--- post_title: Add link to logged data menu_title: Add link to logged data tags: code-snippets --- Logging is a crucial part of any WooCommerce extension. It helps you track errors and debug issues. Here's a code snippet that shows how to add a link to the logs in your extension, making it easy for users to access them. ```php // Define the label and description for the logging option $label = \_\_( 'Enable Logging', 'your-textdomain-here' ); $description = \_\_( 'Enable the logging of errors.', 'your-textdomain-here' ); // Check if the WooCommerce logging directory is defined if ( defined( 'WC_LOG_DIR' ) ) { // Create a URL to the WooCommerce logs $log_url = add_query_arg( 'tab', 'logs', add_query_arg( 'page', 'wc-status', admin_url( 'admin.php' ) ) ); $log_key = 'your-plugin-slug-here-' . sanitize_file_name( wp_hash( 'your-plugin-slug-here' ) ) . '-log'; $log_url = add_query_arg( 'log_file', $log_key, $log_url ); // Add a link to the logs to the label $label .= ' | ' . sprintf( \_\_( '%1$sView Log%2$s', 'your-textdomain-here' ), '<a href\="' . esc_url( $log_url ) . '">', '</a\>' ); } // Add the logging option to the form fields $form_fields\['wc_yourpluginslug_debug'\] = array( 'title' => \_\_( 'Debug Log', 'your-textdomain-here' ), 'label' => $label, 'description' => $description, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => 'no' ); ``` With this code, users can easily enable logging and view the logs from the WooCommerce settings page.