flags = $flags; if ( $this->flags & self::GEOIP_SHARED_MEMORY ) { $this->shmid = @shmop_open( self::GEOIP_SHM_KEY, "a", 0, 0 ); } else { $this->filehandle = fopen( $filename, 'rb' ) or trigger_error( "GeoIP API: Can not open $filename\n", E_USER_ERROR ); if ( $this->flags & self::GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE ) { $s_array = fstat( $this->filehandle ); $this->memory_buffer = fread( $this->filehandle, $s_array['size'] ); } } $this->_setup_segments(); } /** * Setup segments * * @return WC_Geo_IP instance */ private function _setup_segments() { $this->databaseType = self::GEOIP_COUNTRY_EDITION; $this->record_length = self::STANDARD_RECORD_LENGTH; if ( $this->flags & self::GEOIP_SHARED_MEMORY ) { $offset = @shmop_size( $this->shmid ) - 3; for ( $i = 0; $i < self::STRUCTURE_INFO_MAX_SIZE; $i++ ) { $delim = @shmop_read( $this->shmid, $offset, 3 ); $offset += 3; if ( $delim == ( chr( 255 ) . chr( 255 ) . chr( 255 ) ) ) { $this->databaseType = ord( @shmop_read( $this->shmid, $offset, 1 ) ); if ( $this->databaseType >= 106 ) { $this->databaseType -= 105; } $offset++; if ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_REGION_EDITION_REV0 ) { $this->databaseSegments = self::GEOIP_STATE_BEGIN_REV0; } elseif ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_REGION_EDITION_REV1 ) { $this->databaseSegments = self::GEOIP_STATE_BEGIN_REV1; } elseif ( ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_CITY_EDITION_REV0 ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_CITY_EDITION_REV1 ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_ORG_EDITION ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_ORG_EDITION_V6 ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_DOMAIN_EDITION ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_DOMAIN_EDITION_V6 ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_ISP_EDITION ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_ISP_EDITION_V6 ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_USERTYPE_EDITION ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_USERTYPE_EDITION_V6 ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_LOCATIONA_EDITION ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_ACCURACYRADIUS_EDITION ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_CITY_EDITION_REV0_V6 ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_CITY_EDITION_REV1_V6 ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_NETSPEED_EDITION_REV1 ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_NETSPEED_EDITION_REV1_V6 ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_ASNUM_EDITION ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_ASNUM_EDITION_V6 ) ) { $this->databaseSegments = 0; $buf = @shmop_read( $this->shmid, $offset, self::SEGMENT_RECORD_LENGTH ); for ( $j = 0; $j < self::SEGMENT_RECORD_LENGTH; $j++ ) { $this->databaseSegments += ( ord( $buf[ $j ] ) << ( $j * 8 ) ); } if ( ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_ORG_EDITION ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_ORG_EDITION_V6 ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_DOMAIN_EDITION ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_DOMAIN_EDITION_V6 ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_ISP_EDITION ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_ISP_EDITION_V6 ) ) { $this->record_length = self::ORG_RECORD_LENGTH; } } break; } else { $offset -= 4; } } if ( ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_COUNTRY_EDITION ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_COUNTRY_EDITION_V6 ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_PROXY_EDITION ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_NETSPEED_EDITION ) ) { $this->databaseSegments = self::GEOIP_COUNTRY_BEGIN; } } else { $filepos = ftell( $this->filehandle ); fseek( $this->filehandle, -3, SEEK_END ); for ( $i = 0; $i < self::STRUCTURE_INFO_MAX_SIZE; $i++ ) { $delim = fread( $this->filehandle, 3 ); if ( $delim == ( chr( 255 ) . chr( 255 ) . chr( 255 ) ) ) { $this->databaseType = ord( fread( $this->filehandle, 1 ) ); if ( $this->databaseType >= 106 ) { $this->databaseType -= 105; } if ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_REGION_EDITION_REV0 ) { $this->databaseSegments = self::GEOIP_STATE_BEGIN_REV0; } elseif ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_REGION_EDITION_REV1 ) { $this->databaseSegments = self::GEOIP_STATE_BEGIN_REV1; } elseif ( ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_CITY_EDITION_REV0 ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_CITY_EDITION_REV1 ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_CITY_EDITION_REV0_V6 ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_CITY_EDITION_REV1_V6 ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_ORG_EDITION ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_DOMAIN_EDITION ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_ISP_EDITION ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_ORG_EDITION_V6 ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_DOMAIN_EDITION_V6 ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_ISP_EDITION_V6 ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_LOCATIONA_EDITION ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_ACCURACYRADIUS_EDITION ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_CITY_EDITION_REV0_V6 ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_CITY_EDITION_REV1_V6 ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_NETSPEED_EDITION_REV1 ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_NETSPEED_EDITION_REV1_V6 ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_USERTYPE_EDITION ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_USERTYPE_EDITION_V6 ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_ASNUM_EDITION ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_ASNUM_EDITION_V6 ) ) { $this->databaseSegments = 0; $buf = fread( $this->filehandle, self::SEGMENT_RECORD_LENGTH ); for ( $j = 0; $j < self::SEGMENT_RECORD_LENGTH; $j++ ) { $this->databaseSegments += ( ord( $buf[ $j ] ) << ( $j * 8 ) ); } if ( ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_ORG_EDITION ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_DOMAIN_EDITION ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_ISP_EDITION ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_ORG_EDITION_V6 ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_DOMAIN_EDITION_V6 ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_ISP_EDITION_V6 ) ) { $this->record_length = self::ORG_RECORD_LENGTH; } } break; } else { fseek( $this->filehandle, -4, SEEK_CUR ); } } if ( ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_COUNTRY_EDITION ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_COUNTRY_EDITION_V6 ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_PROXY_EDITION ) || ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_NETSPEED_EDITION ) ) { $this->databaseSegments = self::GEOIP_COUNTRY_BEGIN; } fseek( $this->filehandle, $filepos, SEEK_SET ); } return $this; } /** * Close geoip file * * @return bool */ public function geoip_close() { if ( $this->flags & self::GEOIP_SHARED_MEMORY ) { return true; } return fclose( $this->filehandle ); } /** * Common get record * * @param string $seek_country * @return WC_Geo_IP_Record instance */ private function _common_get_record( $seek_country ) { // workaround php's broken substr, strpos, etc handling with // mbstring.func_overload and mbstring.internal_encoding $mbExists = extension_loaded( 'mbstring' ); if ( $mbExists ) { $enc = mb_internal_encoding(); mb_internal_encoding( 'ISO-8859-1' ); } $record_pointer = $seek_country + ( 2 * $this->record_length - 1 ) * $this->databaseSegments; if ( $this->flags & self::GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE ) { $record_buf = substr( $this->memory_buffer, $record_pointer, FULL_RECORD_LENGTH ); } elseif ( $this->flags & self::GEOIP_SHARED_MEMORY ) { $record_buf = @shmop_read( $this->shmid, $record_pointer, FULL_RECORD_LENGTH ); } else { fseek( $this->filehandle, $record_pointer, SEEK_SET ); $record_buf = fread( $this->filehandle, FULL_RECORD_LENGTH ); } $record = new WC_Geo_IP_Record(); $record_buf_pos = 0; $char = ord( substr( $record_buf, $record_buf_pos, 1 ) ); $record->country_code = $this->GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODES[ $char ]; $record->country_code3 = $this->GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODES3[ $char ]; $record->country_name = $this->GEOIP_COUNTRY_NAMES[ $char ]; $record->continent_code = $this->GEOIP_CONTINENT_CODES[ $char ]; $str_length = 0; $record_buf_pos++; // Get region $char = ord( substr( $record_buf, $record_buf_pos + $str_length, 1 ) ); while ( $char != 0 ) { $str_length++; $char = ord( substr( $record_buf, $record_buf_pos + $str_length, 1 ) ); } if ( $str_length > 0 ) { $record->region = substr( $record_buf, $record_buf_pos, $str_length ); } $record_buf_pos += $str_length + 1; $str_length = 0; // Get city $char = ord( substr( $record_buf, $record_buf_pos + $str_length, 1 ) ); while ( $char != 0 ) { $str_length++; $char = ord( substr( $record_buf, $record_buf_pos + $str_length, 1 ) ); } if ( $str_length > 0 ) { $record->city = substr( $record_buf, $record_buf_pos, $str_length ); } $record_buf_pos += $str_length + 1; $str_length = 0; // Get postal code $char = ord( substr( $record_buf, $record_buf_pos + $str_length, 1 ) ); while ( $char != 0 ) { $str_length++; $char = ord( substr( $record_buf, $record_buf_pos + $str_length, 1 ) ); } if ( $str_length > 0 ) { $record->postal_code = substr( $record_buf, $record_buf_pos, $str_length ); } $record_buf_pos += $str_length + 1; // Get latitude and longitude $latitude = 0; $longitude = 0; for ( $j = 0; $j < 3; ++$j ) { $char = ord( substr( $record_buf, $record_buf_pos++, 1 ) ); $latitude += ( $char << ( $j * 8 ) ); } $record->latitude = ( $latitude / 10000 ) - 180; for ( $j = 0; $j < 3; ++$j ) { $char = ord( substr( $record_buf, $record_buf_pos++, 1 ) ); $longitude += ( $char << ( $j * 8 ) ); } $record->longitude = ( $longitude / 10000 ) - 180; if ( self::GEOIP_CITY_EDITION_REV1 == $this->databaseType ) { $metroarea_combo = 0; if ( $record->country_code == "US" ) { for ( $j = 0; $j < 3; ++$j ) { $char = ord( substr( $record_buf, $record_buf_pos++, 1 ) ); $metroarea_combo += ( $char << ( $j * 8 ) ); } $record->metro_code = $record->dma_code = floor( $metroarea_combo / 1000 ); $record->area_code = $metroarea_combo % 1000; } } if ( $mbExists ) { mb_internal_encoding( $enc ); } return $record; } /** * Get record * * @param int $ipnum * @return WC_Geo_IP_Record instance */ private function _get_record( $ipnum ) { $seek_country = $this->_geoip_seek_country( $ipnum ); if ( $seek_country == $this->databaseSegments ) { return null; } return $this->_common_get_record( $seek_country ); } /** * Seek country IPv6 * * @param int $ipnum [description] * @return bool|int */ function _geoip_seek_country_v6( $ipnum ) { // arrays from unpack start with offset 1 // yet another php mystery. array_merge work around // this broken behaviour $v6vec = array_merge( unpack( 'C16', $ipnum ) ); $offset = 0; for ( $depth = 127; $depth >= 0; --$depth ) { if ( $this->flags & self::GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE ) { $buf = $this->_safe_substr( $this->memory_buffer, 2 * $this->record_length * $offset, 2 * $this->record_length ); } elseif ( $this->flags & self::GEOIP_SHARED_MEMORY ) { $buf = @shmop_read( $this->shmid, 2 * $this->record_length * $offset, 2 * $this->record_length ); } else { fseek( $this->filehandle, 2 * $this->record_length * $offset, SEEK_SET ) == 0 or trigger_error( 'GeoIP API: fseek failed', E_USER_ERROR ); $buf = fread( $this->filehandle, 2 * $this->record_length ); } $x = array( 0, 0 ); for ( $i = 0; $i < 2; ++$i ) { for ( $j = 0; $j < $this->record_length; ++$j ) { $x[ $i ] += ord( $buf[ $this->record_length * $i + $j ] ) << ( $j * 8 ); } } $bnum = 127 - $depth; $idx = $bnum >> 3; $b_mask = 1 << ( $bnum & 7 ^ 7 ); if ( ( $v6vec[ $idx ] & $b_mask ) > 0 ) { if ( $x[1] >= $this->databaseSegments ) { return $x[1]; } $offset = $x[1]; } else { if ( $x[0] >= $this->databaseSegments ) { return $x[0]; } $offset = $x[0]; } } trigger_error( 'GeoIP API: Error traversing database - perhaps it is corrupt?', E_USER_ERROR ); return false; } /** * Seek country * * @param int $ipnum * @return bool|int */ private function _geoip_seek_country( $ipnum ) { $offset = 0; for ( $depth = 31; $depth >= 0; --$depth ) { if ( $this->flags & self::GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE ) { $buf = $this->_safe_substr( $this->memory_buffer, 2 * $this->record_length * $offset, 2 * $this->record_length ); } elseif ( $this->flags & self::GEOIP_SHARED_MEMORY ) { $buf = @shmop_read( $this->shmid, 2 * $this->record_length * $offset, 2 * $this->record_length ); } else { fseek( $this->filehandle, 2 * $this->record_length * $offset, SEEK_SET ) == 0 or trigger_error( 'GeoIP API: fseek failed', E_USER_ERROR ); $buf = fread( $this->filehandle, 2 * $this->record_length ); } $x = array( 0, 0 ); for ( $i = 0; $i < 2; ++$i ) { for ( $j = 0; $j < $this->record_length; ++$j ) { $x[ $i ] += ord( $buf[ $this->record_length * $i + $j ] ) << ( $j * 8 ); } } if ( $ipnum & ( 1 << $depth ) ) { if ( $x[1] >= $this->databaseSegments ) { return $x[1]; } $offset = $x[1]; } else { if ( $x[0] >= $this->databaseSegments ) { return $x[0]; } $offset = $x[0]; } } trigger_error( 'GeoIP API: Error traversing database - perhaps it is corrupt?', E_USER_ERROR ); return false; } /** * Record by addr * * @param string $addr * @return int */ public function geoip_record_by_addr( $addr ) { if ( $addr == null ) { return 0; } $ipnum = ip2long( $addr ); return $this->_get_record( $ipnum ); } /** * Country ID by addr IPv6 * * @param string $addr * @return int */ public function geoip_country_id_by_addr_v6( $addr ) { $ipnum = inet_pton( $addr ); return $this->_geoip_seek_country_v6( $ipnum ) - self::GEOIP_COUNTRY_BEGIN; } /** * Country ID by addr * * @param string $addr * @return int */ public function geoip_country_id_by_addr( $addr ) { $ipnum = ip2long( $addr ); return $this->_geoip_seek_country( $ipnum ) - self::GEOIP_COUNTRY_BEGIN; } /** * Country code by addr IPv6 * * @param string $addr * @return bool|int */ public function geoip_country_code_by_addr_v6( $addr ) { $country_id = $this->geoip_country_id_by_addr_v6( $addr ); if ( $country_id !== false ) { return $this->GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODES[ $country_id ]; } return false; } /** * Country code by addr * * @param string $addr * @return bool|int */ public function geoip_country_code_by_addr( $addr ) { if ( $this->databaseType == self::GEOIP_CITY_EDITION_REV1 ) { $record = $this->geoip_record_by_addr( $addr); if ( $record !== false ) { return $record->country_code; } } else { $country_id = $this->geoip_country_id_by_addr( $addr ); if ( $country_id !== false ) { return $this->GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODES[ $country_id ]; } } return false; } /** * Encode string * * @param string $string * @param int $start * @param int $length * * @return string */ private function _safe_substr( $string, $start, $length ) { // workaround php's broken substr, strpos, etc handling with // mbstring.func_overload and mbstring.internal_encoding $mb_exists = extension_loaded( 'mbstring' ); if ( $mb_exists ) { $enc = mb_internal_encoding(); mb_internal_encoding( 'ISO-8859-1' ); } $buf = substr( $string, $start, $length ); if ( $mb_exists ) { mb_internal_encoding( $enc ); } return $buf; } } /** * Geo IP Record class */ class WC_Geo_IP_Record { public $country_code; public $country_code3; public $country_name; public $region; public $city; public $postal_code; public $latitude; public $longitude; public $area_code; public $dma_code; // metro and dma code are the same. use metro_code public $metro_code; public $continent_code; }