/** * External dependencies */ import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { getNewPath, navigateTo } from '@woocommerce/navigation'; import { ONBOARDING_STORE_NAME, TaskType, useUserPreferences, } from '@woocommerce/data'; import { recordEvent } from '@woocommerce/tracks'; import { TaskItem, useSlot } from '@woocommerce/experimental'; import { useCallback, useContext } from '@wordpress/element'; import { useDispatch } from '@wordpress/data'; import { WooOnboardingTaskListItem } from '@woocommerce/onboarding'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { LayoutContext } from '~/layout'; import './task-list.scss'; export type TaskListItemProps = { isExpandable: boolean; isExpanded: boolean; setExpandedTask: ( id: string ) => void; task: TaskType & { onClick?: () => void; }; }; export const TaskListItem: React.FC< TaskListItemProps > = ( { isExpandable = false, isExpanded = false, setExpandedTask, task, } ) => { const { createNotice } = useDispatch( 'core/notices' ); const layoutContext = useContext( LayoutContext ); const { dismissTask, snoozeTask, undoDismissTask, undoSnoozeTask, visitedTask, } = useDispatch( ONBOARDING_STORE_NAME ); const userPreferences = useUserPreferences(); const { actionLabel, actionUrl, content, id, isComplete, isDismissable, isSnoozeable, time, title, level, additionalInfo, } = task; const slot = useSlot( `woocommerce_onboarding_task_list_item_${ id }` ); const hasFills = Boolean( slot?.fills?.length ); const onDismiss = useCallback( () => { dismissTask( id ); createNotice( 'success', __( 'Task dismissed' ), { actions: [ { label: __( 'Undo', 'woocommerce' ), onClick: () => undoDismissTask( id ), }, ], } ); }, [ id ] ); const onSnooze = useCallback( () => { snoozeTask( id ); createNotice( 'success', __( 'Task postponed until tomorrow', 'woocommerce' ), { actions: [ { label: __( 'Undo', 'woocommerce' ), onClick: () => undoSnoozeTask( id ), }, ], } ); }, [ id ] ); const getTaskStartedCount = () => { const trackedStartedTasks = userPreferences.task_list_tracked_started_tasks; if ( ! trackedStartedTasks || ! trackedStartedTasks[ id ] ) { return 0; } return trackedStartedTasks[ id ]; }; // @todo This would be better as a task endpoint that handles updating the count. const updateTrackStartedCount = () => { const newCount = getTaskStartedCount() + 1; const trackedStartedTasks = userPreferences.task_list_tracked_started_tasks || {}; visitedTask( id ); userPreferences.updateUserPreferences( { task_list_tracked_started_tasks: { ...( trackedStartedTasks || {} ), [ id ]: newCount, }, } ); }; const trackClick = () => { recordEvent( 'tasklist_click', { task_name: id, context: layoutContext.toString(), } ); if ( ! isComplete ) { updateTrackStartedCount(); } }; const onClickDefault = useCallback( () => { if ( actionUrl ) { navigateTo( { url: actionUrl, } ); return; } navigateTo( { url: getNewPath( { task: id }, '/', {} ) } ); }, [ id, isComplete, actionUrl ] ); const taskItemProps = { expandable: isExpandable, expanded: isExpandable && isExpanded, completed: isComplete, onSnooze: isSnoozeable && onSnooze, onDismiss: isDismissable && onDismiss, }; const DefaultTaskItem = useCallback( ( props ) => { const onClickActions = () => { trackClick(); if ( props.onClick ) { return props.onClick(); } return onClickDefault(); }; return ( setExpandedTask( id ) } /> ); }, [ id, title, content, time, actionLabel, isExpandable, isComplete ] ); return hasFills ? ( ) : ( ); };