Given( '/^an empty directory$/', function ( $world ) { $world->create_run_dir(); } ); $steps->Given( '/^an empty cache/', function ( $world ) { $world->variables['SUITE_CACHE_DIR'] = FeatureContext::create_cache_dir(); } ); $steps->Given( '/^an? ([^\s]+) file:$/', function ( $world, $path, PyStringNode $content ) { $content = (string) $content . "\n"; $full_path = $world->variables['RUN_DIR'] . "/$path"; Process::create( \WP_CLI\utils\esc_cmd( 'mkdir -p %s', dirname( $full_path ) ) )->run_check(); file_put_contents( $full_path, $content ); } ); $steps->Given( '/^WP files$/', function ( $world ) { $world->download_wp(); } ); $steps->Given( '/^wp-config\.php$/', function ( $world ) { $world->create_config(); } ); $steps->Given( '/^a database$/', function ( $world ) { $world->create_db(); } ); $steps->Given( '/^a WP install$/', function ( $world ) { $world->install_wp(); } ); $steps->Given( "/^a WP install in '([^\s]+)'$/", function ( $world, $subdir ) { $world->install_wp( $subdir ); } ); $steps->Given( '/^a WP multisite (subdirectory|subdomain)?\s?install$/', function ( $world, $type = 'subdirectory' ) { $world->install_wp(); $subdomains = ! empty( $type ) && 'subdomain' === $type ? 1 : 0; $world->proc( 'wp core install-network', array( 'title' => 'WP CLI Network', 'subdomains' => $subdomains ) )->run_check(); } ); $steps->Given( '/^these installed and active plugins:$/', function( $world, $stream ) { $plugins = implode( ' ', array_map( 'trim', explode( PHP_EOL, (string)$stream ) ) ); $world->proc( "wp plugin install $plugins --activate" )->run_check(); } ); $steps->Given( '/^a custom wp-content directory$/', function ( $world ) { $wp_config_path = $world->variables['RUN_DIR'] . "/wp-config.php"; $wp_config_code = file_get_contents( $wp_config_path ); $world->move_files( 'wp-content', 'my-content' ); $world->add_line_to_wp_config( $wp_config_code, "define( 'WP_CONTENT_DIR', dirname(__FILE__) . '/my-content' );" ); $world->move_files( 'my-content/plugins', 'my-plugins' ); $world->add_line_to_wp_config( $wp_config_code, "define( 'WP_PLUGIN_DIR', __DIR__ . '/my-plugins' );" ); file_put_contents( $wp_config_path, $wp_config_code ); } ); $steps->Given( '/^download:$/', function ( $world, TableNode $table ) { foreach ( $table->getHash() as $row ) { $path = $world->replace_variables( $row['path'] ); if ( file_exists( $path ) ) { // assume it's the same file and skip re-download continue; } Process::create( \WP_CLI\Utils\esc_cmd( 'curl -sSL %s > %s', $row['url'], $path ) )->run_check(); } } ); $steps->Given( '/^save (STDOUT|STDERR) ([\'].+[^\'])?as \{(\w+)\}$/', function ( $world, $stream, $output_filter, $key ) { $stream = strtolower( $stream ); if ( $output_filter ) { $output_filter = '/' . trim( str_replace( '%s', '(.+[^\b])', $output_filter ), "' " ) . '/'; if ( false !== preg_match( $output_filter, $world->result->$stream, $matches ) ) $output = array_pop( $matches ); else $output = ''; } else { $output = $world->result->$stream; } $world->variables[ $key ] = trim( $output, "\n" ); } ); $steps->Given( '/^a new Phar(?: with version "([^"]+)")$/', function ( $world, $version ) { $world->build_phar( $version ); } ); $steps->Given( '/^save the (.+) file ([\'].+[^\'])?as \{(\w+)\}$/', function ( $world, $filepath, $output_filter, $key ) { $full_file = file_get_contents( $world->replace_variables( $filepath ) ); if ( $output_filter ) { $output_filter = '/' . trim( str_replace( '%s', '(.+[^\b])', $output_filter ), "' " ) . '/'; if ( false !== preg_match( $output_filter, $full_file, $matches ) ) $output = array_pop( $matches ); else $output = ''; } else { $output = $full_file; } $world->variables[ $key ] = trim( $output, "\n" ); } ); $steps->Given('/^a misconfigured WP_CONTENT_DIR constant directory$/', function($world) { $wp_config_path = $world->variables['RUN_DIR'] . "/wp-config.php"; $wp_config_code = file_get_contents( $wp_config_path ); $world->add_line_to_wp_config( $wp_config_code, "define( 'WP_CONTENT_DIR', '' );" ); file_put_contents( $wp_config_path, $wp_config_code ); } );