/** * External dependencies */ import { canvas, createNewPost, switchUserToAdmin, } from '@wordpress/e2e-test-utils'; import { searchForBlock } from '@wordpress/e2e-test-utils/build/inserter'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { filterCurrentBlocks, insertBlockDontWaitForInsertClose, useTheme, waitForCanvas, goToTemplateEditor, } from '../../utils.js'; const block = { name: 'Add to Cart Options', slug: 'woocommerce/add-to-cart-form', class: '.wc-block-add-to-cart-form', }; describe( `${ block.name } Block`, () => { it( 'can not be inserted in a post', async () => { await switchUserToAdmin(); await createNewPost( { postType: 'post', title: block.name, } ); await searchForBlock( block.name ); expect( page ).toMatch( 'No results found.' ); } ); describe( 'in FSE editor', () => { useTheme( 'emptytheme' ); beforeEach( async () => { await goToTemplateEditor( { postId: 'woocommerce/woocommerce//single-product', } ); await waitForCanvas(); } ); it( 'can be inserted in FSE area', async () => { // We are using here the "insertBlockDontWaitForInsertClose" function because the // tests are flickering when we use the "insertBlock" function. await insertBlockDontWaitForInsertClose( block.name ); await expect( canvas() ).toMatchElement( block.class ); } ); it( 'can be inserted more than once', async () => { await insertBlockDontWaitForInsertClose( block.name ); await insertBlockDontWaitForInsertClose( block.name ); const filteredBlocks = await filterCurrentBlocks( ( b ) => b.name === block.slug ); expect( filteredBlocks ).toHaveLength( 2 ); } ); } ); } );