Split into smaller tests

This commit is contained in:
rodelgc 2023-04-14 17:26:58 +08:00
parent caa6af608d
commit e76f452d35
1 changed files with 285 additions and 176 deletions

View File

@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ const defaultAttributes = [ 'val2', 'val1', 'val2' ];
const stockAmount = '100';
const lowStockAmount = '10';
let variableProductId;
async function deleteProductsAddedByTests( baseURL ) {
const api = new wcApi( {
url: baseURL,
@ -67,7 +69,7 @@ async function resetVariableProductTour( baseURL, browser ) {
test.describe.serial( 'Add New Variable Product Page', () => {
test.describe( 'Add New Variable Product Page', () => {
test.use( { storageState: process.env.ADMINSTATE } );
test.afterAll( async ( { baseURL, browser } ) => {
@ -75,167 +77,6 @@ test.describe.serial( 'Add New Variable Product Page', () => {
await resetVariableProductTour( baseURL, browser );
} );
// test( 'can create product, attributes and variations, edit variations and delete variations', async ( {
// page,
// } ) => {
// await page.goto( productPageURL );
// await page.fill( '#title', variableProductName );
// await page.selectOption( '#product-type', 'variable' );
// await page
// .locator( '.attribute_tab' )
// .getByRole( 'link', { name: 'Attributes' } )
// .scrollIntoViewIfNeeded();
// // the tour only seems to display when not running headless, so just make sure
// if ( await page.locator( '.woocommerce-tour-kit-step__heading' ).isVisible() ) {
// // dismiss the variable product tour
// await page
// .getByRole( 'button', { name: 'Close Tour' } )
// .click();
// // wait for the tour's dismissal to be saved
// await page.waitForResponse(
// ( response ) =>
// response.url().includes( '/users/' ) &&
// response.status() === 200
// );
// }
// await page.click( 'a[href="#product_attributes"]' );
// // add 3 attributes
// for ( let i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
// if ( i > 0 ) {
// await page.getByRole( 'button', { name: 'Add' } )
// .nth(2)
// .click();
// }
// await page.waitForSelector(
// `input[name="attribute_names[${ i }]"]`
// );
// await page
// .locator( `input[name="attribute_names[${ i }]"]` )
// .first()
// .type( `attr #${ i + 1 }` );
// await page
// .locator( `textarea[name="attribute_values[${ i }]"]` )
// .first()
// .type( 'val1 | val2' );
// }
// await page.getByRole( 'button', { name: 'Save attributes'} ).click( { clickCount: 3 });
// // wait for the tour's dismissal to be saved
// await page.waitForResponse(
// ( response ) =>
// response.url().includes( '/post.php' ) &&
// response.status() === 200
// );
// // Save before going to the Variations tab to prevent variations from all attributes to be automatically created
// await page.locator( '#save-post' ).click();
// await expect(
// page.getByText( 'Product draft updated. ' )
// ).toBeVisible();
// await page.click( 'a[href="#variable_product_options"]' );
// // event listener for handling the link_all_variations confirmation dialog
// page.on( 'dialog', ( dialog ) => dialog.accept() );
// // generate variations from all attributes
// await page.click( 'button.generate_variations' );
// // verify variations have the correct attribute values
// for ( let i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) {
// const val1 = 'val1';
// const val2 = 'val2';
// const attr3 = !! ( i % 2 ); // 0-1,4-5 / 2-3,6-7
// const attr2 = i % 4 > 1; // 0-3 / 4-7
// const attr1 = i > 3;
// await expect(
// page.locator( `select[name="attribute_attr-1[${ i }]"]` )
// ).toHaveValue( attr1 ? val2 : val1 );
// await expect(
// page.locator( `select[name="attribute_attr-2[${ i }]"]` )
// ).toHaveValue( attr2 ? val2 : val1 );
// await expect(
// page.locator( `select[name="attribute_attr-3[${ i }]"]` )
// ).toHaveValue( attr3 ? val2 : val1 );
// }
// await page.locator( '#save-post' ).click();
// await expect( page.locator( '#message.notice-success' ) ).toContainText(
// 'Product draft updated.'
// );
// // set variation attributes and bulk edit variations
// await page.click( 'a[href="#variable_product_options"]' );
// // set the variation attributes
// await page.click(
// '#variable_product_options .toolbar-top a.expand_all'
// );
// await page.check( 'input[name="variable_is_virtual[0]"]' );
// await page.fill(
// 'input[name="variable_regular_price[0]"]',
// variationOnePrice
// );
// await page.check( 'input[name="variable_is_virtual[1]"]' );
// await page.fill(
// 'input[name="variable_regular_price[1]"]',
// variationTwoPrice
// );
// await page.check( 'input[name="variable_manage_stock[2]"]' );
// await page.fill(
// 'input[name="variable_regular_price[2]"]',
// variationThreePrice
// );
// await page.fill( 'input[name="variable_weight[2]"]', productWeight );
// await page.fill( 'input[name="variable_length[2]"]', productLength );
// await page.fill( 'input[name="variable_width[2]"]', productWidth );
// await page.fill( 'input[name="variable_height[2]"]', productHeight );
// await page.keyboard.press( 'ArrowUp' );
// await page.click( 'button.save-variation-changes' );
// // bulk-edit variations
// await page.click(
// '#variable_product_options .toolbar-top a.expand_all'
// );
// for ( let i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
// const checkBox = page.locator(
// `input[name="variable_is_downloadable[${ i }]"]`
// );
// await expect( checkBox ).not.toBeChecked();
// }
// await page.selectOption( '#field_to_edit', 'toggle_downloadable', {
// force: true,
// } );
// await page.click(
// '#variable_product_options .toolbar-top a.expand_all'
// );
// for ( let i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
// const checkBox = await page.locator(
// `input[name="variable_is_downloadable[${ i }]"]`
// );
// await expect( checkBox ).toBeChecked();
// }
// await page.locator( '#save-post' ).click();
// // delete all variations
// await page.click( 'a[href="#variable_product_options"]' );
// await page.waitForLoadState( 'networkidle' );
// await page.selectOption( '#field_to_edit', 'delete_all' );
// await page.waitForSelector( '.woocommerce_variation', {
// state: 'detached',
// } );
// const variationsCount = await page.$$( '.woocommerce_variation' );
// await expect( variationsCount ).toHaveLength( 0 );
// } );
test( 'can create product, attributes and variations', async ( {
} ) => {
@ -257,12 +98,20 @@ test.describe.serial( 'Add New Variable Product Page', () => {
await test.step( 'Click on the "Attributes" tab.', async () => {
await page
.locator( '.attribute_tab' )
.getByRole( 'link', { name: 'Attributes' } )
} );
await test.step(
'Scroll into the "Attributes" tab and click it.',
async () => {
await page
.locator( '.attribute_tab' )
.getByRole( 'link', { name: 'Attributes' } )
await page
.locator( '.attribute_tab' )
.getByRole( 'link', { name: 'Attributes' } )
// the tour only seems to display when not running headless, so just make sure
const tourWasDisplayed = await test.step(
@ -388,20 +237,23 @@ test.describe.serial( 'Add New Variable Product Page', () => {
await test.step( 'Save the product ID.', async () => {
variableProductId = page
.match( /post=\d+/ )[ 0 ]
.replace( 'post=', '' );
} );
await test.step( 'Click on the "Variations" tab.', async () => {
await page.click( 'a[href="#variable_product_options"]' );
} );
await test.step(
'Create event listener for handling the link_all_variations confirmation dialog.',
async () => {
page.on( 'dialog', ( dialog ) => dialog.accept() );
await test.step(
'Click on the "Generate variations" button.',
async () => {
// event listener for handling the link_all_variations confirmation dialog
page.on( 'dialog', ( dialog ) => dialog.accept() );
await page.click( 'button.generate_variations' );
@ -448,7 +300,264 @@ test.describe.serial( 'Add New Variable Product Page', () => {
} );
test( 'can manually add a variation, manage stock levels, set variation defaults and remove a variation', async ( {
test( 'can individually edit variations', async ( { page } ) => {
// mytodo setup: create variable product with the same attributes and variations
await test.step( 'Go to the "Edit product" page.', async () => {
await page.goto(
`/wp-admin/post.php?post=${ variableProductId }&action=edit`
} );
await test.step( 'Click on the "Variations" tab.', async () => {
await page.click( 'a[href="#variable_product_options"]' );
} );
await test.step( 'Expand all variations.', async () => {
await page.click(
'#variable_product_options .toolbar-top a.expand_all'
} );
await test.step( 'Set the first variation to be virtual.', async () => {
await page.check( 'input[name="variable_is_virtual[0]"]' );
} );
await test.step(
`Set regular price of first variation to ${ variationOnePrice }.`,
async () => {
await page.fill(
await test.step(
'Set the second variation to be virtual.',
async () => {
await page.check( 'input[name="variable_is_virtual[1]"]' );
await test.step(
`Set regular price of second variation to ${ variationTwoPrice }.`,
async () => {
await page.fill(
await test.step(
'Check "Manage stock?" in the third variation.',
async () => {
await page.check( 'input[name="variable_manage_stock[2]"]' );
await test.step(
`Set regular price of third variation to ${ variationThreePrice }.`,
async () => {
await page.fill(
await test.step(
'Set the weight and dimensions of the third variation.',
async () => {
await page.fill(
await page.fill(
await page.fill(
await page.fill(
await page.keyboard.press( 'ArrowUp' );
await test.step( 'Click "Save changes".', async () => {
await page.click( 'button.save-variation-changes' );
await page.waitForLoadState( 'networkidle' );
} );
await test.step( 'Click on the "Variations" tab.', async () => {
await page.click( 'a[href="#variable_product_options"]' );
} );
await test.step( 'Expand all variations.', async () => {
await page.click(
'#variable_product_options .toolbar-top a.expand_all'
} );
await test.step(
'Expect the first variation to be virtual.',
async () => {
await expect(
page.locator( 'input[name="variable_is_virtual[0]"]' )
await test.step(
`Expect the price of the first variation to be ${ variationOnePrice }.`,
async () => {
await expect(
page.locator( 'input[name="variable_regular_price[0]"]' )
).toHaveValue( variationOnePrice );
await test.step(
'Expect the second variation to be virtual.',
async () => {
await expect(
page.locator( 'input[name="variable_is_virtual[1]"]' )
await test.step(
`Expect the price of the second variation to be ${ variationTwoPrice }.`,
async () => {
await expect(
page.locator( 'input[name="variable_regular_price[1]"]' )
).toHaveValue( variationTwoPrice );
await test.step(
'Expect the "Manage stock?" checkbox of the third variation to be checked.',
async () => {
await expect(
page.locator( 'input[name="variable_manage_stock[2]"]' )
await test.step(
`Expect the price of the third variation to be ${ variationThreePrice }.`,
async () => {
await expect(
page.locator( 'input[name="variable_regular_price[2]"]' )
).toHaveValue( variationThreePrice );
await test.step(
'Expect the weight and dimensions of the third variation to be correct.',
async () => {
await expect(
page.locator( 'input[name="variable_weight[2]"]' )
).toHaveValue( productWeight );
await expect(
page.locator( 'input[name="variable_length[2]"]' )
).toHaveValue( productLength );
await expect(
page.locator( 'input[name="variable_width[2]"]' )
).toHaveValue( productWidth );
await expect(
page.locator( 'input[name="variable_height[2]"]' )
).toHaveValue( productHeight );
} );
test( 'can bulk edit variations', async ( { page } ) => {
// mytodo setup: create variable product with the same attributes and variations
await test.step( 'Go to the "Edit product" page.', async () => {
await page.goto(
`/wp-admin/post.php?post=${ variableProductId }&action=edit`
} );
await test.step( 'Click on the "Variations" tab.', async () => {
await page.click( 'a[href="#variable_product_options"]' );
} );
await test.step(
'Select the \'Toggle "Downloadable"\' bulk action.',
async () => {
await page.selectOption(
await test.step( 'Expand all variations.', async () => {
await page.click(
'#variable_product_options .toolbar-top a.expand_all'
} );
await test.step(
'Expect all "Downloadable" checkboxes to be checked.',
async () => {
const checkBoxes = page.locator(
const count = await checkBoxes.count();
for ( let i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
await expect( checkBoxes.nth( i ) ).toBeChecked();
} );
test( 'can delete all variations', async ( { page } ) => {
// mytodo setup: create variable product with the same attributes and variations
await test.step( 'Go to the "Edit product" page.', async () => {
await page.goto(
`/wp-admin/post.php?post=${ variableProductId }&action=edit`
} );
await test.step( 'Click on the "Variations" tab.', async () => {
await page.click( 'a[href="#variable_product_options"]' );
} );
await test.step(
'Select the bulk action "Delete all variations".',
async () => {
page.on( 'dialog', ( dialog ) => dialog.accept() );
await page.selectOption( '#field_to_edit', 'delete_all' );
await test.step(
'Expect that there are no more variations.',
async () => {
await expect(
page.locator( '.woocommerce_variation' )
).toHaveCount( 0 );
} );
// mytodo remove skip
test.skip( 'can manually add a variation, manage stock levels, set variation defaults and remove a variation', async ( {
} ) => {
await page.goto( productPageURL );