# Source file or directory to parse source: # Directory where to save the generated documentation destination: # List of allowed file extensions extensions: [php] # Mask to exclude file or directory from processing exclude: # Don't generate documentation for classes from file or directory with this mask skipDocPath: # Don't generate documentation for classes with this name prefix skipDocPrefix: # Character set of source files charset: auto # Main project name prefix main: # Title of generated documentation title: # Documentation base URL baseUrl: # Google Custom Search ID googleCseId: # Google Custom Search label googleCseLabel: # Google Analytics tracking code googleAnalytics: # Template config file templateConfig: './templates/default/config.neon' # Grouping of classes groups: auto # List of allowed HTML tags in documentation allowedHtml: [b, i, a, ul, ol, li, p, br, var, samp, kbd, tt] # Element types for search input autocomplete autocomplete: [classes, constants, functions] # Generate documentation for methods and properties with given access level accessLevels: [public, protected] # Generate documentation for elements marked as internal and display internal documentation parts internal: No # Generate documentation for PHP internal classes php: Yes # Generate tree view of classes, interfaces and exceptions tree: Yes # Generate documentation for deprecated classes, methods, properties and constants deprecated: No # Generate documentation of tasks todo: No # Generate highlighted source code files sourceCode: Yes # Add a link to download documentation as a ZIP archive download: No # Save a checkstyle report of poorly documented elements into a file report: # Wipe out the destination directory first wipeout: Yes # Don't display scanning and generating messages quiet: No # Display progressbars progressbar: Yes # Use colors colors: No # Check for update updateCheck: Yes # Display additional information in case of an error debug: No