Updated changelog and show just for stable versions

This commit is contained in:
Claudio Sanches 2015-11-11 19:47:23 -02:00
parent e39266f28d
commit ef16badfe4
2 changed files with 6 additions and 232 deletions

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@ -1,51 +1,10 @@
== Changelog ==
= 2.5.0 - TBD =
* Feature - New default session handler. Uses custom table to store data rather than the options table for performance and scalability reasons. https://woocommerce.wordpress.com/2015/10/07/new-session-handler-in-2-5/
* Feature - New tax settings UI - faster, enhanced with ajax, searchable.
* Feature - WP CLI Support. https://woocommerce.wordpress.com/2015/10/01/sneak-peek-wp-cli-support-in-woocommerce/
* Feature - Added terms and conditions checkbox to pay page.
* Feature - Password strength indicators.
* Feature - Added 'pay' link to order screen.
* Feature - Added admin order/payment failed notification.
* Fix - Check for existence of global attribute when you get_attributes() for a product.
* Fix - Show order by template on product search.
* Fix - Search variation skus in backend search.
* Tweak - Added wc_array_cartesian function to generate variations in a logical order.
* Tweak - Revised email settings screens to show emails in a table and avoid a long sub-nav.
* Tweak - Default customer role capabilities.
* Tweak - Expire mini-cart cache after 24 hours.
* Tweak - Improved refund error messages in PayPal standard.
* Tweak - Removed language pack downloader in favour of translate.wordpress.org.
* Tweak - Added onboarding wizard button to the contextual help so it can be accessed again.
* Tweak - When a WordPress user is deleted, turn any orders they have into Guest orders.
* Tweak - When calculating order taxes, respect tax settings and default to base country.
* Tweak - Fade in variation images to avoid flicker during load.
* Tweak - Display 2 averages on report (net and gross).
* Tweak - Improve product search and use WPDB instead of several get_posts queries for performance.
* Tweak - Use SKU for stock order notes.
* Tweak - Added order notes for manual email sends.
* Tweak - Sanitize shipping method labels/titles.
* Tweak - Only display the coupon form on the checkout if a coupon hasn't been applied.
* Tweak - Added billing address column to order screen (off for new users).
* Tweak - Created function to disable author archives for customers.
* Tweak - When updating cart hash, refresh all open tabs.
* Tweak - Use new "question" mark icon font for help tips.
* Tweak - Improved review verification status retrieval.
* Tweak - Improve appearance when only 1 gateway is active.
* Dev - API - Added /products/shipping_classes endpoint.
* Dev - API - Added support to POST, PUT, and DELETE categories and tags.
* Dev - API - Added support to filter products by tag, category, shipping class, and attribute.
* Dev - API - Added tax and tax_class endpoints.
* Dev - Template - New star ratings. The old one was 5 separate buttons. This new one consolidates the 5 options into one element making it leaner visually and more intuitive. Works in IE9+ with a graceful degradation for IE8.
* Dev - Template - Added `data-title` attribute to cart table.
* Dev - Template - Product archive anchors are now hooked into templates rather than hard coded.
* Dev - Template - Added template files for the customer details list in emails. emails/email-customer-details.php
* Dev - Template - Revised single variation cart template. Template files now exist for variations, and the cart button will display (disabled) when no selections are made.
* Dev - Allow wc_clean to support arrays.
* Dev - Added a manual update trigger for checkout.
* Dev - Added woocommerce_is_price_filter_active filter to Query class.
* Dev - Replaced some cart methods with dedicated functions. e.g. wc_ship_to_billing_address_only().
= 2.4.10 - 10/11/2015 =
* Fix - Geo IP - Correctly parse .dat files.
* Fix - Geo IP - Ensure WC_Logger class exists before logging errors.
* Fix - Geo IP - Prevent notices in ipv6 methods.
* Tweak - Add information about credit card address for Simplify Commerce.
= 2.4.9 - 09/11/2015 =
* Fix - Check abspath exists in more files to prevent errors on direct access.

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@ -205,191 +205,6 @@ Yes you can! Join in on our [GitHub repository](http://github.com/woothemes/wooc
* Dev - Added woocommerce_is_price_filter_active filter to Query class.
* Dev - Replaced some cart methods with dedicated functions. e.g. wc_ship_to_billing_address_only().
= 2.4.9 - 09/11/2015 =
* Fix - Check abspath exists in more files to prevent errors on direct access.
* Fix - Hide SQL errors during ajax requests.
* Fix - Fixed redirection loop on customizer screen.
* Fix - Improved error handling in WC_Geo_IP.
* Fix - Bulk edit sale prices.
* Fix - Check for child themes in System Status.
* Fix - API - Warnings when create attributes.
* Fix - System Report: Template version check path.
* Fix - Potential XSS within price.php fixed with escape on get_price() (would require edit/admin permissions to take advantage of). Discovered by FortiGuard Labs (http://www.fortiguard.com/). Template version has been bumped.
= 2.4.8 - 26/10/2015 =
* Fix - Help tips in variations admin.
* Fix - API - Fixed customer count method.
* Fix - Locale switching for city field.
* Fix - Notice in wc_nav_menu_items when endpoint is not set.
* Fix - Loading of correct variation prices when display is true and false in the same page load.
* Fix - Shipping priority for methods with colons in the name.
* Fix - Saving of passwords with '&' inside.
* Fix - Remove double escaping of coupon descriptions.
* Fix - Settings API default value should not apply if value of option is 0.
* Fix - Avoid potential PHP Fatals by avoiding premature script enqueues.
* Fix - Pass mimes when checking file type.
* Fix - Reset shipping totals before calculation to prevent totals being used incorrectly.
* Fix - API - Corrected how attributes terms saves non-latin characters.
* Fix - API - Variations price sync.
* Fix - API - Fixed lost variable products data when create/edit an order.
* Tweak - Add trailing slash in get_page_uris to reduce likelihood of conflicts.
* Tweak - API - Added refunded_item_id on GET orders/<id>/refunds endpoint.
* Tweak - API - Allow variable products to get retrieved by SKU.
* Tweak - API - Allow edit variations without define the product type to variable.
= 2.4.7 - 21/09/2015 =
* Fix - Handle Switzerland in get_european_union_countries.
* Fix - For geolocation with static cache support, ensure hash is appended during form submission.
* Fix - To prevent discounts being applied in 'random' order (based on order added to cart), sort cart items based on subtotal during calculate_totals.
* Fix - Removed extra ob_start() in class-wc-shortcodes.php.
* Fix - Show counts in category dropdown.
* Fix - Escape add to cart messages to stop translations from breaking cart events.
* Fix - Display of product/order tables in the dashboard when viewed on handheld devices.
* Fix - API order item 'key' value.
* Fix - Check specifically for Post IDs in WC Query verbose rules fix.
* Fix - Only run maybe_set_cart_cookies if cart was loaded to prevent notices.
* Fix - Variation loading/refresh after attribute saving.
* Fix - Added monthly cron schedule.
* Fix - Remove use of 'input' event in checkout scripts to prevent IE11 triggering updates on placeholder change.
* Fix - AJAX variations not being found in some cases when product version was < 2.4, but attributes were updated after sync().
* Fix - Changed the way variable product prices get cached for greater plugin compatibility. See http://wp.me/p6wtcw-5x
* Fix - Highlighting of reports chart.
* Fix - Network activated plugins not showing up in system status report.
* Fix - Tax fields showing on bulk/quick edit when disabled the tax system.
* Fix - Tax status and tax class values within bulk edit.
* Tweak - Allow bulk edit price to 0.
* Tweak - Add filters to control "shipped via" text.
* Tweak - Allow line breaks in non-variation attributes.
* Tweak - Renamed wc_var_prices transient to allow them to flush on product save.
* Tweak - woocommerce_save_account_details_required_fields hook.
* Tweak - Only 'count' published variations.
* Tweak - Display of order total in admin with refunds.
* Tweak - Use Geolocation class for customer IP detection.
* Tweak - Use the needs_payment function (DRY).
* Tweak - Tweak wc_create_page to work with trashed pages.
* Tweak - Redirect 'not right now' to referer in onboarding wizard.
* Tweak - woocommerce_update_new_customer_past_order action.
* Tweak - Prevent empty terms when using `wc_get_formatted_variation()`.
* Tweak - Unslash shipping label on orders admin screen.
* Tweak - Prevent wrong phone numbers on PayPal for CA and US when users add the prefix `+1`.
* Template - Removed 'Payment' heading in `templates/checkout/form-pay.php`.
* Template - Removed unnecessary clearing div in `templates/checkout/payment.php`.
= 2.4.6 - 24/08/2015 =
* Fix - menu_order notices on IIS.
* Fix - Grouped product is_purchasable check during add to cart.
* Fix - Subscriptions 2.0 (unreleased) compatibility.
* Fix - Encode variation data in add_to_cart_url method.
* Fix - Bulk update variation: Set manage stock when _manage_stock meta data is missing.
* Fix - Bulk update variation: Allow stock to be set to 0.
* Fix - Ajax variation < 2.4 attribute name handling.
* Fix - During updates, only recreate .htaccess if not using redirect download method.
* Fix - Handle non standard decimals in flat rate costs.
* Tweak - WC Setup wizard: Fix manual setting of decimal/thousand separator.
* Tweak - Set ajax/nocache headers for ajax requests.
* Tweak - Add tooltips for tax status and tax class options.
* Tweak - WC Setup wizard: multi-line step styling.
* Tweak - WC Setup wizard: site icon display on WP 4.3.
* Tweak - WC Setup wizard: tweaked wording.
* Tweak - WC Setup wizard: Add spinner/loading indication between onboarding steps.
* Tweak - Allow HTML in store notice.
= 2.4.5 - 20/08/2015 =
* Fix - Global text based attribute saving on product page.
* Fix - save_account_details should check display name of current user.
* Fix - Show the right 'no shipping available' message when a country does not have states.
* Fix - Add required postcode marker after label replace.
* Fix - Flush product cache so prices are regenerated after scheduled sale ends.
* Fix - Removed /page/ when using layered nav dropdown.
* Tweak - Allowed Zip/Post Codes description for Local Delivery.
* Tweak - Improve display_item_downloads numbering and use same function in emails.
* Tweak - API - Fixes notices about deprecated `$HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA` on PHP 5.6.
* Tweak - In add_to_cart_action, check is_purchasable rather than post status.
* Tweak - Add expand/close links for attributes and match variation UI.
* Tweak - Added locale info for BD, NP, JP and HU
* Tweak - woocommerce_delete_version_transients_limit filter.
* Tweak - Suppress errors when calling set_time_limit to avoid hosting conflicts.
* Tweak - Keep new variation in sync so actions can modify data.
* Tweak - Improved download numbering in emails and order page.
* Tweak - Allowed users to install translations for the current language during the Setup Wizard.
= 2.4.4 - 14/08/2015 =
* Fix - Ajax variation handling when 'any' attribute is set.
* Fix - Run html_entity_decode over text attributes to fix problems with quote characters.
* Fix - COD: remove shipping check if the cart is 100% virtual.
* Tweak - Order variations by menu_order by fallback to ID.
* Tweak - Include attribute archives support in the breadcrumbs.
* Tweak - woocommerce_variable_children_args hook.
= 2.4.3 - 12/08/2015 =
* Fix - Query within wc_customer_bought_product().
* Fix - Tab hiding with some theme markup.
* Fix - Ajax variations: stripslashes to fix attributes with quotes.
* Fix - No longer returns to the first variation list page when deleting one variation.
* Fix - Refund subjects when order contains downloadable product.
* Fix - wc_get_product_variation_attributes should only get parent attributes which are for variations.
* Tweak - Disable display_errors during ajax requests to prevent malformed JSON.
* Tweak - When merging shipping taxes with a shipping rate taxes, ensure shipping rate taxes is not malformed.
* Tweak - Improved refund email events and woocommerce_order_fully_refunded hook.
= 2.4.2 - 11/08/2015 =
* Fix - If all variations are out of stock, maintain pricing display.
* Fix - Prevent double add to cart due to ajax endpoints.
* Fix - ordering_args in product_category shortcode.
* Fix - Tax inclusive prices rounding case.
* Tweak - If no variation prices are found, show no price label rather than free.
* Tweak - Made tab panel selector more specific to avoid theme conflicts.
* Tweak - Made checkout make use of new ajax endpoints.
* Tweak - woocommerce_force_ssl_checkout no longer needs to check for admin-ajax actions.
* Tweak - Hide get_formatted_legacy notices when doing ajax.
* Tweak - use shop_single instead of full image size for variations.
= 2.4.1 - 10/08/2015 =
* Fix - Tweaked the 2.4 upgrade routine to disable refund emails during update.
* Fix - Notices when calling get_shipping_classes().
* Fix - Added upgrade routine to ensure _stock_status meta exists for variations created before WooCommerce 2.2
= 2.4.0 - 10/08/2015 =
* Feature - Onboarding/setup wizard for new users to handle basic store settings and installation.
* Feature - Improved help tabs with inline video tutorials where applicable.
* Feature - New AJAX powered variations interface to improve edit product page loading times and posting large amounts of data.
* Feature - For products with many variations, on the frontend switch to AJAX to load matching variations based on user input attributes, instead of doing it all inline.
* Feature - Show full category hierarchy in permalinks.
* Feature - Added priorities for shipping methods to give more control over defaults.
* Feature - [Added a new geolocation option to support static page caching using AJAX and a querystring.](https://woocommerce.wordpress.com/2015/07/02/making-geolocation-static-cache-friendly-in-2-4/)
* Feature - Email notifications for partial refunds.
* Feature - Visual API authentication endpoint for 3rd party use.
* Feature - API key generation changes. Secret keys no longer stored in database.
* Feature - [Refactored Flat Rate Shipping for simplicity.](https://woocommerce.wordpress.com/2015/06/simplifying-flat-rate-shipping-in-wc-2-4/)
* Feature - Made international shipping UI the same as flat rate.
* Feature - New ajax endpoints to improve performance by avoiding admin overhead.
* Fix - Ensure coupon taxes are reset when calculating totals.
* Fix - Improve discount amount rounding.
* Fix - Update order shipping after editing shipping from API.
* Tweak - Moved country next to other address fields in Checkout UI.
* Tweak - Improved reports, in particular for refunds.
* Tweak - Improve save_attributes ajax function to correctly save text attributes.
* Tweak - Base discounts on the undiscounted price. #5874
* Tweak - Added wc_product_cat_class functions.
* Tweak - Display related products and upsells in 4 columns.
* Tweak - Only redirect to welcome page for MAJOR versions/updates.
* Tweak - GeoLocation IPv6 database.
* Tweak - Improved text based attribute handling to prevent issues with slashes.
* Tweak - Ajaxified the grouped product option.
* Tweak - Email template improvements and wider email client compatibility.
* Dev - Created a template file for the Proceed to Checkout button.
* Dev - API version v3.
* Dev - API - Implemented full support for Basic Authentication for v3, following the RFC 2617 specs.
* Dev - API - Fixed Oauth 1.0a to strictly follow all specs from RFC 5849 for v3.
* Dev - API - Added an endpoint to handle product attributes.
* Dev - API - Auto generete passwords for new customers only when enabled the generate_password option.
* Dev - API - Added display and image on product categories response.
* Dev - API - Added endpoint for bulk update/insert coupons, customers, products and orders.
* Dev - API - Deprecated /product/sku endpoint from v3.
* Dev - API - Created the /products/id/orders endpoint to fetch orders containing a specific product.
* Localisation - Added Argentine currency and provinces.
* [Various other small fixes and enhancements.](https://github.com/woothemes/woocommerce/issues?q=is%3Aissue+milestone%3A%222.4+Helpful+Hedgehog%22+is%3Aclosed)
== Upgrade Notice ==
= 2.4.0 =