* upgrade wordpress/scripts to 22.3
* update jest config/setup
* add explicit-exports-references plugin
to handle payment-method-config.tsx spying on external methods
the way code is output now changed and tests like this would not
work anymore as transpilet files were no longer using exports but
local references to methods.
* missing snapshot
* make cart-products E2E test more stable
* surppress eslint error in test file
* fix css stylelint issues
* update eslint-plugin-woocommerce eslint package
* remove temp test:e2e:start script
* re-run
* add stylelint as recommended extension
* remove redundant types (provided by packages now)
* patch update @testing-library/jest-dom
* introduce feature flags
* move config to webpack-helper
* remove package default
* add gating to frontendConfig and coreConfig
* add feature gating to PHP
* add flag to start command
* move code to Bootstrap.php
* remove flag from npm start
* add eslint rule
* add strict equal only rule
* update messages to use tokens
* update strictBinary to whitelistedFlag and add all tests
* update to correct messageId key
* add more tests
* highlight wrong flag
* Update dependencies order
* Create eslint WooCommerce plugin with dependency group rule
* Update WCPackageLocality definition so it only includes External and Internal
* Rename WPPackageLocality to WCPackageLocality
* Delete old typedef