* Update storybook to 6.3.6
* @storybook/addon-knobs
* Remove need for wordpress-compose imports
This functionality exists in WP 5.5 so we don't need to import the package any more.
* Update to latest non 17x packages
* Composer update
* Fix for @babel/plugin-proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator and spinner style
* onSelect was called before init
* Add back env
* Update locks
* Revert browserlist config increase (ie11 support dropped needs separate discussion)
* update locks
* SVG can come from the external
* Import from components package where possible (5.5 has Gutenberg 9.2.0) and revert component package version change
* Revert component imports. Import from wordpress-components in the frontend context. This removes `wp-components` dependency from all -frontend asset files.
* add new icons and remove old ones
* add docs
* add notes and remove gridicons
* update to folderStarred
* typos
* reorder imports
* update prop name to srcElement
* validate element
* fix bad import
* lowecase folderStarred
* add propTypes