/** * External dependencies */ import { __, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { Component, Fragment } from '@wordpress/element'; import { compose } from '@wordpress/compose'; import { partial, get } from 'lodash'; import { IconButton, Icon, Dropdown, Button } from '@wordpress/components'; import { withDispatch } from '@wordpress/data'; import { applyFilters } from '@wordpress/hooks'; /** * WooCommerce dependencies */ import { H } from '@woocommerce/components'; import { SETTINGS_STORE_NAME, withPluginsHydration } from '@woocommerce/data'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import './style.scss'; import defaultSections from './default-sections'; import Section from './section'; import withSelect from 'wc-api/with-select'; import { recordEvent } from 'lib/tracks'; import TaskList from './task-list'; import { isOnboardingEnabled } from 'dashboard/utils'; import { getCurrentDates, getDateParamsFromQuery, isoDateFormat, } from 'lib/date'; import ReportFilters from 'analytics/components/report-filters'; const HydratedTaskList = withPluginsHydration( { ...window.wcSettings.plugins, jetpackStatus: window.wcSettings.dataEndpoints.jetpackStatus, } )( TaskList ); const DASHBOARD_FILTERS_FILTER = 'woocommerce_admin_dashboard_filters'; const filters = applyFilters( DASHBOARD_FILTERS_FILTER, [] ); class CustomizableDashboard extends Component { constructor( props ) { super( props ); this.state = { sections: this.mergeSectionsWithDefaults( props.userPrefSections ), }; this.onMove = this.onMove.bind( this ); this.updateSection = this.updateSection.bind( this ); } mergeSectionsWithDefaults( prefSections ) { if ( ! prefSections || prefSections.length === 0 ) { return defaultSections; } const defaultKeys = defaultSections.map( ( section ) => section.key ); const prefKeys = prefSections.map( ( section ) => section.key ); const keys = new Set( [ ...prefKeys, ...defaultKeys ] ); const sections = []; keys.forEach( ( key ) => { const defaultSection = defaultSections.find( ( section ) => section.key === key ); if ( ! defaultSection ) { return; } const prefSection = prefSections.find( ( section ) => section.key === key ); sections.push( { ...defaultSection, ...prefSection, } ); } ); return sections; } updateSections( newSections ) { this.setState( { sections: newSections } ); this.props.updateCurrentUserData( { dashboard_sections: newSections } ); } updateSection( updatedKey, newSettings ) { const newSections = this.state.sections.map( ( section ) => { if ( section.key === updatedKey ) { return { ...section, ...newSettings, }; } return section; } ); this.updateSections( newSections ); } onChangeHiddenBlocks( updatedKey ) { return ( updatedHiddenBlocks ) => { this.updateSection( updatedKey, { hiddenBlocks: updatedHiddenBlocks, } ); }; } onSectionTitleUpdate( updatedKey ) { return ( updatedTitle ) => { recordEvent( 'dash_section_rename', { key: updatedKey } ); this.updateSection( updatedKey, { title: updatedTitle } ); }; } toggleVisibility( key, onToggle ) { return () => { if ( onToggle ) { // Close the dropdown before setting state so an action is not performed on an unmounted component. onToggle(); } // When toggling visibility, place section at the end of the array. const sections = [ ...this.state.sections ]; const index = sections.findIndex( ( s ) => key === s.key ); const toggledSection = sections.splice( index, 1 ).shift(); toggledSection.isVisible = ! toggledSection.isVisible; sections.push( toggledSection ); if ( toggledSection.isVisible ) { recordEvent( 'dash_section_add', { key: toggledSection.key } ); } else { recordEvent( 'dash_section_remove', { key: toggledSection.key, } ); } this.updateSections( sections ); }; } onMove( index, change ) { const sections = [ ...this.state.sections ]; const movedSection = sections.splice( index, 1 ).shift(); const newIndex = index + change; // Figure out the index of the skipped section. const nextJumpedSectionIndex = change < 0 ? newIndex : newIndex - 1; if ( sections[ nextJumpedSectionIndex ].isVisible || // Is the skipped section visible? index === 0 || // Will this be the first element? index === sections.length - 1 // Will this be the last element? ) { // Yes, lets insert. sections.splice( newIndex, 0, movedSection ); this.updateSections( sections ); const eventProps = { key: movedSection.key, direction: change > 0 ? 'down' : 'up', }; recordEvent( 'dash_section_order_change', eventProps ); } else { // No, lets try the next one. this.onMove( index, change + change ); } } renderAddMore() { const { sections } = this.state; const hiddenSections = sections.filter( ( section ) => section.isVisible === false ); if ( hiddenSections.length === 0 ) { return null; } return ( ( ) } renderContent={ ( { onToggle } ) => ( { __( 'Dashboard Sections', 'woocommerce-admin' ) }
{ hiddenSections.map( ( section ) => { return ( ); } ) }
) } /> ); } renderDashboardReports() { const { query, path, defaultDateRange } = this.props; const { sections } = this.state; const { period, compare, before, after } = getDateParamsFromQuery( query, defaultDateRange ); const { primary: primaryDate, secondary: secondaryDate, } = getCurrentDates( query, defaultDateRange ); const dateQuery = { period, compare, before, after, primaryDate, secondaryDate, }; const visibleSectionKeys = sections .filter( ( section ) => section.isVisible ) .map( ( section ) => section.key ); return ( { sections.map( ( section, index ) => { if ( section.isVisible ) { return (
); } return null; } ) } { this.renderAddMore() } ); } render() { const { query, taskListHidden, taskListComplete } = this.props; const isTaskListEnabled = isOnboardingEnabled() && ! taskListHidden; const isDashboardShown = ! isTaskListEnabled || ( ! query.task && taskListComplete ); return ( { isTaskListEnabled && ( ) } { isDashboardShown && this.renderDashboardReports() } ); } } export default compose( withSelect( ( select ) => { const { getCurrentUserData, isGetProfileItemsRequesting, getOptions, isGetOptionsRequesting, } = select( 'wc-api' ); const userData = getCurrentUserData(); const { woocommerce_default_date_range: defaultDateRange } = select( SETTINGS_STORE_NAME ).getSetting( 'wc_admin', 'wcAdminSettings' ); const withSelectData = { userPrefSections: userData.dashboard_sections, defaultDateRange, requesting: false, }; if ( isOnboardingEnabled() ) { const options = getOptions( [ 'woocommerce_task_list_complete', 'woocommerce_task_list_hidden', ] ); withSelectData.taskListHidden = get( options, [ 'woocommerce_task_list_hidden' ], 'no' ) === 'yes'; withSelectData.taskListComplete = get( options, [ 'woocommerce_task_list_complete' ], false ); withSelectData.requesting = withSelectData.requesting || isGetProfileItemsRequesting(); withSelectData.requesting = withSelectData.requesting || isGetOptionsRequesting( [ 'woocommerce_task_list_payments', 'woocommerce_task_list_hidden', ] ); } return withSelectData; } ), withDispatch( ( dispatch ) => { const { updateCurrentUserData } = dispatch( 'wc-api' ); return { updateCurrentUserData, }; } ) )( CustomizableDashboard );