const { __ } = wp.i18n; const { Toolbar, withAPIData, Dropdown, Dashicon } = wp.components; /** * Product data cache. * Reduces the number of API calls and makes UI smoother and faster. */ const PRODUCT_DATA = {}; /** * When the display mode is 'Specific products' search for and add products to the block. * * @todo Add the functionality and everything. */ export class ProductsSpecificSelect extends React.Component { /** * Constructor. */ constructor( props ) { super( props ); this.state = { selectedProducts: props.selected_display_setting || [], } } /** * Add a product to the list of selected products. * * @param id int Product ID. */ addOrRemoveProduct( id ) { let selectedProducts = this.state.selectedProducts; if ( ! selectedProducts.includes( id ) ) { selectedProducts.push( id ); } else { selectedProducts = selectedProducts.filter( product => product !== id ); } this.setState( { selectedProducts: selectedProducts } ); /** * We need to copy the existing data into a new array. * We can't just push the new product onto the end of the existing array because Gutenberg seems * to do some sort of check by reference to determine whether to *actually* update the attribute * and will not update it if we just pass back the same array with an extra element on the end. */ this.props.update_display_setting_callback( selectedProducts.slice() ); } /** * Render the product specific select screen. */ render() { return (
); } } /** * Product search area */ class ProductsSpecificSearchField extends React.Component { /** * Constructor. */ constructor( props ) { super( props ); this.state = { searchText: '', } this.updateSearchResults = this.updateSearchResults.bind( this ); this.setWrapperRef = this.setWrapperRef.bind( this ); this.handleClickOutside = this.handleClickOutside.bind( this ); } /** * Hook in the listener for closing menu when clicked outside. */ componentDidMount() { document.addEventListener( 'mousedown', this.handleClickOutside ); } /** * Remove the listener for closing menu when clicked outside. */ componentWillUnmount() { document.removeEventListener( 'mousedown', this.handleClickOutside ); } /** * Set the wrapper reference. * * @param node DOMNode */ setWrapperRef( node ) { this.wrapperRef = node; } /** * Close the menu when user clicks outside the search area. */ handleClickOutside( evt ) { if ( this.wrapperRef && ! this.wrapperRef.contains( ) ) { this.setState( { searchText: '', } ); } } /** * Event handler for updating results when text is typed into the input. * * @param evt Event object. */ updateSearchResults( evt ) { this.setState( { searchText:, } ); } /** * Render the product search UI. */ render() { return (
); } } /** * Render product search results based on the text entered into the textbox. */ const ProductSpecificSearchResults = withAPIData( ( props ) => { if ( ! props.searchString.length ) { return { products: [] }; } return { products: '/wc/v2/products?per_page=10&search=' + props.searchString, }; } )( ( { products, addOrRemoveProductCallback, selectedProducts } ) => { if ( ! ) { return null; } if ( 0 === ) { return { __( 'No products found' ) } ; } // Populate the cache. for ( let product of ) { PRODUCT_DATA[ ] = product; } return } ); /** * The dropdown of search results. */ class ProductSpecificSearchResultsDropdown extends React.Component { /** * Render dropdown. */ render() { const { products, addOrRemoveProductCallback, selectedProducts } = this.props; let productElements = []; for ( let product of products ) { productElements.push( ); } return (
{ productElements }
); } } /** * One search result. */ class ProductSpecificSearchResultsDropdownElement extends React.Component { /** * Constructor. */ constructor( props ) { super( props ); this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind( this ); } /** * Add product to main list and change UI to show it was added. */ handleClick() { this.props.addOrRemoveProductCallback( ); } /** * Render one result in the search results. */ render() { const product = this.props.product; let icon = this.props.selected ? : null; return (
{ } { icon }
); } } /** * List preview of selected products. */ const ProductSpecificSelectedProducts = withAPIData( ( props ) => { if ( ! props.productIds.length ) { return { products: [] }; } // Determine which products are not already in the cache and only fetch uncached products. let uncachedProducts = []; for( const productId of props.productIds ) { if ( ! PRODUCT_DATA.hasOwnProperty( productId ) ) { uncachedProducts.push( productId ); } } return { products: uncachedProducts.length ? '/wc/v2/products?include=' + uncachedProducts.join( ',' ) : [] }; } )( ( { productIds, products, columns, addOrRemoveProduct } ) => { // Add new products to cache. if ( ) { for ( const product of ) { PRODUCT_DATA[ ] = product; } } const productElements = []; for ( const productId of productIds ) { // Skip products that aren't in the cache yet or failed to fetch. if ( ! PRODUCT_DATA.hasOwnProperty( productId ) ) { continue; } const productData = PRODUCT_DATA[ productId ]; productElements.push(
  • { }
  • ); } return (

    { __( 'Selected products' ) }

    { ! productElements.length && { __( 'No products selected' ) } }
      { productElements }
    ); } );