Addressing comments.

This commit is contained in:
Tam Mullen 2020-07-10 23:12:21 +01:00
parent b2262f1cf7
commit ed525087ac
11 changed files with 49 additions and 1026 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ tests/cli/vendor
/tests/e2e/env/docker/wp-cli/ /tests/e2e/env/docker/wp-cli/
/tests/e2e/env/build/ /tests/e2e/env/build/
/tests/e2e/env/build-module/ /tests/e2e/env/build-module/
# Logs # Logs
/logs /logs

View File

@ -1,505 +0,0 @@
* @format
* Internal dependencies
import { StoreOwnerFlow } from './flows';
import { clickTab, uiUnblocked, verifyCheckboxIsUnset } from './page-utils';
const config = require( 'config' );
const simpleProductName = config.get( '' );
const verifyAndPublish = async () => {
// Wait for auto save
await page.waitFor( 2000 );
// Publish product
await expect( page ).toClick( '#publish' );
await page.waitForSelector( '.updated.notice' );
// Verify
await expect( page ).toMatchElement( '.updated.notice', { text: 'Product published.' } );
* Complete onboarding wizard.
const completeOnboardingWizard = async () => {
// Wait for "Yes please" button to appear and click on it
await page.waitForSelector( 'button[name=save_step]' );
await expect( page ).toMatchElement(
'button[name=save_step]', { text: 'Yes please' }
await Promise.all( [
// Click on "Yes please" button to move to the next step 'button[name=save_step]', { text: 'Yes please' } ),
// Wait for "Where is your store based?" section to load
page.waitForNavigation( { waitUntil: 'networkidle0' } ),
] );
// Store Details section
// Fill store's address - first line
await expect( page ).toFill( '#inspector-text-control-0', config.get( '' ) );
// Fill store's address - second line
await expect( page ).toFill( '#inspector-text-control-1', config.get( '' ) );
// Fill country and state where the store is located
await expect( page ).toFill( '.woocommerce-select-control__control-input', config.get( '' ) );
// Fill the city where the store is located
await expect( page ).toFill( '#inspector-text-control-2', config.get( '' ) );
// Fill postcode of the store
await expect( page ).toFill( '#inspector-text-control-3', config.get( '' ) );
// Verify that checkbox next to "I'm setting up a store for a client" is not selected
await verifyCheckboxIsUnset( '.components-checkbox-control__input' );
// Wait for "Continue" button to become active
await page.waitForSelector( '' );
// Click on "Continue" button to move to the next step
await '', { text: 'Continue' } );
// Wait for usage tracking pop-up window to appear
await page.waitForSelector( '.components-modal__header-heading' );
await expect( page ).toMatchElement(
'.components-modal__header-heading', { text: 'Build a Better WooCommerce' }
// Query for "Continue" buttons
const continueButtons = await page.$$( '' );
expect( continueButtons ).toHaveLength( 2 );
await Promise.all( [
// Click on "Continue" button of the usage pop-up window to move to the next step
// Wait for "In which industry does the store operate?" section to load
page.waitForNavigation( { waitUntil: 'networkidle0' } ),
] );
// Industry section
// Query for the industries checkboxes
const industryCheckboxes = await page.$$( '.components-checkbox-control__input' );
expect( industryCheckboxes ).toHaveLength( 8 );
// Select all industries including "Other"
for ( let i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) {
await industryCheckboxes[i].click();
// Fill "Other" industry
await expect( page ).toFill( '.components-text-control__input', config.get( 'onboardingwizard.industry' ) );
// Wait for "Continue" button to become active
await page.waitForSelector( '' );
await Promise.all( [
// Click on "Continue" button to move to the next step '' ),
// Wait for "What type of products will be listed?" section to load
page.waitForNavigation( { waitUntil: 'networkidle0' } ),
] );
// Product types section
// Query for the product types checkboxes
const productTypesCheckboxes = await page.$$( '.components-checkbox-control__input' );
expect( productTypesCheckboxes ).toHaveLength( 6 );
// Select Physical and Downloadable products
for ( let i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
await productTypesCheckboxes[i].click();
// Wait for "Continue" button to become active
await page.waitForSelector( 'button.woocommerce-profile-wizard__continue:not(:disabled)' );
await Promise.all( [
// Click on "Continue" button to move to the next step 'button.woocommerce-profile-wizard__continue' ),
// Wait for "Tell us about your business" section to load
page.waitForNavigation( { waitUntil: 'networkidle0' } ),
] );
// Business Details section
// Query for the <SelectControl>s
const selectControls = await page.$$( '.woocommerce-select-control' );
expect( selectControls ).toHaveLength( 2 );
// Fill the number of products you plan to sell
await selectControls[0].click();
await page.waitForSelector( '.woocommerce-select-control__listbox' );
await expect( page ).toClick( '.woocommerce-select-control__option', { text: config.get( 'onboardingwizard.numberofproducts' ) } );
// Fill currently selling elsewhere
await selectControls[1].click();
await page.waitForSelector( '.woocommerce-select-control__listbox' );
await expect( page ).toClick( '.woocommerce-select-control__option', { text: config.get( 'onboardingwizard.sellingelsewhere' ) } );
// Query for the plugin upload toggles
const pluginToggles = await page.$$( '.components-form-toggle__input' );
expect( pluginToggles ).toHaveLength( 3 );
// Disable Market on Facebook, Mailchimp and Google Shopping download
for ( let i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
await pluginToggles[i].click();
// Wait for "Continue" button to become active
await page.waitForSelector( '' );
await Promise.all( [
// Click on "Continue" button to move to the next step '' ),
// Wait for "Theme" section to load
page.waitForNavigation( { waitUntil: 'networkidle0' } ),
] );
// Theme section
// Wait for "Continue with my active theme" button to become active
await page.waitForSelector( '' );
await Promise.all( [
// Click on "Continue with my active theme" button to move to the next step '' ),
// Wait for "Enhance your store with WooCommerce Services" section to load
page.waitForNavigation( { waitUntil: 'networkidle0' } ),
] );
// Benefits section
// Wait for Benefits section to appear
await page.waitForSelector( '.woocommerce-profile-wizard__header-title' );
// Wait for "No thanks" button to become active
await page.waitForSelector( '' );
// Click on "No thanks" button to move to the next step
await '' );
// End of onboarding wizard
// Wait for "Woo-hoo almost there" window to appear
await page.waitForSelector( '.components-modal__header-heading' );
await expect( page ).toMatchElement(
'.components-modal__header-heading', { text: 'Woo hoo - you\'re almost there!' }
// Wait for "Continue" button to become active
await page.waitForSelector( '' );
// Click on "Continue" button to move to the next step
await '' );
* Complete old setup wizard.
const completeOldSetupWizard = async () => {
// Fill out store setup section details
// Select country where the store is located
await expect( page ).toSelect( 'select[name="store_country"]', config.get( '' ) );
// Fill store's address - first line
await expect( page ).toFill( '#store_address', config.get( '' ) );
// Fill store's address - second line
await expect( page ).toFill( '#store_address_2', config.get( '' ) );
// Fill the city where the store is located
await expect( page ).toFill( '#store_city', config.get( '' ) );
// Select the state where the store is located
await expect( page ).toSelect( 'select[name="store_state"]', config.get( '') );
// Fill postcode of the store
await expect( page ).toFill( '#store_postcode', config.get( '' ) );
// Select currency and type of products to sell details
await expect( page ).toSelect( 'select[name="currency_code"]', '\n' +
'\t\t\t\t\t\tUnited States (US) dollar ($ USD)\t\t\t\t\t' );
await expect( page ).toSelect( 'select[name="product_type"]', 'I plan to sell both physical and digital products' );
// Verify that checkbox next to "I will also be selling products or services in person." is not selected
await verifyCheckboxIsUnset( '#woocommerce_sell_in_person' );
// Click on "Let's go!" button to move to the next step
await page.$eval( 'button[name=save_step]', elem => );
// Wait for usage tracking pop-up window to appear
await page.waitForSelector( '#wc-backbone-modal-dialog' );
await expect( page ).toMatchElement(
'.wc-backbone-modal-header', { text: 'Help improve WooCommerce with usage tracking' }
await page.waitForSelector( '#wc_tracker_checkbox_dialog' );
// Verify that checkbox next to "Enable usage tracking and help improve WooCommerce" is not selected
await verifyCheckboxIsUnset( '#wc_tracker_checkbox_dialog' );
await Promise.all( [
// Click on "Continue" button to move to the next step
page.$eval( '#wc_tracker_submit', elem => ),
// Wait for the Payment section to load
page.waitForNavigation( { waitUntil: 'networkidle0' } ),
] );
// Fill out payment section details
// Turn off Stripe account toggle
await '.wc-wizard-service-toggle' );
await Promise.all( [
// Click on "Continue" button to move to the next step 'button[name=save_step]', { text: 'Continue' } ),
// Wait for the Shipping section to load
page.waitForNavigation( { waitUntil: 'networkidle0' } ),
] );
// Fill out shipping section details
// Turn off WooCommerce Shipping option
await page.$eval( '#wc_recommended_woocommerce_services', elem => );
await page.waitForSelector( 'select[name="shipping_zones[domestic][method]"]' );
await page.waitForSelector( 'select[name="shipping_zones[intl][method]"]' );
// Select Flat Rate shipping method for domestic shipping zone
await page.evaluate( () => {
document.querySelector( 'select[name="shipping_zones[domestic][method]"] > option:nth-child(1)' ).selected = true;
let element = document.querySelector( 'select[name="shipping_zones[domestic][method]"]' );
let event = new Event( 'change', { bubbles: true } );
event.simulated = true;
element.dispatchEvent( event );
} );
await page.$eval( 'input[name="shipping_zones[domestic][flat_rate][cost]"]', e => e.setAttribute( 'value', '10.00' ) );
// Select Flat Rate shipping method for the rest of the world shipping zone
await page.evaluate( () => {
document.querySelector( 'select[name="shipping_zones[intl][method]"] > option:nth-child(1)' ).selected = true;
let element = document.querySelector( 'select[name="shipping_zones[intl][method]"]' );
let event = new Event( 'change', { bubbles: true } );
event.simulated = true;
element.dispatchEvent( event );
} );
await page.$eval( 'input[name="shipping_zones[intl][flat_rate][cost]"]', e => e.setAttribute( 'value', '20.00' ) );
// Select product weight and product dimensions options
await expect( page ).toSelect( 'select[name="weight_unit"]', 'Pounds' );
await expect( page ).toSelect( 'select[name="dimension_unit"]', 'Inches' );
await Promise.all( [
// Click on "Continue" button to move to the next step 'button[name=save_step]', { text: 'Continue' } ),
// Wait for the Recommended section to load
page.waitForNavigation( { waitUntil: 'networkidle0' } ),
] );
// Fill out recommended section details
// Turn off Storefront Theme option
await page.waitForSelector( '#wc_recommended_storefront_theme', { visible: true } );
await page.$eval( '#wc_recommended_storefront_theme', elem => );
// Turn off Automated Taxes option
await page.waitForSelector( '#wc_recommended_automated_taxes', { visible: true } );
await page.$eval( '#wc_recommended_automated_taxes', elem => );
// Turn off Mailchimp option
await page.waitForSelector( '#wc_recommended_mailchimp', { visible: true } );
await page.$eval( '#wc_recommended_mailchimp', elem => );
// Turn off Facebook option
await page.waitForSelector( '#wc_recommended_facebook', { visible: true } );
await page.$eval( '#wc_recommended_facebook', elem => );
await Promise.all( [
// Click on "Continue" button to move to the next step 'button[name=save_step]', { text: 'Continue' } ),
// Wait for the Jetpack section to load
page.waitForNavigation( { waitUntil: 'networkidle0' } ),
] );
// Skip activate Jetpack section
// Click on "Skip this step" in order to skip Jetpack installation
await '.wc-setup-footer-links' );
// Finish Setup Wizard - Ready! section
// Visit Dashboard
await StoreOwnerFlow.openDashboard();
} ;
* Create simple product.
const createSimpleProduct = async () => {
// Go to "add product" page
await StoreOwnerFlow.openNewProduct();
// Make sure we're on the add order page
await expect( page.title() ).resolves.toMatch( 'Add new product' );
// Set product data
await expect( page ).toFill( '#title', simpleProductName );
await clickTab( 'General' );
await expect( page ).toFill( '#_regular_price', '9.99' );
await verifyAndPublish();
const simplePostId = await page.$( '#post_ID' );
let simplePostIdValue = ( await ( await simplePostId.getProperty( 'value' ) ).jsonValue() );
return simplePostIdValue;
} ;
* Create variable product.
const createVariableProduct = async () => {
// Go to "add product" page
await StoreOwnerFlow.openNewProduct();
// Make sure we're on the add order page
await expect( page.title() ).resolves.toMatch( 'Add new product' );
// Set product data
await expect( page ).toFill( '#title', 'Variable Product with Three Variations' );
await expect( page ).toSelect( '#product-type', 'Variable product' );
// Create attributes for variations
await clickTab( 'Attributes' );
await expect( page ).toSelect( 'select[name="attribute_taxonomy"]', 'Custom product attribute' );
for ( let i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
await expect( page ).toClick( 'button.add_attribute', { text: 'Add' } );
// Wait for attribute form to load
await uiUnblocked();
await page.focus( `input[name="attribute_names[${ i }]"]` );
await expect( page ).toFill( `input[name="attribute_names[${ i }]"]`, 'attr #' + ( i + 1 ) );
await expect( page ).toFill( `textarea[name="attribute_values[${ i }]"]`, 'val1 | val2' );
await expect( page ).toClick( `input[name="attribute_variation[${ i }]"]` );
await expect( page ).toClick( 'button', { text: 'Save attributes' } );
// Wait for attribute form to save (triggers 2 UI blocks)
await uiUnblocked();
await page.waitFor( 1000 );
await uiUnblocked();
// Create variations from attributes
await clickTab( 'Variations' );
await page.waitForSelector( 'select.variation_actions:not([disabled])' );
await page.focus( 'select.variation_actions' );
await expect( page ).toSelect( 'select.variation_actions', 'Create variations from all attributes' );
const firstDialog = await expect( page ).toDisplayDialog( async () => {
// Using this technique since toClick() isn't working.
// See:
page.$eval( 'a.do_variation_action', elem => );
} );
expect( firstDialog.message() ).toMatch( 'Are you sure you want to link all variations?' );
const secondDialog = await expect( page ).toDisplayDialog( async () => {
await firstDialog.accept();
} );
expect( secondDialog.message() ).toMatch( '8 variations added' );
await secondDialog.dismiss();
// Set some variation data
await uiUnblocked();
await uiUnblocked();
await page.waitForSelector( '.woocommerce_variation .handlediv' );
// Verify that variations were created
await Promise.all( [
expect( page ).toMatchElement( 'select[name="attribute_attr-1[0]"]', { text: 'val1' } ),
expect( page ).toMatchElement( 'select[name="attribute_attr-2[0]"]', { text: 'val1' } ),
expect( page ).toMatchElement( 'select[name="attribute_attr-3[0]"]', { text: 'val1' } ),
expect( page ).toMatchElement( 'select[name="attribute_attr-1[1]"]', { text: 'val1' } ),
expect( page ).toMatchElement( 'select[name="attribute_attr-2[1]"]', { text: 'val1' } ),
expect( page ).toMatchElement( 'select[name="attribute_attr-3[1]"]', { text: 'val2' } ),
expect( page ).toMatchElement( 'select[name="attribute_attr-1[2]"]', { text: 'val1' } ),
expect( page ).toMatchElement( 'select[name="attribute_attr-2[2]"]', { text: 'val2' } ),
expect( page ).toMatchElement( 'select[name="attribute_attr-3[2]"]', { text: 'val1' } ),
expect( page ).toMatchElement( 'select[name="attribute_attr-1[3]"]', { text: 'val1' } ),
expect( page ).toMatchElement( 'select[name="attribute_attr-2[3]"]', { text: 'val2' } ),
expect( page ).toMatchElement( 'select[name="attribute_attr-3[3]"]', { text: 'val2' } ),
expect( page ).toMatchElement( 'select[name="attribute_attr-1[4]"]', { text: 'val2' } ),
expect( page ).toMatchElement( 'select[name="attribute_attr-2[4]"]', { text: 'val1' } ),
expect( page ).toMatchElement( 'select[name="attribute_attr-3[4]"]', { text: 'val1' } ),
expect( page ).toMatchElement( 'select[name="attribute_attr-1[5]"]', { text: 'val2' } ),
expect( page ).toMatchElement( 'select[name="attribute_attr-2[5]"]', { text: 'val1' } ),
expect( page ).toMatchElement( 'select[name="attribute_attr-3[5]"]', { text: 'val2' } ),
expect( page ).toMatchElement( 'select[name="attribute_attr-1[6]"]', { text: 'val2' } ),
expect( page ).toMatchElement( 'select[name="attribute_attr-2[6]"]', { text: 'val2' } ),
expect( page ).toMatchElement( 'select[name="attribute_attr-3[6]"]', { text: 'val1' } ),
expect( page ).toMatchElement( 'select[name="attribute_attr-1[7]"]', { text: 'val2' } ),
expect( page ).toMatchElement( 'select[name="attribute_attr-2[7]"]', { text: 'val2' } ),
expect( page ).toMatchElement( 'select[name="attribute_attr-3[7]"]', { text: 'val2' } ),
] );
await expect( page ).toClick( '.woocommerce_variation:nth-of-type(2) .handlediv' );
await page.waitFor( 2000 );
await page.focus( 'input[name="variable_is_virtual[0]"]' );
await expect( page ).toClick( 'input[name="variable_is_virtual[0]"]' );
await expect( page ).toFill( 'input[name="variable_regular_price[0]"]', '9.99' );
await expect( page ).toClick( '.woocommerce_variation:nth-of-type(3) .handlediv' );
await page.waitFor( 2000 );
await page.focus( 'input[name="variable_is_virtual[1]"]' );
await expect( page ).toClick( 'input[name="variable_is_virtual[1]"]' );
await expect( page ).toFill( 'input[name="variable_regular_price[1]"]', '11.99' );
await expect( page ).toClick( '.woocommerce_variation:nth-of-type(4) .handlediv' );
await page.waitFor( 2000 );
await page.focus( 'input[name="variable_manage_stock[2]"]' );
await expect( page ).toClick( 'input[name="variable_manage_stock[2]"]' );
await expect( page ).toFill( 'input[name="variable_regular_price[2]"]', '20' );
await expect( page ).toFill( 'input[name="variable_weight[2]"]', '200' );
await expect( page ).toFill( 'input[name="variable_length[2]"]', '10' );
await expect( page ).toFill( 'input[name="variable_width[2]"]', '20' );
await expect( page ).toFill( 'input[name="variable_height[2]"]', '15' );
await page.focus( '' );
await expect( page ).toClick( '', { text: 'Save changes' } );
await verifyAndPublish();
const variablePostId = await page.$( '#post_ID' );
let variablePostIdValue = ( await ( await variablePostId.getProperty( 'value' ) ).jsonValue() );
return variablePostIdValue;
export {

View File

@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
* @format
* External dependencies
import { pressKeyWithModifier } from '@wordpress/e2e-test-utils';
* Internal dependencies
import { clearAndFillInput } from './page-utils';
const config = require( 'config' );
const baseUrl = config.get( 'url' );
const WP_ADMIN_LOGIN = baseUrl + 'wp-login.php';
const WP_ADMIN_DASHBOARD = baseUrl + 'wp-admin';
const WP_ADMIN_PLUGINS = baseUrl + 'wp-admin/plugins.php';
const WP_ADMIN_SETUP_WIZARD = baseUrl + 'wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-setup';
const WP_ADMIN_ALL_ORDERS_VIEW = baseUrl + 'wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=shop_order';
const WP_ADMIN_NEW_COUPON = baseUrl + 'wp-admin/post-new.php?post_type=shop_coupon';
const WP_ADMIN_NEW_ORDER = baseUrl + 'wp-admin/post-new.php?post_type=shop_order';
const WP_ADMIN_NEW_PRODUCT = baseUrl + 'wp-admin/post-new.php?post_type=product';
const WP_ADMIN_WC_SETTINGS = baseUrl + 'wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=';
const WP_ADMIN_PERMALINK_SETTINGS = baseUrl + 'wp-admin/options-permalink.php';
const SHOP_PAGE = baseUrl + 'shop';
const SHOP_PRODUCT_PAGE = baseUrl + '?p=';
const SHOP_CART_PAGE = baseUrl + 'cart';
const SHOP_CHECKOUT_PAGE = baseUrl + 'checkout/';
const SHOP_MY_ACCOUNT_PAGE = baseUrl + 'my-account/';
const MY_ACCOUNT_ORDERS = baseUrl + 'my-account/orders';
const MY_ACCOUNT_DOWNLOADS = baseUrl + 'my-account/downloads';
const MY_ACCOUNT_ADDRESSES = baseUrl + 'my-account/edit-address';
const MY_ACCOUNT_ACCOUNT_DETAILS = baseUrl + 'my-account/edit-account';
const getProductColumnExpression = ( productTitle ) => (
'td[@class="product-name" and ' +
`a[contains(text(), "${ productTitle }")]` +
const getQtyColumnExpression = ( args ) => (
'td[@class="product-quantity" and ' +
'.//' + getQtyInputExpression( args ) +
const getQtyInputExpression = ( args = {} ) => {
let qtyValue = '';
if ( args.checkQty ) {
qtyValue = ` and @value="${ args.qty }"`;
return 'input[contains(@class, "input-text")' + qtyValue + ']';
const getCartItemExpression = ( productTitle, args ) => (
'//tr[contains(@class, "cart_item") and ' +
getProductColumnExpression( productTitle ) +
' and ' +
getQtyColumnExpression( args ) +
const getRemoveExpression = () => (
const CustomerFlow = {
addToCart: async () => {
await Promise.all( [
page.waitForNavigation( { waitUntil: 'networkidle0' } ), '.single_add_to_cart_button' ),
] );
addToCartFromShopPage: async ( productTitle ) => {
const addToCartXPath = `//li[contains(@class, "type-product") and a/h2[contains(text(), "${ productTitle }")]]` +
'//a[contains(@class, "add_to_cart_button") and contains(@class, "ajax_add_to_cart")';
const [ addToCartButton ] = await page.$x( addToCartXPath + ']' );;
await page.waitFor( addToCartXPath + ' and contains(@class, "added")]' );
goToCheckout: async () => {
await page.goto( SHOP_CHECKOUT_PAGE, {
waitUntil: 'networkidle0',
} );
goToOrders: async () => {
await page.goto( MY_ACCOUNT_ORDERS, {
waitUntil: 'networkidle0',
} );
goToDownloads: async () => {
await page.goto( MY_ACCOUNT_DOWNLOADS, {
waitUntil: 'networkidle0',
} );
goToAddresses: async () => {
await page.goto( MY_ACCOUNT_ADDRESSES, {
waitUntil: 'networkidle0',
} );
goToAccountDetails: async () => {
await page.goto( MY_ACCOUNT_ACCOUNT_DETAILS, {
waitUntil: 'networkidle0',
} );
goToProduct: async ( postID ) => {
await page.goto( SHOP_PRODUCT_PAGE + postID, {
waitUntil: 'networkidle0',
} );
goToShop: async () => {
await page.goto(SHOP_PAGE, {
waitUntil: 'networkidle0',
placeOrder: async () => {
await Promise.all( [
expect( page ).toClick( '#place_order' ),
page.waitForNavigation( { waitUntil: 'networkidle0' } ),
] );
productIsInCheckout: async ( productTitle, quantity, total, cartSubtotal ) => {
await expect( page ).toMatchElement( '.product-name', { text: productTitle } );
await expect( page ).toMatchElement( '.product-quantity', { text: quantity } );
await expect( page ).toMatchElement( '.product-total .amount', { text: total } );
await expect( page ).toMatchElement( '.cart-subtotal .amount', { text: cartSubtotal } );
goToCart: async () => {
await page.goto( SHOP_CART_PAGE, {
waitUntil: 'networkidle0',
} );
login: async () => {
await page.goto( SHOP_MY_ACCOUNT_PAGE, {
waitUntil: 'networkidle0',
} );
await expect( page.title() ).resolves.toMatch( 'My account' );
await page.type( '#username', config.get('users.customer.username') );
await page.type( '#password', config.get('users.customer.password') );
await Promise.all( [
page.waitForNavigation( { waitUntil: 'networkidle0' } ), 'button[name="login"]' ),
] );
productIsInCart: async ( productTitle, quantity = null ) => {
const cartItemArgs = quantity ? { qty: quantity } : {};
const cartItemXPath = getCartItemExpression( productTitle, cartItemArgs );
await expect( page.$x( cartItemXPath ) ).resolves.toHaveLength( 1 );
fillBillingDetails: async ( customerBillingDetails ) => {
await expect( page ).toFill( '#billing_first_name', customerBillingDetails.firstname );
await expect( page ).toFill( '#billing_last_name', customerBillingDetails.lastname );
await expect( page ).toFill( '#billing_company', );
await expect( page ).toSelect( '#billing_country', );
await expect( page ).toFill( '#billing_address_1', customerBillingDetails.addressfirstline );
await expect( page ).toFill( '#billing_address_2', customerBillingDetails.addresssecondline );
await expect( page ).toFill( '#billing_city', );
await expect( page ).toSelect( '#billing_state', customerBillingDetails.state );
await expect( page ).toFill( '#billing_postcode', customerBillingDetails.postcode );
await expect( page ).toFill( '#billing_phone', );
await expect( page ).toFill( '#billing_email', );
fillShippingDetails: async ( customerShippingDetails ) => {
await expect( page ).toFill( '#shipping_first_name', customerShippingDetails.firstname );
await expect( page ).toFill( '#shipping_last_name', customerShippingDetails.lastname );
await expect( page ).toFill( '#shipping_company', );
await expect( page ).toSelect( '#shipping_country', );
await expect( page ).toFill( '#shipping_address_1', customerShippingDetails.addressfirstline );
await expect( page ).toFill( '#shipping_address_2', customerShippingDetails.addresssecondline );
await expect( page ).toFill( '#shipping_city', );
await expect( page ).toSelect( '#shipping_state', customerShippingDetails.state );
await expect( page ).toFill( '#shipping_postcode', customerShippingDetails.postcode );
removeFromCart: async ( productTitle ) => {
const cartItemXPath = getCartItemExpression(productTitle);
const removeItemXPath = cartItemXPath + '//' + getRemoveExpression();
const [removeButton] = await page.$x(removeItemXPath);
setCartQuantity: async ( productTitle, quantityValue ) => {
const cartItemXPath = getCartItemExpression( productTitle );
const quantityInputXPath = cartItemXPath + '//' + getQtyInputExpression();
const [ quantityInput ] = await page.$x( quantityInputXPath );
await quantityInput.focus();
await pressKeyWithModifier( 'primary', 'a' );
await quantityInput.type( quantityValue.toString() );
const StoreOwnerFlow = {
login: async () => {
await page.goto( WP_ADMIN_LOGIN, {
waitUntil: 'networkidle0',
} );
await expect( page.title() ).resolves.toMatch( 'Log In' );
await clearAndFillInput( '#user_login', ' ' );
await page.type( '#user_login', config.get( 'users.admin.username' ) );
await page.type( '#user_pass', config.get( 'users.admin.password' ) );
await Promise.all( [ 'input[type=submit]' ),
page.waitForNavigation( { waitUntil: 'networkidle0' } ),
] );
logout: async () => {
await page.goto(baseUrl + 'wp-login.php?action=logout', {
waitUntil: 'networkidle0',
await expect(page).toMatch('You are attempting to log out');
await Promise.all([
page.waitForNavigation({ waitUntil: 'networkidle0' }),'a'),
openAllOrdersView: async () => {
await page.goto( WP_ADMIN_ALL_ORDERS_VIEW, {
waitUntil: 'networkidle0',
} );
openDashboard: async () => {
await page.goto( WP_ADMIN_DASHBOARD, {
waitUntil: 'networkidle0',
} );
openNewCoupon: async () => {
await page.goto( WP_ADMIN_NEW_COUPON, {
waitUntil: 'networkidle0',
} );
openNewOrder: async () => {
await page.goto( WP_ADMIN_NEW_ORDER, {
waitUntil: 'networkidle0',
} );
openNewProduct: async () => {
await page.goto( WP_ADMIN_NEW_PRODUCT, {
waitUntil: 'networkidle0',
} );
openPermalinkSettings: async () => {
waitUntil: 'networkidle0',
} );
openPlugins: async () => {
await page.goto( WP_ADMIN_PLUGINS, {
waitUntil: 'networkidle0',
} );
openSettings: async ( tab, section = null ) => {
let settingsUrl = WP_ADMIN_WC_SETTINGS + tab;
if ( section ) {
settingsUrl += `&section=${ section }`;
await page.goto( settingsUrl, {
waitUntil: 'networkidle0',
} );
runSetupWizard: async () => {
await page.goto( WP_ADMIN_SETUP_WIZARD, {
waitUntil: 'networkidle0',
} );
export { CustomerFlow, StoreOwnerFlow };

View File

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
import { CustomerFlow, StoreOwnerFlow } from './flows';
import {
} from './components';
import {
} from './page-utils';
module.exports = {

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# WooCommerce End to End Test Utilities # WooCommerce End to End Test Utilities
This package contains utilities needed to write e2e tests (specific to WooCommerce). This package contains utilities to simplify writing e2e tests specific to WooCommmerce.
## Installation ## Installation

View File

@ -1,160 +1,14 @@
/** import { CustomerFlow, StoreOwnerFlow } from './src/flows';
* External dependencies
import { pressKeyWithModifier } from '@wordpress/e2e-test-utils';
/** import {
* Perform a "select all" and then fill a input. completeOnboardingWizard,
* completeOldSetupWizard,
* @param {string} selector createSimpleProduct,
* @param {string} value createVariableProduct,
*/ verifyAndPublish,
const clearAndFillInput = async ( selector, value ) => { } from './src/components';
await page.focus( selector );
await pressKeyWithModifier( 'primary', 'a' );
await page.type( selector, value );
/** import {
* Click a tab (on post type edit screen).
* @param {string} tabName Tab label
const clickTab = async ( tabName ) => {
await expect( page ).toClick( '.wc-tabs > li > a', { text: tabName } );
* Save changes on a WooCommerce settings page.
const settingsPageSaveChanges = async () => {
await page.focus( 'button.woocommerce-save-button' );
await Promise.all( [
page.waitForNavigation( { waitUntil: 'networkidle0' } ), 'button.woocommerce-save-button' ),
] );
* Save changes on Permalink settings page.
const permalinkSettingsPageSaveChanges = async () => {
await page.focus( '.wp-core-ui .button-primary' );
await Promise.all( [
page.waitForNavigation( { waitUntil: 'networkidle0' } ), '.wp-core-ui .button-primary' ),
] );
* Set checkbox.
* @param {string} selector
const setCheckbox = async( selector ) => {
await page.focus( selector );
const checkbox = await page.$( selector );
const checkboxStatus = ( await ( await checkbox.getProperty( 'checked' ) ).jsonValue() );
if ( checkboxStatus !== true ) {
await selector );
* Unset checkbox.
* @param {string} selector
const unsetCheckbox = async( selector ) => {
await page.focus( selector );
const checkbox = await page.$( selector );
const checkboxStatus = ( await ( await checkbox.getProperty( 'checked' ) ).jsonValue() );
if ( checkboxStatus === true ) {
await selector );
* Wait for UI blocking to end.
const uiUnblocked = async () => {
await page.waitForFunction( () => ! Boolean( document.querySelector( '.blockUI' ) ) );
* Publish, verify that item was published. Trash, verify that item was trashed.
* @param {string} button (Publish)
* @param {string} publishNotice
* @param {string} publishVerification
* @param {string} trashVerification
const verifyPublishAndTrash = async ( button, publishNotice, publishVerification, trashVerification ) => {
// Wait for auto save
await page.waitFor( 2000 );
// Publish
await expect( page ).toClick( button );
await page.waitForSelector( publishNotice );
// Verify
await expect( page ).toMatchElement( publishNotice, { text: publishVerification } );
if ( button === '.order_actions li .save_order' ) {
await expect( page ).toMatchElement( '#select2-order_status-container', { text: 'Processing' } );
await expect( page ).toMatchElement(
'#woocommerce-order-notes .note_content',
text: 'Order status changed from Pending payment to Processing.',
// Trash
await expect( page ).toClick( 'a', { text: "Move to Trash" } );
await page.waitForSelector( '#message' );
// Verify
await expect( page ).toMatchElement( publishNotice, { text: trashVerification } );
* Verify that checkbox is set.
* @param {string} selector Selector of the checkbox that needs to be verified.
const verifyCheckboxIsSet = async( selector ) => {
await page.focus( selector );
const checkbox = await page.$( selector );
const checkboxStatus = ( await ( await checkbox.getProperty( 'checked' ) ).jsonValue() );
await expect( checkboxStatus ).toBe( true );
* Verify that checkbox is unset.
* @param {string} selector Selector of the checkbox that needs to be verified.
const verifyCheckboxIsUnset = async( selector ) => {
await page.focus( selector );
const checkbox = await page.$( selector );
const checkboxStatus = ( await ( await checkbox.getProperty( 'checked' ) ).jsonValue() );
await expect( checkboxStatus ).not.toBe( true );
* Verify the value of input field once it was saved (can be used for radio buttons verification as well).
* @param {string} selector Selector of the input field that needs to be verified.
* @param {string} value Value of the input field that needs to be verified.
const verifyValueOfInputField = async( selector, value ) => {
await page.focus( selector );
const field = await page.$( selector );
const fieldValue = ( await ( await field.getProperty( 'value' ) ).jsonValue() );
await expect( fieldValue ).toBe( value );
export {
clearAndFillInput, clearAndFillInput,
clickTab, clickTab,
settingsPageSaveChanges, settingsPageSaveChanges,
@ -166,4 +20,25 @@ export {
verifyCheckboxIsSet, verifyCheckboxIsSet,
verifyCheckboxIsUnset, verifyCheckboxIsUnset,
verifyValueOfInputField, verifyValueOfInputField,
}; } from './src/page-utils';
module.exports = {

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{ {
"name": "@woocommerce/e2e-utils", "name": "@woocommerce/e2e-utils",
"version": "1.0.0", "version": "0.1.0",
"description": "End-To-End (E2E) test utils for WooCommerce", "description": "End-To-End (E2E) test utils for WooCommerce",
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"repository": { "repository": {
@ -8,8 +8,9 @@
"url": "" "url": ""
}, },
"license": "GPL-3.0+", "license": "GPL-3.0+",
"main": "index.js", "main": "build/index.js",
"module": "build-module/index.js",
"dependencies": { "dependencies": {
"@wordpress/e2e-test-utils": "4.3.1" "@wordpress/e2e-test-utils": "4.6.0"
} }
} }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
* External dependencies
const path = require( 'path' );
module.exports = {
'@woocommerce/e2e-tests': path.resolve(