* Fixed case for all _e, esc_attr_e and esc_html_e strings
* Fixed case for all _n_noop strings
* Fixed case for all _x strings
* Fixed case for all __, esc_html__ and esc_attr__ strings
* Fixed a few more strings
* Fixed strings in unit tests
* Fix PayPal Standard case.
* Save Order text
SHA: 74ba11c189 removed instantiation of `$theorder` global in `WC_Meta_Box_Order_Actions::output()`
as it was mistaken for unused code. However, some callbacks attached to hooks in that function may
actually rely on that global to determine if actions should be displayed for certain orders.
Prevents a “Maximum function nesting level reached” fatal error in
certain cases.
Since this ends up running on `’save_post’`, updating something like
the order status while hooked onto to
`woocommerce_order_action_{$action}` causes a fun recursion :)
* fixed indentation - swapped spaces for tabs at start of line, swapped
tabs for spaces min-line for alignment
* removed instances of `@return void` and `@access public`
* improved readability
@see http://make.wordpress.org/core/handbook/coding-standards/php/
- Removed post type classes. Since they were always loaded, there was
no benefit having them split up. Combined meaning less hooked in
- Stopped loading some function files and sessions in the admin area.
They are not needed there.
- Made a few admin page classes static as they are stateless