/** * External dependencies */ import { __, _x } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { applyFilters } from '@wordpress/hooks'; import { dispatch } from '@wordpress/data'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { getCategoryLabels, getProductLabels, getVariationLabels, } from '../../../lib/async-requests'; import { STORE_KEY as CES_STORE_KEY } from '../../../customer-effort-score-tracks/data/constants'; const VARIATIONS_REPORT_CHARTS_FILTER = 'woocommerce_admin_variations_report_charts'; const VARIATIONS_REPORT_FILTERS_FILTER = 'woocommerce_admin_variations_report_filters'; const VARIATIONS_REPORT_ADVANCED_FILTERS_FILTER = 'woocommerce_admin_variations_report_advanced_filters'; const { addCesSurveyForAnalytics } = dispatch( CES_STORE_KEY ); /** * @typedef {import('../index.js').chart} chart */ /** * Variations Report charts filter. * * @filter woocommerce_admin_variations_report_charts * @param {Array.} charts Report charts. */ export const charts = applyFilters( VARIATIONS_REPORT_CHARTS_FILTER, [ { key: 'items_sold', label: __( 'Items sold', 'woocommerce' ), order: 'desc', orderby: 'items_sold', type: 'number', }, { key: 'net_revenue', label: __( 'Net sales', 'woocommerce' ), order: 'desc', orderby: 'net_revenue', type: 'currency', }, { key: 'orders_count', label: __( 'Orders', 'woocommerce' ), order: 'desc', orderby: 'orders_count', type: 'number', }, ] ); /** * @typedef {import('../index.js').filter} filter */ /** * Variations Report Filters. * * @filter woocommerce_admin_variations_report_filters * @param {Array.} filters Report filters. */ export const filters = applyFilters( VARIATIONS_REPORT_FILTERS_FILTER, [ { label: __( 'Show', 'woocommerce' ), staticParams: [ 'chartType', 'paged', 'per_page' ], param: 'filter-variations', showFilters: () => true, filters: [ { label: __( 'All variations', 'woocommerce' ), chartMode: 'item-comparison', value: 'all', }, { label: __( 'Single variation', 'woocommerce' ), value: 'select_variation', subFilters: [ { component: 'Search', value: 'single_variation', path: [ 'select_variation' ], settings: { type: 'variations', param: 'variations', getLabels: getVariationLabels, labels: { placeholder: __( 'Type to search for a variation', 'woocommerce' ), button: __( 'Single variation', 'woocommerce' ), }, }, }, ], }, { label: __( 'Comparison', 'woocommerce' ), chartMode: 'item-comparison', value: 'compare-variations', settings: { type: 'variations', param: 'variations', getLabels: getVariationLabels, labels: { helpText: __( 'Check at least two variations below to compare', 'woocommerce' ), placeholder: __( 'Search for variations to compare', 'woocommerce' ), title: __( 'Compare Variations', 'woocommerce' ), update: __( 'Compare', 'woocommerce' ), }, onClick: addCesSurveyForAnalytics, }, }, { label: __( 'Advanced filters', 'woocommerce' ), value: 'advanced', }, ], }, ] ); /** * Variations Report Advanced Filters. * * @filter woocommerce_admin_variations_report_advanced_filters * @param {Object} advancedFilters Report Advanced Filters. * @param {string} advancedFilters.title Interpolated component string for Advanced Filters title. * @param {Object} advancedFilters.filters An object specifying a report's Advanced Filters. */ export const advancedFilters = applyFilters( VARIATIONS_REPORT_ADVANCED_FILTERS_FILTER, { title: _x( 'Variations match {{select /}} filters', 'A sentence describing filters for Variations. See screen shot for context: https://cloudup.com/cSsUY9VeCVJ', 'woocommerce' ), filters: { attribute: { allowMultiple: true, labels: { add: __( 'Attribute', 'woocommerce' ), placeholder: __( 'Search attributes', 'woocommerce' ), remove: __( 'Remove attribute filter', 'woocommerce' ), rule: __( 'Select a product attribute filter match', 'woocommerce' ), /* translators: A sentence describing a Product filter. See screen shot for context: https://cloudup.com/cSsUY9VeCVJ */ title: __( '{{title}}Attribute{{/title}} {{rule /}} {{filter /}}', 'woocommerce' ), filter: __( 'Select attributes', 'woocommerce' ), }, rules: [ { value: 'is', /* translators: Sentence fragment, logical, "Is" refers to searching for product variations matching a chosen attribute. Screenshot for context: https://cloudup.com/cSsUY9VeCVJ */ label: _x( 'Is', 'product attribute', 'woocommerce' ), }, { value: 'is_not', /* translators: Sentence fragment, logical, "Is Not" refers to searching for product variations that don\'t match a chosen attribute. Screenshot for context: https://cloudup.com/cSsUY9VeCVJ */ label: _x( 'Is Not', 'product attribute', 'woocommerce' ), }, ], input: { component: 'ProductAttribute', }, }, category: { labels: { add: __( 'Categories', 'woocommerce' ), placeholder: __( 'Search categories', 'woocommerce' ), remove: __( 'Remove categories filter', 'woocommerce' ), rule: __( 'Select a category filter match', 'woocommerce' ), /* translators: A sentence describing a Category filter. See screen shot for context: https://cloudup.com/cSsUY9VeCVJ */ title: __( '{{title}}Category{{/title}} {{rule /}} {{filter /}}', 'woocommerce' ), filter: __( 'Select categories', 'woocommerce' ), }, rules: [ { value: 'includes', /* translators: Sentence fragment, logical, "Includes" refers to variations including a given category. Screenshot for context: https://cloudup.com/cSsUY9VeCVJ */ label: _x( 'Includes', 'categories', 'woocommerce' ), }, { value: 'excludes', /* translators: Sentence fragment, logical, "Excludes" refers to variations excluding a given category. Screenshot for context: https://cloudup.com/cSsUY9VeCVJ */ label: _x( 'Excludes', 'categories', 'woocommerce' ), }, ], input: { component: 'Search', type: 'categories', getLabels: getCategoryLabels, }, }, product: { labels: { add: __( 'Products', 'woocommerce' ), placeholder: __( 'Search products', 'woocommerce' ), remove: __( 'Remove products filter', 'woocommerce' ), rule: __( 'Select a product filter match', 'woocommerce' ), /* translators: A sentence describing a Product filter. See screen shot for context: https://cloudup.com/cSsUY9VeCVJ */ title: __( '{{title}}Product{{/title}} {{rule /}} {{filter /}}', 'woocommerce' ), filter: __( 'Select products', 'woocommerce' ), }, rules: [ { value: 'includes', /* translators: Sentence fragment, logical, "Includes" refers to orders including a given product(s). Screenshot for context: https://cloudup.com/cSsUY9VeCVJ */ label: _x( 'Includes', 'products', 'woocommerce' ), }, { value: 'excludes', /* translators: Sentence fragment, logical, "Excludes" refers to orders excluding a given product(s). Screenshot for context: https://cloudup.com/cSsUY9VeCVJ */ label: _x( 'Excludes', 'products', 'woocommerce' ), }, ], input: { component: 'Search', type: 'variableProducts', getLabels: getProductLabels, }, }, }, } );