# Feature Flags Features inside the `woocommerce-admin` repository can be in various states of completeness. In addition to the development copy of `woocommerce-admin`, feature plugin versions are bundled, and code is merged to WooCommerce core. To provide a way for improved control over how these features are released in these different environments, `woocommerce-admin` has a system for feature flags. We currently support the following environments: | Environment | Description | |-------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | development | Development - All features should be enabled in development. These flags are also used in both JS and PHP tests. Ran using `npm start`. | | plugin | Plugin - A packaged release of the featured plugin, for GitHub WordPress.org. Ran using `npm run-script build:release`. | | | core | Core - assets/files ready and stable enough for core merge. Ran using `npm pack`. (@todo update this with publish command). ## Adding a new flag Flags can be added to the files located in the `config/` directory. Make sure to add a flag for each environment and explicitly set the flag to false. Please add new feature flags alphabetically so they are easy to find. ## Basic Use - Client The `window.wcAdminFeatures` constant is a global variable containing the feature flags. Instances of `window.wcAdminFeatures` are replaced during the webpack build process by using webpack's [define plugin](https://webpack.js.org/plugins/define-plugin/). Using `webpack` for this allows us to eliminate dead code when making minified/production builds (`plugin`, or `core` environments). To check if a feature is enabled, you can simplify check the boolean value of a feature: ``` { window.wcAdminFeatures[ 'activity-panels' ] && } ``` We also expose CSS classes on the `body` tag, so that you can target specific feature states when they are enabled: ``` ``` ## Basic Use - Server Feature flags are also available via PHP. To ensure these are consistent with the built client assets, `includes/feature-flags.php` is generated by the plugin build process or `npm start`. Do not edit `includes/feature-flags.php` directly. To check if a feature is enabled, you can use the `WC_Admin_Loader::is_feature_enabled()`: ``` if ( WC_Admin_Loader::is_feature_enabled( 'activity-panels' ) ) { add_action( 'admin_header', 'wc_admin_activity_panel' ); } ``` If you name a directory after the flag in `includes/` with a `class-wc-admin-FEATURE.php` file, this code will also automatically be loaded.