/** * External dependencies */ import { dispatch, select } from '@wordpress/data'; import { previewCart } from '@woocommerce/resource-previews'; import { camelCase, cloneDeep, mapKeys } from 'lodash'; import { Cart, CartResponse } from '@woocommerce/types'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { notifyQuantityChanges } from '../notify-quantity-changes'; jest.mock( '@wordpress/data' ); const mockedCreateInfoNotice = jest.fn(); dispatch.mockImplementation( ( store ) => { if ( store === 'core/notices' ) { return { createInfoNotice: mockedCreateInfoNotice, }; } } ); select.mockImplementation( () => { return { hasFinishedResolution() { return true; }, }; } ); /** * Clones the preview cart and turns it into a `Cart`. */ const getFreshCarts = (): { oldCart: Cart; newCart: Cart } => { const oldCart = mapKeys( cloneDeep< CartResponse >( previewCart ), ( _, key ) => camelCase( key ) ) as unknown as Cart; const newCart = mapKeys( cloneDeep< CartResponse >( previewCart ), ( _, key ) => camelCase( key ) ) as unknown as Cart; return { oldCart, newCart }; }; describe( 'notifyQuantityChanges', () => { afterEach( () => { jest.clearAllMocks(); } ); it( 'shows notices when the quantity limits of an item change', () => { const { oldCart, newCart } = getFreshCarts(); newCart.items[ 0 ].quantity_limits.minimum = 50; notifyQuantityChanges( { oldCart, newCart, cartItemsPendingQuantity: [], } ); expect( mockedCreateInfoNotice ).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( 'The quantity of "Beanie" was increased to 50. This is the minimum required quantity.', { context: 'wc/cart', speak: true, type: 'snackbar', id: '1-quantity-update', } ); newCart.items[ 0 ].quantity_limits.minimum = 1; newCart.items[ 0 ].quantity_limits.maximum = 10; // Quantity needs to be outside the limits for the notice to show. newCart.items[ 0 ].quantity = 11; notifyQuantityChanges( { oldCart, newCart, cartItemsPendingQuantity: [], } ); expect( mockedCreateInfoNotice ).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( 'The quantity of "Beanie" was decreased to 10. This is the maximum allowed quantity.', { context: 'wc/cart', speak: true, type: 'snackbar', id: '1-quantity-update', } ); newCart.items[ 0 ].quantity = 10; oldCart.items[ 0 ].quantity = 10; newCart.items[ 0 ].quantity_limits.multiple_of = 6; notifyQuantityChanges( { oldCart, newCart, cartItemsPendingQuantity: [], } ); expect( mockedCreateInfoNotice ).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( 'The quantity of "Beanie" was changed to 6. You must purchase this product in groups of 6.', { context: 'wc/cart', speak: true, type: 'snackbar', id: '1-quantity-update', } ); } ); it( 'does not show notices if the quantity limit changes, and the quantity is within limits', () => { const { oldCart, newCart } = getFreshCarts(); newCart.items[ 0 ].quantity = 5; oldCart.items[ 0 ].quantity = 5; newCart.items[ 0 ].quantity_limits.maximum = 10; notifyQuantityChanges( { oldCart, newCart, cartItemsPendingQuantity: [], } ); expect( mockedCreateInfoNotice ).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); newCart.items[ 0 ].quantity_limits.minimum = 4; notifyQuantityChanges( { oldCart, newCart, cartItemsPendingQuantity: [], } ); expect( mockedCreateInfoNotice ).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); } ); it( 'shows notices when the quantity of an item changes', () => { const { oldCart, newCart } = getFreshCarts(); newCart.items[ 0 ].quantity = 50; notifyQuantityChanges( { oldCart, newCart, cartItemsPendingQuantity: [], } ); expect( mockedCreateInfoNotice ).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( 'The quantity of "Beanie" was changed to 50.', { context: 'wc/cart', speak: true, type: 'snackbar', id: '1-quantity-update', } ); } ); it( 'does not show notices when the the item is the one being updated', () => { const { oldCart, newCart } = getFreshCarts(); newCart.items[ 0 ].quantity = 5; newCart.items[ 0 ].quantity_limits.maximum = 10; notifyQuantityChanges( { oldCart, newCart, cartItemsPendingQuantity: [ '1' ], } ); expect( mockedCreateInfoNotice ).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); } ); it( 'does not show notices when a deleted item is the one being removed', () => { const { oldCart, newCart } = getFreshCarts(); // Remove both items from the new cart. delete newCart.items[ 0 ]; delete newCart.items[ 1 ]; notifyQuantityChanges( { oldCart, newCart, // This means the user is only actively removing item with key '1'. The second item is "unexpected" so we // expect exactly one notification to be shown. cartItemsPendingDelete: [ '1' ], } ); // Check it was called for item 2, but not item 1. expect( mockedCreateInfoNotice ).toHaveBeenCalledTimes( 1 ); } ); it( 'shows a notice when an item is unexpectedly removed', () => { const { oldCart, newCart } = getFreshCarts(); delete newCart.items[ 0 ]; notifyQuantityChanges( { oldCart, newCart, } ); expect( mockedCreateInfoNotice ).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( '"Beanie" was removed from your cart.', { context: 'wc/cart', speak: true, type: 'snackbar', id: '1-removed', } ); } ); it( 'does not show notices if the cart has not finished resolving', () => { select.mockImplementation( () => { return { hasFinishedResolution() { return false; }, }; } ); expect( mockedCreateInfoNotice ).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); } ); } );