/** @format */ /** * External dependencies */ import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { Component } from '@wordpress/element'; import { format as formatDate } from '@wordpress/date'; import { map } from 'lodash'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { Card, Link, TableCard, TablePlaceholder } from '@woocommerce/components'; import { formatCurrency, getCurrencyFormatDecimal } from 'lib/currency'; import { getDateFormatsForInterval, getIntervalForQuery } from 'lib/date'; import { onQueryChange } from 'lib/nav-utils'; import ReportError from 'analytics/components/report-error'; import { QUERY_DEFAULTS } from 'store/constants'; export default class RevenueReportTable extends Component { getHeadersContent() { return [ { label: __( 'Date', 'wc-admin' ), key: 'date', required: true, defaultSort: true, isLeftAligned: true, isSortable: true, }, { label: __( 'Orders', 'wc-admin' ), key: 'orders_count', required: false, isSortable: true, isNumeric: true, }, { label: __( 'Gross Revenue', 'wc-admin' ), key: 'gross_revenue', required: true, isSortable: true, isNumeric: true, }, { label: __( 'Refunds', 'wc-admin' ), key: 'refunds', required: false, isSortable: true, isNumeric: true, }, { label: __( 'Coupons', 'wc-admin' ), key: 'coupons', required: false, isSortable: true, isNumeric: true, }, { label: __( 'Taxes', 'wc-admin' ), key: 'taxes', required: false, isSortable: true, isNumeric: true, }, { label: __( 'Shipping', 'wc-admin' ), key: 'shipping', required: false, isSortable: true, isNumeric: true, }, { label: __( 'Net Revenue', 'wc-admin' ), key: 'net_revenue', required: false, isSortable: true, isNumeric: true, }, ]; } getRowsContent( data = [] ) { const { query } = this.props; const currentInterval = getIntervalForQuery( query ); const formats = getDateFormatsForInterval( currentInterval ); return map( data, row => { const { coupons, gross_revenue, net_revenue, orders_count, refunds, shipping, taxes, } = row.subtotals; // @TODO How to create this per-report? Can use `w`, `year`, `m` to build time-specific order links // we need to know which kind of report this is, and parse the `label` to get this row's date const orderLink = ( { orders_count } ); return [ { display: formatDate( formats.tableFormat, row.date_start ), value: row.date_start, }, { display: orderLink, value: Number( orders_count ), }, { display: formatCurrency( gross_revenue ), value: getCurrencyFormatDecimal( gross_revenue ), }, { display: formatCurrency( refunds ), value: getCurrencyFormatDecimal( refunds ), }, { display: formatCurrency( coupons ), value: getCurrencyFormatDecimal( coupons ), }, { display: formatCurrency( taxes ), value: getCurrencyFormatDecimal( taxes ), }, { display: formatCurrency( shipping ), value: getCurrencyFormatDecimal( shipping ), }, { display: formatCurrency( net_revenue ), value: getCurrencyFormatDecimal( net_revenue ), }, ]; } ); } renderPlaceholderTable( tableQuery ) { const headers = this.getHeadersContent(); return ( ); } renderTable( tableQuery ) { const { tableData, totalRows } = this.props; const rowsPerPage = ( tableQuery && tableQuery.per_page && parseInt( tableQuery.per_page ) ) || QUERY_DEFAULTS.pageSize; const rows = this.getRowsContent( tableData.data.intervals ); const headers = this.getHeadersContent(); return ( ); } render() { const { isError, isRequesting, query } = this.props; if ( isError ) { return ; } const tableQuery = { ...query, orderby: query.orderby || 'date', order: query.order || 'asc', }; if ( isRequesting ) { return this.renderPlaceholderTable( tableQuery ); } return this.renderTable( tableQuery ); } }