- Fix how CodeHackerTestHook::executeBeforeTest parses the test name,
to account for warnings and tests with data sets.
- CodeHackerTestHook now includes a executeAfterTest hook that
disables the code hacker (needed to prevent it from inadvertently
altering further tests). Also, clear_hacks is executed in
executeBeforeTest for the same reason.
- CodeHacker gets restore, clear_hacks and is_enabled methods
to support the changes in CodeHackerTestHook.
- FunctionsMockerHack fixed so that it doesn't modify strings
that are class method definitions.
- Added the WC_Unit_Test_Case::file_copy method, it must be used
instead of the PHP built-in "copy" in tests, otherwise tests
that run with the code hacker active will fail.
This is something to investigate.