* Update NPM packages
* Switch JSON dependencies to new PHP files
* include->require
* include->require
* Remove from package and run audit fix
* Update wp-prettier
* Use version from asset file
* Fix eslint issues and test failures
* Update OriginalComponent docblocks
* Props are objects, not arrays
* Array to Object
* fix tests throwing unhandled rejection errors in node.
These tests were all testing Promise.rejects but then not properly catching the reject in the assertions.
* exclude rule for no short array syntax allowed
This is a WordPress core standard that we choose to ignore because it’s silly in our context to follow that rule (and we’re being consistent with WooCommerce Admin).
* Use same query for headers collection
* All Products: avoid pagination disappearing when switching pages/changing sort value (take 2)
* Cleanup
* fixes after rebase
* Make it work after last rebase
* only do page change when queryState.page has changed.
* Fixwoocommerce/woocommerce-blocks#1198 again
* Remove previousPage and isInitialized checks
* Update dependencies order
* Create eslint WooCommerce plugin with dependency group rule
* Update WCPackageLocality definition so it only includes External and Internal
* Rename WPPackageLocality to WCPackageLocality
* Delete old typedef