/** * External dependencies */ import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react'; import { registerPaymentMethod } from '@woocommerce/blocks-registry'; import * as wpData from '@wordpress/data'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import SavedPaymentMethodOptions from '../saved-payment-method-options'; jest.mock( '@wordpress/data', () => ( { __esModule: true, ...jest.requireActual( '@wordpress/data' ), useSelect: jest.fn(), } ) ); const mockedUseSelect = wpData.useSelect as jest.Mock; // Mock use select so we can override it when wc/store/checkout is accessed, but return the original select function if any other store is accessed. mockedUseSelect.mockImplementation( jest.fn().mockImplementation( ( passedMapSelect ) => { const mockedSelect = jest.fn().mockImplementation( ( storeName ) => { if ( storeName === 'wc/store/payment' ) { return { ...jest .requireActual( '@wordpress/data' ) .select( storeName ), getActiveSavedToken: () => 1, getSavedPaymentMethods: () => { return { cc: [ { tokenId: 1, expires: '1/2099', method: { brand: 'Visa', gateway: 'can-pay-true-test-payment-method', last4: '1234', }, }, { tokenId: 2, expires: '1/2099', method: { brand: 'Visa', gateway: 'can-pay-true-test-payment-method', last4: '2345', }, }, { tokenId: 3, expires: '1/2099', method: { brand: 'Visa', gateway: 'can-pay-true-first-false-second-test-payment-method', last4: '3456', }, }, { tokenId: 4, expires: '1/2099', method: { brand: 'Cartes Bancaires', gateway: 'can-pay-true-test-payment-method', last4: '1001', }, }, ], }; }, }; } return jest.requireActual( '@wordpress/data' ).select( storeName ); } ); return passedMapSelect( mockedSelect, { dispatch: jest.requireActual( '@wordpress/data' ).dispatch, } ); } ) ); describe( 'SavedPaymentMethodOptions', () => { it( 'renders saved methods when a registered method exists', () => { registerPaymentMethod( { name: 'can-pay-true-test-payment-method', label: 'Can Pay True Test Payment Method', edit:
, ariaLabel: 'Can Pay True Test Payment Method', canMakePayment: () => true, content:
, supports: { showSavedCards: true, showSaveOption: true, features: [ 'products' ], }, } ); render( ); // First saved token for can-pay-true-test-payment-method. expect( screen.getByText( 'Visa ending in 1234 (expires 1/2099)' ) ).toBeInTheDocument(); // Second saved token for can-pay-true-test-payment-method. expect( screen.getByText( 'Visa ending in 2345 (expires 1/2099)' ) ).toBeInTheDocument(); // Third saved token for can-pay-false-test-payment-method - this should not show because the method is not registered. expect( screen.queryByText( 'Visa ending in 3456 (expires 1/2099)' ) ).not.toBeInTheDocument(); // Fourth saved token for can-pay-true-test-payment-method - co-branded credit card. expect( screen.getByText( 'Cartes Bancaires ending in 1001 (expires 1/2099)' ) ).toBeInTheDocument(); } ); it( "does not show saved methods when the method's canPay function returns false", () => { registerPaymentMethod( { name: 'can-pay-true-first-false-second-test-payment-method', label: 'Can Pay True First False Second Test Payment Method', edit:
, ariaLabel: 'Can Pay True First False Second Test Payment Method', // This mock will return true the first time it runs, then false on subsequent calls. canMakePayment: jest .fn() .mockReturnValueOnce( true ) .mockReturnValue( false ), content:
, supports: { showSavedCards: true, showSaveOption: true, features: [ 'products' ], }, } ); const { rerender } = render( ); // Saved token for can-pay-true-first-false-second-test-payment-method - this should show because canPay is true on first call. expect( screen.queryByText( 'Visa ending in 3456 (expires 1/2099)' ) ).toBeInTheDocument(); rerender( ); // Saved token for can-pay-true-first-false-second-test-payment-method - this should not show because canPay is false on subsequent calls. expect( screen.queryByText( 'Visa ending in 3456 (expires 1/2099)' ) ).not.toBeInTheDocument(); } ); } );