/** * External dependencies */ import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { MenuGroup, MenuItem } from '@wordpress/components'; import { check } from '@wordpress/icons'; import { Fragment, useEffect } from '@wordpress/element'; import { useDispatch, useSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; import { ONBOARDING_STORE_NAME, OPTIONS_STORE_NAME } from '@woocommerce/data'; import { useExperiment } from '@woocommerce/explat'; import { recordEvent } from '@woocommerce/tracks'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { DisplayOption } from '~/activity-panel/display-options'; import { Task } from './task'; import { TasksPlaceholder, TasksPlaceholderProps } from './placeholder'; import './tasks.scss'; import { TaskListProps, TaskList } from './task-list'; import { TaskList as TwoColumnTaskList } from '../two-column-tasks/task-list'; import TwoColumnTaskListPlaceholder from '../two-column-tasks/placeholder'; import '../two-column-tasks/style.scss'; import { getAdminSetting } from '~/utils/admin-settings'; export type TasksProps = { query: { task?: string }; }; function getTaskListComponent( taskListId: string ): React.FC< TaskListProps > { switch ( taskListId ) { case 'setup_experiment_1': return TwoColumnTaskList; default: return TaskList; } } function getTaskListPlaceholderComponent( taskListId: string ): React.FC< TasksPlaceholderProps > { switch ( taskListId ) { case 'setup_experiment_1': return TwoColumnTaskListPlaceholder; default: return TasksPlaceholder; } } export const Tasks: React.FC< TasksProps > = ( { query } ) => { const { task } = query; const { hideTaskList } = useDispatch( ONBOARDING_STORE_NAME ); const { updateOptions } = useDispatch( OPTIONS_STORE_NAME ); const [ isLoadingExperiment, experimentAssignment ] = useExperiment( 'woocommerce_tasklist_progression' ); const { isResolving, taskLists } = useSelect( ( select ) => { return { isResolving: ! select( ONBOARDING_STORE_NAME ).hasFinishedResolution( 'getTaskLists' ), taskLists: select( ONBOARDING_STORE_NAME ).getTaskLists(), }; } ); const getCurrentTask = () => { if ( ! task ) { return null; } const tasks = taskLists.reduce( ( acc, taskList ) => [ ...acc, ...taskList.tasks ], [] ); const currentTask = tasks.find( ( t ) => t.id === task ); if ( ! currentTask ) { return null; } return currentTask; }; const toggleTaskList = ( taskList ) => { const { id, eventPrefix, isHidden } = taskList; const newValue = ! isHidden; recordEvent( newValue ? `${ eventPrefix }hide` : `${ eventPrefix }show`, {} ); hideTaskList( id ); }; useEffect( () => { // @todo Update this when all task lists have been hidden or completed. const taskListsFinished = false; updateOptions( { woocommerce_task_list_prompt_shown: true, } ); }, [ taskLists, isResolving ] ); const currentTask = getCurrentTask(); if ( task && ! currentTask ) { return null; } const taskListIds = getAdminSetting( 'visibleTaskListIds', [] ); const TaskListPlaceholderComponent = getTaskListPlaceholderComponent( taskListIds[ 0 ] ); if ( isResolving ) { return ; } if ( currentTask ) { return (
); } if ( isLoadingExperiment ) { return ; } return taskLists .filter( ( { id } ) => experimentAssignment?.variationName === 'treatment' ? id.endsWith( 'two_column' ) : ! id.endsWith( 'two_column' ) ) .map( ( taskList ) => { const { id, isHidden, isVisible, isToggleable } = taskList; if ( ! isVisible ) { return null; } const TaskListComponent = getTaskListComponent( id ); return ( { isToggleable && ( toggleTaskList( taskList ) } > { __( 'Show things to do next', 'woocommerce' ) } ) } ); } ); };