/** * External dependencies */ import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { __, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { SHIPPING_COUNTRIES, SHIPPING_STATES, } from '@woocommerce/block-settings'; import { decodeEntities } from '@wordpress/html-entities'; /** * Shows a formatted shipping location. * * @param {Object} props Incoming props for the component. * @param {Object} props.address Incoming address information. */ const ShippingLocation = ( { address } ) => { // we bail early if we don't have an address. if ( Object.values( address ).length === 0 ) { return null; } const formattedCountry = typeof SHIPPING_COUNTRIES[ address.country ] === 'string' ? decodeEntities( SHIPPING_COUNTRIES[ address.country ] ) : ''; const formattedState = typeof SHIPPING_STATES[ address.country ] === 'object' && typeof SHIPPING_STATES[ address.country ][ address.state ] === 'string' ? decodeEntities( SHIPPING_STATES[ address.country ][ address.state ] ) : address.state; const addressParts = []; addressParts.push( address.postcode.toUpperCase() ); addressParts.push( address.city ); addressParts.push( formattedState ); addressParts.push( formattedCountry ); const formattedLocation = addressParts.filter( Boolean ).join( ', ' ); if ( ! formattedLocation ) { return null; } return ( { sprintf( /* translators: %s location. */ __( 'Shipping to %s', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ), formattedLocation ) + ' ' } ); }; ShippingLocation.propTypes = { address: PropTypes.shape( { city: PropTypes.string, state: PropTypes.string, postcode: PropTypes.string, country: PropTypes.string, } ), }; export default ShippingLocation;