/** * External dependencies */ import type { StoryFn, Meta } from '@storybook/react'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import Label, { LabelProps } from '..'; export default { title: 'External Components/Label', component: Label, argTypes: { label: { control: { type: 'text', }, description: 'The label to be displayed.', }, screenReaderLabel: { control: { type: 'text', }, description: 'The label to be read by screen readers.', }, wrapperElement: { control: { type: 'text', }, description: 'HTML element to wrap around the label component (e.g. "span").', }, wrapperProps: { control: { type: 'object', }, description: 'The props to be passed to the wrapper element.', }, }, } as Meta< LabelProps >; const Template: StoryFn = ( args ) =>