionality in WordPress 4.9.6. #19330
* Feature - GDPR: Tools to bulk anonymize order data in admin. #19330
* Feature - GDPR: Tools to turn off company/address-2/phone checkout fields to avoid unnecessary data collection, and a toggle to choose how required fields are presented. This is available via the Customizer. #19637
* Feature - GDPR: Tools in the Customizer to change the terms and conditions checkbox label on the checkout. #19637
* Feature - GDPR: Tools to define a privacy policy for the account page and checkout page in "account privacy" settings and within the Customizer. #19747
* Feature - GDPR: Tools to automatically clean up and remove order personal data after a set time period. #19743
* Feature - GDPR: Added privacy snippet which works with the new privacy page functionality in WordPress 4.9.6. #19749
* Feature - Added a new order widget to the dashboard (on multisite) so you can see your orders across multiple stores on the same WordPress network. #17598
* Feature - Added "display name" input on the My Account page. #19078
* Feature - Product search improvements including stopword support and support for searching for multiple products at the same time. #19096
* Feature - Cash on Delivery gateway can be enabled/disabled for specific shipping methods instead of only method types. #19221
* Feature - Add wildcard email support for coupons. #19331
* Feature - Added support for the GeoLite2 library as a replacement for the deprecated MaxMind GeoIP library. #19419
* Feature - Added tool for cleaning up download permissions table. #19922
* Tweak - GDPR: Improved appearance of checkout field 'descriptions' (if used) to make them more useful for privacy notices. #19637
* Tweak - GDPR: Improved related data cleanup when deleting users/orders. #19330
* Tweak - GDPR: Notice about HTTPS as a requirement in admin if missing. #19756
* Tweak - GDPR: Improved the checkout (payments) settings screen, moved page options to a new "advanced" section, and made an "Accounts and Privacy" section. #19703
* Tweak - GDPR: Hash customer email address in download URLs to protect privacy. #18957
* Tweak - GDPR: Add highlight to T&C checkbox if not checked to show it needs to be checked. #19177
* Tweak - GDPR: Automatically purge old logs after 30 days. #19920
* Tweak - GDPR: Only log Webhook body if WP_DEBUG is enabled. #19914
* Tweak - GDPR: Store less PII in PayPal standard. #19914
* Tweak - Only show admin notices on WooCommerce screens/plugins/dashboard. #19772
* Tweak - Standardize stock update messages in admin and correctly log who performed the action. When an order note is added after modifying stock manually, update order notes display via AJAX. #18080
* Tweak - Rollback if payment complete or update status fails to prevent partial order updates on failure. #18175
* Tweak - Made the system status tool which purges user carts also purge persistent carts. #18492
* Tweak - Display whether or not external object cache is enabled in system status report. #18595
* Tweak - Display zero value when using shipping classes. #18624
* Tweak - Fixed settings table styling on mobile. #18655
* Tweak - Updated Flexslider to version 2.7.0. #18779
* Tweak - Enable screen options for list screens. #18817
* Tweak - Don't call WC_Install::install() on downgrades. #18818
* Tweak - Remove user login from reset password link to protect personally identifying info. #18820
* Tweak - Added a function to return a list of custom tables to aid with cleanup. #18831
* Tweak - Enable going backwards in the setup wizard. #18921
* Tweak - Make sure terms page exists and isnt trashed before using it. #18993
* Tweak - Toggle when clicking anywhere in toggle row during setup wizard. #19035
* Tweak - Use `read_product` permissions instead of `edit_product` for ajax product search. #19087
* Tweak - Add `priceSpecification` property with `valueAddedTaxIncluded` to product structured data. #19091
* Tweak - Importer remembers mappings across imports. #19110
* Tweak - Made coupon total displayed in cart more consistent. #19166
* Tweak - Remove forced CSS line-heights to improve text input displays across different browsers. #19174
* Tweak - When loading default attributes/variation, if there is no longer a match, reset the form and hide the notice #19190
* Tweak - Removed admin product type column from core and made it into a free feature plugin. #19192
* Tweak - Use `woocommerce-no-js` class to hide JavaScript-only forms and content. #19199
* Tweak - Activate plugins during installation process even if directory doesn't match slug. #19200
* Tweak - Allow category and attribute ids in the `products` shortcode instead of only slugs. #19204
* Tweak - Invalidate cart items when important props like product type are updated. #19255
* Tweak - Don't use mysql functions directly on system status page to prevent errors if they are disabled. #19281
* Tweak - Replaces `have_posts` with `woocommerce_product_loop` which looks to see if there are products, or if the loop is going to be showing something else. #19288
* Tweak - Delete widget options and order notes on uninstall. #19371
* Tweak - Add unique names to all nonces in template fields and forms. #19387
* Tweak - Enable using the tab key to select elements in selectWoo dropdowns. #19416
* Tweak - Added autocomplete attributes to form elements for better autocomplete support. #19426
* Tweak - Removed PayPal line item limit and ensured URLs are shorter than maximum length. #19493
* Tweak - Disable Gutenberg editor on products posts. #19543
* Tweak - Improvements around UI and wording of store setup step in setup wizard, a revamped extras step, and other improvements.
* Tweak - Only push images to lightbox if an image is found. #19568
* Tweak - Added and improved notices around old PHP versions and disabled geolocation on PHP 5.4 or lower. #19573
* Tweak - The `manage_stock` field in the product API can return a `mixed` type instead of `boolean` for variations. #19598
* Tweak - Link product import/export to WordPress import/export capabilities. #19602
* Tweak - Use ` ` to separate asterisks in required fields to prevent awkward line breaks. #19610
* Tweak - Load meta box input values using CRUD and edit context. #19670
* Tweak - Scroll to notices on cart/checkout for better mobile visibility. #19699
* Tweak - Add filter to coupon URL on "Edit order" screen. #19777
* Tweak - Throw error if order can't be loaded on checkout. #19802
* Tweak - Remove deprecated freegeoip service from geolocation. #19841
* Tweak - Allow arrays of query vars in wc_get_orders and wc_get_products. #19848
* Tweak - Invalidate fragment cache on theme switch.
* Tweak - Include select tags when saving payment details temporarily in checkout.js. #19854
* Tweak - Update - Include pending products in export. #19928
* Tweak - Deprecate woocommerce_ajax_added_order_items action in favor of more useful action. #19933
* Tweak - Enable touch-to-zoom on touch devices to make photoswipe more easily accessible. #20002
* Tweak - Wizard: List out all plugins to be installed upon proceeding to the next step, with a highlight on hover indicating relevant settings. #19952
* Tweak - Hide/show password strength meter instead of removing/inserting password strength meter. #20006
* Tweak - Added support for HTTP_RANGE requests (used by iOS devices) to Force download method. #19984
* Tweak - Replaced protocol-relative URLs for thumbnails in the cart and mini-cart with protocol-specific URLs to prevent problems with URLs that include port section. #19934
* Tweak - In CSV exports, wrap cell in ' rather than just prepending to escape values. #20041
* Tweak - Add JS listeners for reloading/reinitializing order items in edit-order page. #20082
* Fix - Properly set orderby and order when calling WC_Customer_Download_Data_Store::get_downloads(). #1862
* Fix - Set maxlength for order item meta key to avoid values disappearing if too long. #18918
* Fix - Remove hardcoded /wp-content check for downloads. #18961
* Fix - Made get_on_sale_products respect the setting to hide outofstock products. #18984
* Fix - Prevent shortcode [product_page] redirecting to the actual product's page after add to cart. #19043
* Fix - Make the "main term" logic match for both the breadcrumb and product categories widget. #19044
* Fix - Check parent status too when seeing if variation is purchasable. #19045
* Fix - Fix uppercasing of accented characters. #19086
* Fix - Do not allow updating parent ID from variations after created. #19097
* Fix - Ensure coupon amount is not empty to prevent non-numeric value errors. #19098
* Fix - Ensure shop archive works correctly when `paged=1` is in the URL. #19104
* Fix - Ensure orders created with `woocommerce_adjust_non_base_location_prices` filter active have the same cost on frontend and admin. #19109
* Fix - Handling in the CLI to prevent `Resource does not exist` errors when using commands of a certain format. #19123
* Fix - Use subtotal when calculating discounts in admin/orders to ensure prices are the same as on the frontend. #19159
* Fix - Use `kses` to process download names to prevent escaped HTML displaying in emails.
* Fix - Remove translation from Thailand state file to prevent PayPal errors around unsupported characters. #19219
* Fix - Fix auto-select variation URLs with special characters in them. #19283
* Fix - Introduced `wc_round_discount` and improved consistency of discount rounding. #19291
* Fix - Only add schema for ratings to structured data when ratings are enabled. #19310
* Fix - Prevent default state applying unless the country was also unset in JS state/country inputs. #19338
* Fix - Escape quantity labels correctly to prevent broken html. #19375
* Fix - Delete orphaned variations after product import. #19378
* Fix - Ensure API credentials exist before defining PayPal refund support. #19380
* Fix - Force word-wrapping in the log viewer to prevent layout-breaking long lines. #19503
* Fix - Removes permission checks that were preventing webhooks from displaying properly when no post object existed. #19508
* Fix - Empty cart after completing PayPal payment. #19509
* Fix - Strip tags on aria-labels in Add to Cart template to prevent broken HTML. #19522
* Fix - Update post_modified date when saving products and variations but no other product data. #19595
* Fix - Clear comment count transient when cleaning product transients to prevent incorrect comment count displays. #19664
* Fix - Load gateways before order is saved/email is triggered to ensure all information gets sent/processed. #19667
* Fix - Clear shipping transient when saving shipping method on zones screen. #19668
* Fix - Handle escape characters for fputcsv to work around PHP standards issues. #19678
* Fix - Cast post IDs to integers in admin meta boxes. #19710
* Fix - Fix CSV unescaping of negative numbers in download expiry/limit columns. #19732
* Fix - Don't load unsupported theme functionality if shop page ID is -1. #19822
* Fix - Select and display "Downloadable" option in product admin filter when selected. #19876
* Fix - Add sort handle column when adding new tags. #19875
* Fix - More thorough CSV importer cleanup. #19877
* Fix - Fix gallery switching when image is the same #19878
* Fix - Ensure coupon amount is always returns as a float value #19889
* Fix - No update available message after activating subscription that has a valid update. #19831
* Fix - Include scheduled products in CSV export. #19907
* Fix - Generator tag actions should be filters. #19946
* Fix - WC API should not try to create a product image when creating a product variation if an empty image is passed. #19971
* Fix - Force settings API settings to autoload by default. #19998
* Fix - Cart html5 validation events when using keyboard. #20001
* Fix - Don't show stock status fields in external product quick-edit. #20005
* Fix - Prevent an infinite loop if 2 grouped products are linked. #20020
* Fix - Switch stock_status when manage stock gets changed to prevent being out of stock if stock quantity is > 0. #20021
* Fix - When duplicating variation, set the date to null. #20083
* Fix - Fix rounding of line items for orders to match cart. #20086
* Fix - Remove hardcoded border in email template. #20090
* Fix - Prevent autofocus on checkout. #20123
* Fix - Recalc taxes if address changes in API. #20137
* Dev - Made wc_query_string_form_fields handle strings. #20162
* Dev - Added refunded_payment prop to orders for determining if payment was refunded via API. #18196
* Dev - Added extra params to `woocommerce_order_get_downloadable_items`. #18408
* Dev - Store shipping method ID and instance ID in separate fields instead of both in one serialized field. #18483
* Dev - Add `woocommerce_rest_insert_system_status_tool` hook that fires after executing a REST system status tool. #18505
* Dev - Gallery meta box is now powered by CRUD. #18511
* Dev - Refactor woocommerce_wp_select so it could be used for a multiselect. #18536
* Dev - Added ability to declare sanitize_callback in settings API. #18554
* Dev - Added support for additional HTML5 input types for settings/checkout forms. #18594
* Dev - Made 'woocommerce_email_downloads_column_' hook format aware. #18600
* Dev - Add missing `woocommerce_update_options__` actions for settings pages that override save method. #18609
* Dev - Allow default value for single_select_country and multi_select_countries. #18754 #18756
* Dev - Added `grouped_form` class to grouped product `form` element. #18786
* Dev - Mini cart item link now respects value of $product_permalink. #18979
* Dev - Added `woocommerce_coupon_get_items_to_validate` filter to enable excluding products from coupon validation. #19002
* Dev - Added `woocommerce_persistent_cart_enabled` filter. #19027
* Dev - Added `woocommerce_admin_order_item_coupon_url` filter. #19777
* Dev - Replaced calls to `exit` with `wp_die` in the ajax methods to enable unit testing of those methods.
* Dev - Introduce `woocommerce_coupon_custom_discounts_array` filter to allow post processing on custom coupons. #19148
* Dev - Move jQuery UI styles into WooCommerce assets folder and load them from there. #19173
* Dev - Added `woocommerce_coupon_validate_expiry_date` filter to enable modifying the coupon expiry date check. #19228
* Dev - Added `woocommerce_shipping_calculator_enable_state` filter to enable disabling state section in shipping calculator. #19241
* Dev - Added `woocommerce_bacs_process_payment_order_status` filter allowing plugins to change the order status to the BACS gateway. #19311
* Dev - Added `woocommerce_coupon_sort` filter to allow plugins to override the default coupon apply order. #19339
* Dev - Added `woocommerce_before_output_product_categories` and `woocommerce_after_output_product_categories` filters. #19363
* Dev - Added general `woocommerce_form_field` filter to make it easier to filter all of the form fields. #19388
* Dev - Added `woocommerce_install_get_tables` filter to enable plugins to register new, WooCommerce-specific tables. $19436
* Dev - Use `get_variation_price` method in structured data to grab min/max so filters are ran. #19527
* Dev - Added `woocommerce_helper_suppress_connect_notice` filter to enable suppressing the admin connection message. #19599
* Dev - Moved all photoswipe styles to `photoswipe.css` to make it easy to dequeue all the photoswipe styles. #19673
* Dev - Slash meta values before updating values in the data stores. #19675
* Dev - New wc_selected method to handle array key conversion to int. #19705
* Performance - Optimized saving of orders. Adds a transient for needs_processing, and only saves changes when saving order items. #18538
* Performance - Refactored the SQL query for `WC_Customer_Download_Data_Store::get_downloads()` to fetch available downloads faster. #18559
* Performance - Split the layered nav counts into multiple transient records by taxonomy and added a filter to allow bypassing caching. #19225
* Performance - Removed duplicate `SET SESSION SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1` queries. #19502
* Performance - Avoid storing coupon `_used_by` data to prevent database bloat. #19669
* Performance - Introduced new wc_get_product_class() and wc_product_class() functions. #19639
* Performance - Series of tweaks aimed at reducing the number of queries performed #19918
* Template - Update cart coupon button from input to button type. #19059
* Template - Added `woocommerce-form-register` class to registration form. #19486
* Template - Added escaping to publish date. #19530
* Template - Added a template file for recent product reviews. #19711
* Template - Made add to cart templates more consistent between product types. #19666
* Localization - Switched Georgian Lari symbol to new UTF symbol. #19603
* Localization - Use ISO county codes for Irish states. #19658
* Localization - Use ISO county codes for BD states. #19744
* Localization - LR-Liberia states. #19709
* Localization - Update ZA tax rate. #19909
* Localization - Various spelling, grammar fixes, and phrasing improvements.
* Localization - Fix missing Bahrain country code. #20061
= 3.3.5 - 2018-04-10 =
* Fix - Shop page notice should not appear when editing the "Hello World!" page.
* Fix - Inconsistent order item refund sign.

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Contributors: automattic, mikejolley, jameskoster, claudiosanches, claudiulodro,
Tags: ecommerce, e-commerce, store, sales, sell, shop, cart, checkout, downloadable, downloads, paypal, storefront, woo commerce
Requires at least: 4.7
Tested up to: 4.9
Stable tag: 3.3.5
Stable tag: 3.4.0
License: GPLv3
License URI:
@ -158,183 +158,7 @@ Yes you can! Join in on our [GitHub repository](
== Changelog ==
= 3.4.0 - 2018-XX-XX =
* Feature - GDPR: Tools to export WooCommerce data using the new export functionality in WordPress 4.9.6. #19330
* Feature - GDPR: Tools to bulk anonymize order data in admin. #19330
* Feature - GDPR: Tools to turn off company/address-2/phone checkout fields to avoid unnecessary data collection, and a toggle to choose how required fields are presented. This is available via the Customizer. #19637
* Feature - GDPR: Tools in the Customizer to change the terms and conditions checkbox label on the checkout. #19637
* Feature - GDPR: Tools to define a privacy policy for the account page and checkout page in "account privacy" settings and within the Customizer. #19747
* Feature - GDPR: Tools to automatically clean up and remove order personal data after a set time period. #19743
* Feature - GDPR: Added privacy snippet which works with the new privacy page functionality in WordPress 4.9.6. #19749
* Feature - Added a new order widget to the dashboard (on multisite) so you can see your orders across multiple stores on the same WordPress network. #17598
* Feature - Added "display name" input on the My Account page. #19078
* Feature - Product search improvements including stopword support and support for searching for multiple products at the same time. #19096
* Feature - Cash on Delivery gateway can be enabled/disabled for specific shipping methods instead of only method types. #19221
* Feature - Add wildcard email support for coupons. #19331
* Feature - Added support for the GeoLite2 library as a replacement for the deprecated MaxMind GeoIP library. #19419
* Feature - Added tool for cleaning up download permissions table. #19922
* Tweak - GDPR: Improved appearance of checkout field 'descriptions' (if used) to make them more useful for privacy notices. #19637
* Tweak - GDPR: Improved related data cleanup when deleting users/orders. #19330
* Tweak - GDPR: Notice about HTTPS as a requirement in admin if missing. #19756
* Tweak - GDPR: Improved the checkout (payments) settings screen, moved page options to a new "advanced" section, and made an "Accounts and Privacy" section. #19703
* Tweak - GDPR: Hash customer email address in download URLs to protect privacy. #18957
* Tweak - GDPR: Add highlight to T&C checkbox if not checked to show it needs to be checked. #19177
* Tweak - GDPR: Automatically purge old logs after 30 days. #19920
* Tweak - GDPR: Only log Webhook body if WP_DEBUG is enabled. #19914
* Tweak - GDPR: Store less PII in PayPal standard. #19914
* Tweak - Only show admin notices on WooCommerce screens/plugins/dashboard. #19772
* Tweak - Standardize stock update messages in admin and correctly log who performed the action. When an order note is added after modifying stock manually, update order notes display via AJAX. #18080
* Tweak - Rollback if payment complete or update status fails to prevent partial order updates on failure. #18175
* Tweak - Made the system status tool which purges user carts also purge persistent carts. #18492
* Tweak - Display whether or not external object cache is enabled in system status report. #18595
* Tweak - Display zero value when using shipping classes. #18624
* Tweak - Fixed settings table styling on mobile. #18655
* Tweak - Updated Flexslider to version 2.7.0. #18779
* Tweak - Enable screen options for list screens. #18817
* Tweak - Don't call WC_Install::install() on downgrades. #18818
* Tweak - Remove user login from reset password link to protect personally identifying info. #18820
* Tweak - Added a function to return a list of custom tables to aid with cleanup. #18831
* Tweak - Enable going backwards in the setup wizard. #18921
* Tweak - Make sure terms page exists and isnt trashed before using it. #18993
* Tweak - Toggle when clicking anywhere in toggle row during setup wizard. #19035
* Tweak - Use `read_product` permissions instead of `edit_product` for ajax product search. #19087
* Tweak - Add `priceSpecification` property with `valueAddedTaxIncluded` to product structured data. #19091
* Tweak - Importer remembers mappings across imports. #19110
* Tweak - Made coupon total displayed in cart more consistent. #19166
* Tweak - Remove forced CSS line-heights to improve text input displays across different browsers. #19174
* Tweak - When loading default attributes/variation, if there is no longer a match, reset the form and hide the notice #19190
* Tweak - Removed admin product type column from core and made it into a free feature plugin. #19192
* Tweak - Use `woocommerce-no-js` class to hide JavaScript-only forms and content. #19199
* Tweak - Activate plugins during installation process even if directory doesn't match slug. #19200
* Tweak - Allow category and attribute ids in the `products` shortcode instead of only slugs. #19204
* Tweak - Invalidate cart items when important props like product type are updated. #19255
* Tweak - Don't use mysql functions directly on system status page to prevent errors if they are disabled. #19281
* Tweak - Replaces `have_posts` with `woocommerce_product_loop` which looks to see if there are products, or if the loop is going to be showing something else. #19288
* Tweak - Delete widget options and order notes on uninstall. #19371
* Tweak - Add unique names to all nonces in template fields and forms. #19387
* Tweak - Enable using the tab key to select elements in selectWoo dropdowns. #19416
* Tweak - Added autocomplete attributes to form elements for better autocomplete support. #19426
* Tweak - Removed PayPal line item limit and ensured URLs are shorter than maximum length. #19493
* Tweak - Disable Gutenberg editor on products posts. #19543
* Tweak - Improvements around UI and wording of store setup step in setup wizard, a revamped extras step, and other improvements.
* Tweak - Only push images to lightbox if an image is found. #19568
* Tweak - Added and improved notices around old PHP versions and disabled geolocation on PHP 5.4 or lower. #19573
* Tweak - The `manage_stock` field in the product API can return a `mixed` type instead of `boolean` for variations. #19598
* Tweak - Link product import/export to WordPress import/export capabilities. #19602
* Tweak - Use ` ` to separate asterisks in required fields to prevent awkward line breaks. #19610
* Tweak - Load meta box input values using CRUD and edit context. #19670
* Tweak - Scroll to notices on cart/checkout for better mobile visibility. #19699
* Tweak - Add filter to coupon URL on "Edit order" screen. #19777
* Tweak - Throw error if order can't be loaded on checkout. #19802
* Tweak - Remove deprecated freegeoip service from geolocation. #19841
* Tweak - Allow arrays of query vars in wc_get_orders and wc_get_products. #19848
* Tweak - Invalidate fragment cache on theme switch.
* Tweak - Include select tags when saving payment details temporarily in checkout.js. #19854
* Tweak - Update - Include pending products in export. #19928
* Tweak - Deprecate woocommerce_ajax_added_order_items action in favor of more useful action. #19933
* Tweak - Enable touch-to-zoom on touch devices to make photoswipe more easily accessible. #20002
* Tweak - Wizard: List out all plugins to be installed upon proceeding to the next step, with a highlight on hover indicating relevant settings. #19952
* Tweak - Hide/show password strength meter instead of removing/inserting password strength meter. #20006
* Tweak - Added support for HTTP_RANGE requests (used by iOS devices) to Force download method. #19984
* Tweak/Fix - Replaced protocol-relative URLs for thumbnails in the cart and mini-cart with protocol-specific URLs to prevent problems with URLs that include port section. #19934
* Fix - Properly set orderby and order when calling WC_Customer_Download_Data_Store::get_downloads(). #1862
* Fix - Set maxlength for order item meta key to avoid values disappearing if too long. #18918
* Fix - Remove hardcoded /wp-content check for downloads. #18961
* Fix - Made get_on_sale_products respect the setting to hide outofstock products. #18984
* Fix - Prevent shortcode [product_page] redirecting to the actual product's page after add to cart. #19043
* Fix - Make the "main term" logic match for both the breadcrumb and product categories widget. #19044
* Fix - Check parent status too when seeing if variation is purchasable. #19045
* Fix - Fix uppercasing of accented characters. #19086
* Fix - Do not allow updating parent ID from variations after created. #19097
* Fix - Ensure coupon amount is not empty to prevent non-numeric value errors. #19098
* Fix - Ensure shop archive works correctly when `paged=1` is in the URL. #19104
* Fix - Ensure orders created with `woocommerce_adjust_non_base_location_prices` filter active have the same cost on frontend and admin. #19109
* Fix - Handling in the CLI to prevent `Resource does not exist` errors when using commands of a certain format. #19123
* Fix - Use subtotal when calculating discounts in admin/orders to ensure prices are the same as on the frontend. #19159
* Fix - Use `kses` to process download names to prevent escaped HTML displaying in emails.
* Fix - Remove translation from Thailand state file to prevent PayPal errors around unsupported characters. #19219
* Fix - Fix auto-select variation URLs with special characters in them. #19283
* Fix - Introduced `wc_round_discount` and improved consistency of discount rounding. #19291
* Fix - Only add schema for ratings to structured data when ratings are enabled. #19310
* Fix - Prevent default state applying unless the country was also unset in JS state/country inputs. #19338
* Fix - Escape quantity labels correctly to prevent broken html. #19375
* Fix - Delete orphaned variations after product import. #19378
* Fix - Ensure API credentials exist before defining PayPal refund support. #19380
* Fix - Force word-wrapping in the log viewer to prevent layout-breaking long lines. #19503
* Fix - Removes permission checks that were preventing webhooks from displaying properly when no post object existed. #19508
* Fix - Empty cart after completing PayPal payment. #19509
* Fix - Strip tags on aria-labels in Add to Cart template to prevent broken HTML. #19522
* Fix - Update post_modified date when saving products and variations but no other product data. #19595
* Fix - Clear comment count transient when cleaning product transients to prevent incorrect comment count displays. #19664
* Fix - Load gateways before order is saved/email is triggered to ensure all information gets sent/processed. #19667
* Fix - Clear shipping transient when saving shipping method on zones screen. #19668
* Fix - Handle escape characters for fputcsv to work around PHP standards issues. #19678
* Fix - Cast post IDs to integers in admin meta boxes. #19710
* Fix - Fix CSV unescaping of negative numbers in download expiry/limit columns. #19732
* Fix - Don't load unsupported theme functionality if shop page ID is -1. #19822
* Fix - Select and display "Downloadable" option in product admin filter when selected. #19876
* Fix - Add sort handle column when adding new tags. #19875
* Fix - More thorough CSV importer cleanup. #19877
* Fix - Fix gallery switching when image is the same #19878
* Fix - Ensure coupon amount is always returns as a float value #19889
* Fix - No update available message after activating subscription that has a valid update. #19831
* Fix - Include scheduled products in CSV export. #19907
* Fix - Generator tag actions should be filters. #19946
* Fix - WC API should not try to create a product image when creating a product variation if an empty image is passed. #19971
* Fix - Force settings API settings to autoload by default. #19998
* Fix - Cart html5 validation events when using keyboard. #20001
* Fix - Don't show stock status fields in external product quick-edit. #20005
* Fix - Prevent an infinite loop if 2 grouped products are linked. #20020
* Fix - Switch stock_status when manage stock gets changed to prevent being out of stock if stock quantity is > 0. #20021
* Dev - Added refunded_payment prop to orders for determining if payment was refunded via API. #18196
* Dev - Added extra params to `woocommerce_order_get_downloadable_items`. #18408
* Dev - Store shipping method ID and instance ID in separate fields instead of both in one serialized field. #18483
* Dev - Add `woocommerce_rest_insert_system_status_tool` hook that fires after executing a REST system status tool. #18505
* Dev - Gallery meta box is now powered by CRUD. #18511
* Dev - Refactor woocommerce_wp_select so it could be used for a multiselect. #18536
* Dev - Added ability to declare sanitize_callback in settings API. #18554
* Dev - Added support for additional HTML5 input types for settings/checkout forms. #18594
* Dev - Made 'woocommerce_email_downloads_column_' hook format aware. #18600
* Dev - Add missing `woocommerce_update_options__` actions for settings pages that override save method. #18609
* Dev - Allow default value for single_select_country and multi_select_countries. #18754 #18756
* Dev - Added `grouped_form` class to grouped product `form` element. #18786
* Dev - Mini cart item link now respects value of $product_permalink. #18979
* Dev - Added `woocommerce_coupon_get_items_to_validate` filter to enable excluding products from coupon validation. #19002
* Dev - Added `woocommerce_persistent_cart_enabled` filter. #19027
* Dev - Added `woocommerce_admin_order_item_coupon_url` filter. #19777
* Dev - Replaced calls to `exit` with `wp_die` in the ajax methods to enable unit testing of those methods.
* Dev - Introduce `woocommerce_coupon_custom_discounts_array` filter to allow post processing on custom coupons. #19148
* Dev - Move jQuery UI styles into WooCommerce assets folder and load them from there. #19173
* Dev - Added `woocommerce_coupon_validate_expiry_date` filter to enable modifying the coupon expiry date check. #19228
* Dev - Added `woocommerce_shipping_calculator_enable_state` filter to enable disabling state section in shipping calculator. #19241
* Dev - Added `woocommerce_bacs_process_payment_order_status` filter allowing plugins to change the order status to the BACS gateway. #19311
* Dev - Added `woocommerce_coupon_sort` filter to allow plugins to override the default coupon apply order. #19339
* Dev - Added `woocommerce_before_output_product_categories` and `woocommerce_after_output_product_categories` filters. #19363
* Dev - Added general `woocommerce_form_field` filter to make it easier to filter all of the form fields. #19388
* Dev - Added `woocommerce_install_get_tables` filter to enable plugins to register new, WooCommerce-specific tables. $19436
* Dev - Use `get_variation_price` method in structured data to grab min/max so filters are ran. #19527
* Dev - Added `woocommerce_helper_suppress_connect_notice` filter to enable suppressing the admin connection message. #19599
* Dev - Moved all photoswipe styles to `photoswipe.css` to make it easy to dequeue all the photoswipe styles. #19673
* Dev - Slash meta values before updating values in the data stores. #19675
* Dev - New wc_selected method to handle array key conversion to int. #19705
* Performance - Optimized saving of orders. Adds a transient for needs_processing, and only saves changes when saving order items. #18538
* Performance - Refactored the SQL query for `WC_Customer_Download_Data_Store::get_downloads()` to fetch available downloads faster. #18559
* Performance - Split the layered nav counts into multiple transient records by taxonomy and added a filter to allow bypassing caching. #19225
* Performance - Removed duplicate `SET SESSION SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1` queries. #19502
* Performance - Avoid storing coupon `_used_by` data to prevent database bloat. #19669
* Performance - Introduced new wc_get_product_class() and wc_product_class() functions. #19639
* Performance - Series of tweaks aimed at reducing the number of queries performed #19918
* Template - Update cart coupon button from input to button type. #19059
* Template - Added `woocommerce-form-register` class to registration form. #19486
* Template - Added escaping to publish date. #19530
* Template - Added a template file for recent product reviews. #19711
* Template - Made add to cart templates more consistent between product types. #19666
* Localization - Switched Georgian Lari symbol to new UTF symbol. #19603
* Localization - Use ISO county codes for Irish states. #19658
* Localization - Use ISO county codes for BD states. #19744
* Localization - LR-Liberia states. #19709
* Localization - Update ZA tax rate. #19909
* Localization - Various spelling, grammar fixes, and phrasing improvements.
= 3.5.0 - 2018-XX-XX =
[See changelog for all versions](

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* Plugin Name: WooCommerce
* Plugin URI:
* Description: An eCommerce toolkit that helps you sell anything. Beautifully.
* Version: 3.4.0-rc.1
* Version: 3.5.0-dev
* Author: Automattic
* Author URI:
* Text Domain: woocommerce