/** * External dependencies */ import { render, fireEvent } from '@testing-library/react'; import PagesIcon from 'gridicons/dist/pages'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { Tab } from '../'; const renderTab = () => render( {} } /> ); describe( 'ActivityPanel Tab', () => { it( 'displays a title and unread status based on props', () => { const { getByText } = render( {} } /> ); expect( getByText( 'Hello World' ) ).not.toBeNull(); expect( getByText( 'unread activity' ) ).not.toBeNull(); } ); it( 'renders the node passed to icon', () => { const { getByText } = render( Fake icon } title={ 'Hello World' } name={ 'overview' } unread selected isPanelOpen index={ 0 } onTabClick={ () => {} } /> ); expect( getByText( 'Fake icon' ) ).not.toBeNull(); } ); it( 'does not display unread status if unread is false', () => { const { queryByText } = render( } title={ 'Hello World' } name={ 'overview' } unread={ false } selected isPanelOpen index={ 0 } onTabClick={ () => {} } /> ); expect( queryByText( 'unread activity' ) ).toBeNull(); } ); it( 'is tabbable if its selected or if its closed and the first item', () => { const { getByRole, rerender } = render( } title={ 'Hello World' } name={ 'overview' } unread={ false } selected isPanelOpen={ false } index={ 1 } onTabClick={ () => {} } /> ); let tab = getByRole( 'tab' ); // Tab index is set to null if its the currently selected item, or the panel is closed and the item is the first item. expect( tab ).not.toHaveAttribute( 'tabindex' ); rerender( } title={ 'Hello World' } name={ 'overview' } unread={ false } selected={ false } isPanelOpen={ false } index={ 0 } onTabClick={ () => {} } /> ); tab = getByRole( 'tab' ); expect( tab ).not.toHaveAttribute( 'tabindex' ); } ); it( 'is not tabbable if its not selected, or its open', () => { const { getByRole, rerender } = render( } title={ 'Hello World' } name={ 'overview' } unread={ false } selected={ false } isPanelOpen={ false } index={ 1 } onTabClick={ () => {} } /> ); let tab = getByRole( 'tab' ); // Tab index is not set if its the currently selected item, or the panel is closed and the item is the first item. expect( tab ).toHaveAttribute( 'tabindex', '-1' ); rerender( } title={ 'Hello World' } name={ 'overview' } unread={ false } selected={ false } isPanelOpen={ true } index={ 1 } onTabClick={ () => {} } /> ); tab = getByRole( 'tab' ); expect( tab ).toHaveAttribute( 'tabindex', '-1' ); } ); it( 'calls the onTabClick handler if a tab is clicked', () => { const onTabClickSpy = jest.fn(); const { getByRole } = render( } title={ 'Hello World' } name={ 'overview' } unread={ false } selected={ false } isPanelOpen={ true } index={ 1 } onTabClick={ onTabClickSpy } /> ); fireEvent.click( getByRole( 'tab' ) ); expect( onTabClickSpy ).toHaveBeenCalledTimes( 1 ); } ); it( 'derives aria-controls and id from the name prop', () => { const nameProp = 'some-name'; const { getByRole } = render( } title={ 'Hello World' } name={ nameProp } unread={ false } selected={ false } isPanelOpen={ true } index={ 1 } onTabClick={ () => {} } /> ); const tab = getByRole( 'tab' ); expect( tab ).toHaveAttribute( 'aria-controls', `activity-panel-${ nameProp }` ); expect( tab ).toHaveAttribute( 'id', `activity-panel-tab-${ nameProp }` ); } ); it( 'has an is-active class if isPanelOpen is true', () => { const { getByRole, rerender } = renderTab(); expect( getByRole( 'tab' ) ).toHaveClass( 'is-active' ); rerender( } title={ 'Hello World' } name={ 'overview' } unread={ false } selected={ false } isPanelOpen={ false } index={ 1 } onTabClick={ () => {} } /> ); expect( getByRole( 'tab' ) ).not.toHaveClass( 'is-active' ); } ); it( 'has an has-unread class if unread is true', () => { const { getByRole, rerender } = render( } title={ 'Hello World' } name={ 'overview' } unread={ true } selected={ false } isPanelOpen={ false } index={ 1 } onTabClick={ () => {} } /> ); expect( getByRole( 'tab' ) ).toHaveClass( 'has-unread' ); rerender( } title={ 'Hello World' } name={ 'overview' } unread={ false } selected={ false } isPanelOpen={ false } index={ 1 } onTabClick={ () => {} } /> ); expect( getByRole( 'tab' ) ).not.toHaveClass( 'has-unread' ); } ); } );