/** * External dependencies */ import type { Meta, StoryFn } from '@storybook/react'; import { useArgs } from '@storybook/preview-api'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import Textarea, { type TextareaProps } from '..'; import '../style.scss'; export default { title: 'External Components/Textarea', component: Textarea, argTypes: { className: { control: 'text', table: { type: { summary: 'string', }, }, description: 'Additional class names to add to the textarea.', }, value: { control: 'text', table: { type: { summary: 'string', }, }, description: 'The value in the textarea.', }, disabled: { control: 'boolean', table: { type: { summary: 'boolean', }, }, description: 'Whether the textarea is disabled.', }, placeholder: { control: 'text', table: { type: { summary: 'string', }, }, description: 'The placeholder text to show when no value has been entered.', }, }, } as Meta< TextareaProps >; const Template: StoryFn< TextareaProps > = ( args ) => { const [ { value }, updateArgs ] = useArgs(); return (