/* eslint-disable jest/no-export, jest/no-disabled-tests */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const { StoreOwnerFlow, clickTab, verifyPublishAndTrash } = require( '@woocommerce/e2e-utils' ); /** * External dependencies */ const { it, describe, beforeAll, } = require( '@jest/globals' ); const runCreateCouponTest = () => { describe('Add New Coupon Page', () => { beforeAll(async () => { await StoreOwnerFlow.login(); }); it('can create new coupon', async () => { // Go to "add coupon" page await StoreOwnerFlow.openNewCoupon(); // Make sure we're on the add coupon page await expect(page.title()).resolves.toMatch('Add new coupon'); // Fill in coupon code and description await expect(page).toFill('#title', 'code-' + new Date().getTime().toString()); await expect(page).toFill('#woocommerce-coupon-description', 'test coupon'); // Set general coupon data await clickTab('General'); await expect(page).toSelect('#discount_type', 'Fixed cart discount'); await expect(page).toFill('#coupon_amount', '100'); // Publish coupon, verify that it was published. Trash coupon, verify that it was trashed. await verifyPublishAndTrash( '#publish', '.notice', 'Coupon updated.', '1 coupon moved to the Trash.' ); }); }); } module.exports = runCreateCouponTest;