/** * External dependencies */ import { Notice } from '@wordpress/components'; import { useState, useEffect } from '@wordpress/element'; import { recordEvent } from '@woocommerce/tracks'; import { useDispatch, useSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; import { OPTIONS_STORE_NAME } from '@woocommerce/data'; import apiFetch from '@wordpress/api-fetch'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import Banner from './banner'; import ApmList, { Apm } from './apms'; import './style.scss'; import { getAdminSetting } from '~/utils/admin-settings'; import FrequentlyAskedQuestionsSimple from './faq-simple'; declare global { interface Window { wcCalypsoBridge: unknown; location: Location; wcSettings: { admin: { wcpay_welcome_page_connect_nonce: string; currentUserData: { first_name: string; }; wcpayWelcomePageIncentive: { id: string; description: string; cta_label: string; tc_url: string; }; }; }; } } interface activatePromoResponse { success: boolean; } const ConnectAccountPage = () => { const incentive = getAdminSetting( 'wcpayWelcomePageIncentive' ); const { updateOptions } = useDispatch( OPTIONS_STORE_NAME ); const { installAndActivatePlugins } = useDispatch( 'wc/admin/plugins' ); const [ isSubmitted, setSubmitted ] = useState( false ); const [ errorMessage, setErrorMessage ] = useState( '' ); const [ enabledApms, setEnabledApms ] = useState( new Set< Apm >() ); const { isJetpackConnected, connectUrl } = useSelect( ( select ) => { return { isJetpackConnected: select( 'wc/admin/plugins' ).isJetpackConnected(), connectUrl: 'admin.php?wcpay-connect=1&promo=' + encodeURIComponent( incentive.id ) + '&_wpnonce=' + getAdminSetting( 'wcpay_welcome_page_connect_nonce' ), }; } ); /** * Record page view and save viewed timestamp. */ useEffect( () => { recordEvent( 'page_view', { path: 'payments_connect_core_test', incentive_id: incentive.id, } ); updateOptions( { wcpay_welcome_page_viewed_timestamp: Math.floor( Date.now() / 1000 ), } ); // We only want to record this once, so we don't want to re-run this effect. // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [] ); const activatePromo = async () => { const activatePromoRequest: activatePromoResponse = await apiFetch( { path: `/wc-analytics/admin/notes/experimental-activate-promo/${ incentive.id }`, method: 'POST', } ); if ( activatePromoRequest?.success ) { window.location.href = connectUrl; } }; const handleSetup = async () => { setSubmitted( true ); recordEvent( 'wcpay_connect_account_clicked', { wpcom_connection: isJetpackConnected ? 'Yes' : 'No', incentive_id: incentive.id, } ); const pluginsToInstall = [ ...enabledApms ].map( ( apm ) => apm.extension ); try { const installAndActivateResponse = await installAndActivatePlugins( [ 'woocommerce-payments' ].concat( pluginsToInstall ) ); if ( installAndActivateResponse?.success ) { recordEvent( 'wcpay_extension_installed', { extensions: [ ...enabledApms ] .map( ( apm ) => apm.id ) .join( ', ' ), incentive_id: incentive.id, } ); await activatePromo(); } else { throw new Error( installAndActivateResponse.message ); } } catch ( e ) { if ( e instanceof Error ) { setErrorMessage( e.message ); setSubmitted( false ); } else { throw new Error( `Unexpected error occurred. ${ e }` ); } } }; if ( ! incentive ) return null; return (
{ errorMessage && ( { errorMessage } ) }
); }; export default ConnectAccountPage;