import config from 'config'; import chai from 'chai'; import chaiAsPromised from 'chai-as-promised'; import test from 'selenium-webdriver/testing'; import { WebDriverManager, WebDriverHelper as helper } from 'wp-e2e-webdriver'; import { WPLogin } from 'wp-e2e-page-objects'; import { WPAdminWCSettingsGeneral } from 'wc-e2e-page-objects'; chai.use( chaiAsPromised ); const assert = chai.assert; let manager; let driver; test.describe( 'WooCommerce General Settings', function() { // open browser test.before( function() { this.timeout( config.get( 'startBrowserTimeoutMs' ) ); manager = new WebDriverManager( 'chrome', { baseUrl: config.get( 'url' ) } ); driver = manager.getDriver(); helper.clearCookiesAndDeleteLocalStorage( driver ); } ); this.timeout( config.get( 'mochaTimeoutMs' ) ); // login test.before( () => { const wpLogin = new WPLogin( driver, { url: manager.getPageUrl( '/wp-login.php' ) } ); wpLogin.login( config.get( 'users.admin.username' ), config.get( 'users.admin.password' ) ); } ); 'can update settings', () => { const settingsArgs = { url: manager.getPageUrl( '/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=general' ) }; const settings = new WPAdminWCSettingsGeneral( driver, settingsArgs ); assert.eventually.ok( settings.hasActiveTab( 'General' ) ); // Set selling location to all countries first, so we can choose california // as base location. settings.selectSellingLocation( 'Sell to all countries' ); settings.saveChanges(); assert.eventually.ok( settings.hasNotice( 'Your settings have been saved.' ) ); // Set base location with state CA. settings.selectBaseLocation( 'california', 'United States (US) — California' ); settings.saveChanges(); assert.eventually.ok( settings.hasNotice( 'Your settings have been saved.' ) ); // Set selling location to specific countries first, so we can choose // U.S as base location (without state). This will makes specific // countries option appears. settings.selectSellingLocation( 'Sell to specific countries' ); settings.removeChoiceInSellToSpecificCountries( 'United States (US)' ); settings.setSellToSpecificCountries( 'united states', 'United States (US)' ); settings.saveChanges(); assert.eventually.ok( settings.hasNotice( 'Your settings have been saved.' ) ); // Set currency options. settings.setThousandSeparator( ',' ); settings.setDecimalSeparator( '.' ); settings.setNumberOfDecimals( '2' ); settings.saveChanges(); assert.eventually.ok( settings.hasNotice( 'Your settings have been saved.' ) ); } ); // take screenshot test.afterEach( function() { if ( this.currentTest.state === 'failed' ) { helper.takeScreenshot( manager, this.currentTest ); } } ); // quit browser test.after( () => { manager.quitBrowser(); } ); } );