#!/bin/bash set -eo pipefail function title() { echo -e "\n\033[1m$1\033[0m" } if [[ -z "$GITHUB_EVENT_NAME" ]]; then echo "::error::GITHUB_EVENT_NAME must be set" exit 1 fi title "Installing NVM" curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.1/install.sh | bash > /dev/null export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm" [ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" echo "Installed version: $(nvm -v)" title "Installing dependencies" pnpm install --frozen-lockfile --filter="compare-perf" > /dev/null if [[ "$GITHUB_EVENT_NAME" == "pull_request" ]]; then title "Comparing performance with trunk" pnpm --filter="compare-perf" run compare perf $GITHUB_SHA trunk --tests-branch $GITHUB_SHA elif [[ "$GITHUB_EVENT_NAME" == "push" ]]; then title "Comparing performance with base branch" WP_VERSION=$(awk -F ': ' '/^Tested up to/{print $2}' readme.txt) # Updating the WP version used for performance jobs means there’s a high # chance that the reference commit used for performance test stability # becomes incompatible with the WP version. So, every time the "Tested up # to" flag is updated in the readme.txt, we also have to update the # reference commit below (BASE_SHA). The new reference needs to meet the # following requirements: # - Be compatible with the new WP version used in the “Tested up to” flag. # - Be tracked on https://www.codevitals.run/project/woo for all existing # metrics. BASE_SHA=3d7d7f02017383937f1a4158d433d0e5d44b3dc9 echo "WP_VERSION: $WP_VERSION" IFS=. read -ra WP_VERSION_ARRAY <<< "$WP_VERSION" WP_MAJOR="${WP_VERSION_ARRAY[0]}.${WP_VERSION_ARRAY[1]}" pnpm --filter="compare-perf" run compare perf $GITHUB_SHA $BASE_SHA --tests-branch $GITHUB_SHA --wp-version "$WP_MAJOR" title "Publish results to CodeVitals" COMMITTED_AT=$(git show -s $GITHUB_SHA --format="%cI") pnpm --filter="compare-perf" run log $CODEVITALS_PROJECT_TOKEN trunk $GITHUB_SHA $BASE_SHA $COMMITTED_AT else echo "Unsupported event: $GITHUB_EVENT_NAME" fi