E2E: fix flakiness in `analytics-overview.spec.js` (#39308)

This commit is contained in:
nigeljamesstevenson 2023-07-23 21:12:01 +01:00 committed by GitHub
commit e5b26f0b7d
No known key found for this signature in database
2 changed files with 256 additions and 165 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Significance: patch
Type: dev
Fix flaky E2E tests in analytics-overview.spec.js.

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@ -1,199 +1,286 @@
const { test, expect } = require( '@playwright/test' );
const { test, expect, Page, Locator } = require( '@playwright/test' );
const { admin } = require( '../../test-data/data' );
const EXPECTED_SECTION_HEADERS = [ 'Performance', 'Charts', 'Leaderboards' ];
let /**
* @type {number}
* @type {Locator}
* @type {Locator}
* @type {Locator}
* @type {Locator}
*/ menuitem_moveUp,
* @type {Locator}
*/ menuitem_moveDown,
* @type {Page}
const basicAuth = () => {
const base64String = Buffer.from(
`${ admin.username }:${ admin.password }`
).toString( 'base64' );
return `Basic ${ base64String }`;
const hidePerformanceSection = async () => {
const response =
await test.step( `Send POST request to hide Performance section`, async () => {
const request = page.request;
const url = `/wp-json/wp/v2/users/${ userId }`;
const params = { _locale: 'user' };
const dashboard_sections = JSON.stringify( [
{ key: 'store-performance', isVisible: false },
] );
const headers = {
Authorization: basicAuth(),
cookie: '',
const data = {
id: userId,
woocommerce_meta: {
const response = await request.post( url, {
} );
return response;
} );
await test.step( `Assert response status is OK`, async () => {
expect( response.ok() ).toBeTruthy();
} );
await test.step( `Inspect the response payload to verify that Performance section was successfully hidden`, async () => {
const { woocommerce_meta } = await response.json();
const { dashboard_sections } = woocommerce_meta;
const sections = JSON.parse( dashboard_sections );
const performanceSection = sections.find(
( { key } ) => key === 'store-performance'
expect( performanceSection.isVisible ).toBeFalsy();
} );
const resetSections = async () => {
const response =
await test.step( `Send POST request to reset all sections`, async () => {
const request = page.request;
const url = `/wp-json/wp/v2/users/${ userId }`;
const params = { _locale: 'user' };
const headers = {
Authorization: basicAuth(),
cookie: '',
const data = {
id: userId,
woocommerce_meta: {
dashboard_sections: '',
const response = await request.post( url, {
} );
return response;
} );
await test.step( `Assert response status is OK`, async () => {
expect( response.ok() ).toBeTruthy();
} );
await test.step( `Verify that sections were reset`, async () => {
const { woocommerce_meta } = await response.json();
const { dashboard_sections } = woocommerce_meta;
expect( dashboard_sections ).toHaveLength( 0 );
} );
test.describe( 'Analytics pages', () => {
test.use( { storageState: process.env.ADMINSTATE } );
test.afterEach( async ( { page } ) => {
// do some cleanup after each test to make sure things are where they should be
await page.goto(
test.beforeAll( async ( { browser } ) => {
page = await browser.newPage();
await test.step( `Send GET request to get the current user id`, async () => {
const request = page.request;
const response = await request.get( '/wp-json/wp/v2/users' );
const responseJson = await response.json();
const { id } = responseJson.find(
( { slug } ) => slug === admin.username
// Grab all of the section headings
const sections = await page
.locator( 'h2.woocommerce-section-header__title' )
if ( sections < 3 ) {
// performance section is hidden
await page
.locator( '//button[@title="Add more sections"]' )
await page
.locator( '//button[@title="Add Performance section"]' )
await expect(
page.locator( 'h2:has-text("Performance")' )
await page.waitForLoadState( 'networkidle' );
const lastSection = await page
.locator( 'h2.woocommerce-section-header__title >> nth=2' )
if ( lastSection === 'Performance' ) {
// sections are in the wrong order
await page
'//button[@title="Choose which analytics to display and the section name"]'
await page.locator( 'text=Move up' ).click();
await page
'//button[@title="Choose which analytics to display and the section name"]'
await page.locator( 'text=Move up' ).click();
// wait for the changes to be saved
await page.waitForResponse(
( response ) =>
response.url().includes( '/users/' ) &&
response.status() === 200
userId = id;
} );
test( 'a user should see 3 sections by default - Performance, Charts, and Leaderboards', async ( {
} ) => {
// Create an array of the sections we're expecting to find.
const arrExpectedSections = [ 'Charts', 'Leaderboards', 'Performance' ];
await resetSections();
await test.step( `Initialize locators`, async () => {
const pattern = new RegExp( EXPECTED_SECTION_HEADERS.join( '|' ) );
headings_sections = page.getByRole( 'heading', {
name: pattern,
} );
heading_performance = page.getByRole( 'heading', {
name: 'Performance',
} );
buttons_ellipsis = page.getByRole( 'button', {
name: 'Choose which',
} );
menuitem_moveUp = page.getByRole( 'menuitem', {
name: 'Move up',
} );
menuitem_moveDown = page.getByRole( 'menuitem', {
name: 'Move down',
} );
} );
} );
test.beforeEach( async () => {
await test.step( `Go to Analytics > Overview`, async () => {
await page.goto(
} );
} );
for ( const expectedSection of arrExpectedSections ) {
test.afterEach( async () => {
await resetSections();
} );
test.afterAll( async () => {
await page.close();
} );
test( 'a user should see 3 sections by default - Performance, Charts, and Leaderboards', async () => {
for ( const expectedSection of EXPECTED_SECTION_HEADERS ) {
await test.step( `Assert that the "${ expectedSection }" section is visible`, async () => {
await expect(
page.locator( 'h2.woocommerce-section-header__title', {
hasText: expectedSection,
} )
headings_sections.filter( { hasText: expectedSection } )
} );
} );
test.describe( 'moving sections', () => {
test.use( { storageState: process.env.ADMINSTATE } );
test( 'should not display move up for the top, or move down for the bottom section', async ( {
} ) => {
await page.goto(
// check the top section
await page
.locator( 'button.woocommerce-ellipsis-menu__toggle' )
await expect( page.locator( 'text=Move up' ) ).not.toBeVisible();
await expect( page.locator( 'text=Move down' ) ).toBeVisible();
await page.keyboard.press( 'Escape' );
// check the bottom section
await page
.locator( 'button.woocommerce-ellipsis-menu__toggle' )
await expect( page.locator( 'text=Move down' ) ).not.toBeVisible();
await expect( page.locator( 'text=Move up' ) ).toBeVisible();
test( 'should not display move up for the top, or move down for the bottom section', async () => {
await test.step( `Check the top section`, async () => {
await buttons_ellipsis.first().click();
await expect( menuitem_moveUp ).not.toBeVisible();
await expect( menuitem_moveDown ).toBeVisible();
await page.keyboard.press( 'Escape' );
} );
test( 'should allow a user to move a section down', async ( {
} ) => {
await page.goto(
const firstSection = await page
.locator( 'h2.woocommerce-section-header__title >> nth=0' )
const secondSection = await page
.locator( 'h2.woocommerce-section-header__title >> nth=1' )
await page
'button.components-button.woocommerce-ellipsis-menu__toggle >> nth=0'
await page.locator( 'text=Move down' ).click();
// second section becomes first section, first becomes second
await expect(
page.locator( 'h2.woocommerce-section-header__title >> nth=0' )
).toHaveText( secondSection );
await expect(
page.locator( 'h2.woocommerce-section-header__title >> nth=1' )
).toHaveText( firstSection );
} );
test( 'should allow a user to move a section up', async ( {
} ) => {
await page.goto(
const firstSection = await page
.locator( 'h2.woocommerce-section-header__title >> nth=0' )
const secondSection = await page
.locator( 'h2.woocommerce-section-header__title >> nth=1' )
await page
'button.components-button.woocommerce-ellipsis-menu__toggle >> nth=1'
await page.locator( 'text=Move up' ).click();
// second section becomes first section, first becomes second
await expect(
page.locator( 'h2.woocommerce-section-header__title >> nth=0' )
).toHaveText( secondSection );
await expect(
page.locator( 'h2.woocommerce-section-header__title >> nth=1' )
).toHaveText( firstSection );
await test.step( `Check the bottom section`, async () => {
await buttons_ellipsis.last().click();
await expect( menuitem_moveDown ).not.toBeVisible();
await expect( menuitem_moveUp ).toBeVisible();
await page.keyboard.press( 'Escape' );
} );
} );
test( 'should allow a user to remove a section', async ( { page } ) => {
await page.goto(
// clicks the first button to the right of the Performance heading
await page
.locator( 'button:right-of(:text("Performance")) >> nth=0' )
await page.locator( 'text=Remove section' ).click();
// Grab all of the section headings
await page.waitForLoadState( 'networkidle' );
const sections = page.locator( 'h2.woocommerce-section-header__title' );
await expect( sections ).toHaveCount( 2 );
test( 'should allow a user to move a section down', async () => {
const firstSection = await headings_sections.first().innerText();
const secondSection = await headings_sections.nth( 1 ).innerText();
await test.step( `Move first section down`, async () => {
await buttons_ellipsis.first().click();
await menuitem_moveDown.click();
} );
test( 'should allow a user to add a section back in', async ( {
} ) => {
await page.goto(
await test.step( `Expect the second section to become first, and first becomes second.`, async () => {
await expect( headings_sections.first() ).toHaveText(
// button only shows when not all sections visible, so remove a section
await page
.locator( 'button:right-of(:text("Performance")) >> nth=0' )
await page.locator( 'text=Remove section' ).click();
// add section
await page.locator( '//button[@title="Add more sections"]' ).click();
await expect( headings_sections.nth( 1 ) ).toHaveText(
} );
} );
test( 'should allow a user to move a section up', async () => {
const firstSection = await headings_sections.first().innerText();
const secondSection = await headings_sections.nth( 1 ).innerText();
await test.step( `Move second section up`, async () => {
await buttons_ellipsis.nth( 1 ).click();
await menuitem_moveUp.click();
} );
await test.step( `Expect second section becomes first section, first becomes second`, async () => {
await expect( headings_sections.first() ).toHaveText(
await expect( headings_sections.nth( 1 ) ).toHaveText(
} );
} );
} );
test( 'should allow a user to remove a section', async () => {
await test.step( `Remove the Performance section`, async () => {
await page
.locator( '//button[@title="Add Performance section"]' )
.getByRole( 'button', {
name: 'Choose which analytics to display and the section name',
} )
await expect(
page.locator( 'h2.woocommerce-section-header__title >> nth=2' )
).toContainText( 'Performance' );
await page
.getByRole( 'menuitem', { name: 'Remove section' } )
await page.waitForResponse(
( response ) =>
response.url().includes( '/users' ) && response.ok()
} );
await test.step( `Expect the Performance section to be hidden`, async () => {
await expect( headings_sections ).toHaveCount( 2 );
await expect( heading_performance ).not.toBeVisible();
} );
} );
test( 'should allow a user to add a section back in', async () => {
await hidePerformanceSection( page );
await page.reload();
await test.step( `Add the Performance section back in.`, async () => {
await page.getByTitle( 'Add more sections' ).click();
await page.getByTitle( 'Add Performance section' ).click();
} );
await test.step( `Expect the Performance section to be added back.`, async () => {
await expect( heading_performance ).toBeVisible();
} );
} );
} );