Fix E2E Playwright documentation as some steps to set up the local environment and run E2E tests were not accurate.

This commit is contained in:
Alex López 2023-04-19 11:39:06 +02:00
parent caf20d7989
commit f792e71662
2 changed files with 20 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Significance: patch
Type: dev
Comment: Small documentation change

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@ -34,24 +34,27 @@ End-to-end tests are powered by Playwright. The test site is spinned up using `w
**Running tests for the first time:**
- `nvm use`
- `pnpm install`
- `pnpm run build --filter=woocommerce`
- `pnpm env:start`
- `nvm use` (uses the default node version you have set in NVM)
- `pnpm install` (installs dependencies)
- `pnpm run build --filter=woocommerce` (builds WooCommerce locally)
- `cd plugins/woocommerce` (heads to the WooCommerce plugin folder)
- `npx playwright install` (makes sure to use the latest Playwright version)
- `pnpm env:start` (starts the local environment)
- `pnpm test:e2e-pw` (runs tests in headless mode)
To run the test again, re-create the environment to start with a fresh state:
- `pnpm restart`
- `pnpm test:e2e-pw`
- `pnpm env:restart` (restarts the local environment)
- `pnpm test:e2e-pw` (runs tests in headless mode)
Other ways of running tests:
Other ways of running tests (make sure you are in the `plugins/woocommerce` folder):
- `pnpm env:test` (headless)
- `cd plugin/woocommerce && USE_WP_ENV=1 pnpm playwright test --config=tests/e2e-pw/playwright.config.js --headed` (headed)
- `cd plugins/woocommerce && USE_WP_ENV=1 pnpm playwright test --config=tests/e2e-pw/playwright.config.js --debug` (debug)
- `cd plugins/woocommerce && USE_WP_ENV=1 pnpm playwright test --config=tests/e2e-pw/playwright.config.js ./tests/e2e-pw/tests/activate-and-setup/basic-setup.spec.js` (running a single test)
- `pnpm test:e2e-pw` (usual, headless run)
- `pnpm test:e2e-pw --headed` (headed -- displaying browser window and test interactions)
- `pnpm test:e2e-pw --debug` (runs tests in debug mode)
- `pnpm test:e2e-pw ./tests/e2e-pw/tests/activate-and-setup/basic-setup.spec.js` (runs a single test)
To see all options, run `cd plugins/woocommerce && pnpm playwright test --help`
To see all options, make sure you are in the `plugins/woocommerce` folder and run `pnpm playwright test --help`
### About the environment