import { Component } from 'react'; import { addQueryArgs, getQueryArg } from '@wordpress/url'; const hasWindowDependencies = typeof window === 'object' && window.hasOwnProperty( 'history' ) && window.hasOwnProperty( 'location' ) && typeof window.addEventListener === 'function' && typeof window.removeEventListener === 'function'; /** * HOC that keeps the state in sync with the URL query string. */ const withQueryStringValues = ( values ) => ( OriginalComponent ) => { let instances = 0; class WrappedComponent extends Component { // In case there is more than one component reading the query string values in the same page, // add a suffix to all of them but the first one, so they read the correct values. urlParameterSuffix = instances++ > 0 ? `_${ instances }` : ''; getStateFromLocation = () => { const state = {}; if ( hasWindowDependencies ) { values.forEach( ( value ) => { state[ value ] = getQueryArg( window.location.href, value + this.urlParameterSuffix ); } ); } return state; }; state = this.getStateFromLocation(); componentDidMount = () => { if ( hasWindowDependencies ) { window.addEventListener( 'popstate', this.updateStateFromLocation ); } }; componentWillUnmount = () => { if ( hasWindowDependencies ) { window.removeEventListener( 'popstate', this.updateStateFromLocation ); } }; updateStateFromLocation = () => { this.setState( this.getStateFromLocation() ); }; updateQueryStringValues = ( newValues ) => { this.setState( newValues ); if ( hasWindowDependencies ) { const queryStringValues = {}; Object.keys( newValues ).forEach( ( key ) => { queryStringValues[ key + this.urlParameterSuffix ] = newValues[ key ]; } ); window.history.pushState( null, '', addQueryArgs( window.location.href, queryStringValues ) ); } }; render() { return ( ); } } WrappedComponent.displayName = 'withQueryStringValues'; return WrappedComponent; }; export default withQueryStringValues;