#!/usr/bin/env bash . "$(dirname "$0")/_/husky.sh" # The hook documentation: https://git-scm.com/docs/githooks.html#_post_checkout CHECKOUT_TYPE=$3 HEAD_NEW=$2 HEAD_PREVIOUS=$1 whiteColoured='\033[0m' orangeColoured='\033[1;33m' # '1' is a branch checkout if [ "$CHECKOUT_TYPE" = '1' ]; then # Prompt about pnpm versions mismatch when switching between branches. currentPnpmVersion=$( ( command -v pnpm > /dev/null && pnpm -v 2>/dev/null ) || echo 'n/a' ) targetPnpmVersion=$( grep packageManager package.json | sed -nr 's/.+packageManager.+pnpm@([[:digit:].]+).+/\1/p' ) if [ "$currentPnpmVersion" != "$targetPnpmVersion" ]; then printf "${orangeColoured}pnpm versions mismatch: in use '$currentPnpmVersion', needed '$targetPnpmVersion'. If you are working on something in this branch, here are some hints on how to solve this:\n" printf "${orangeColoured}* actualize environment: 'nvm use && pnpm -v' (the most common case)\n" printf "${orangeColoured}* install: 'npm install -g pnpm@$targetPnpmVersion'\n" fi # Auto-refresh dependencies when switching between branches. changedManifests=$( ( git diff --name-only $HEAD_NEW $HEAD_PREVIOUS | grep -E '(package.json|pnpm-lock.yaml|pnpm-workspace.yaml|composer.json|composer.lock)$' ) || echo '' ) if [ -n "$changedManifests" ]; then printf "${whiteColoured}The following file(s) in the new branch differs from the original one, dependencies might need to be refreshed:\n" printf "${whiteColoured} %s\n" $changedManifests printf "${orangeColoured}If you are working on something in this branch, ensure to refresh dependencies with 'pnpm install --frozen-lockfile'\n" fi fi