/*global wc_users_params */ jQuery( function ( $ ) { /** * Users country and state fields */ var wc_users_fields = { states: null, init: function() { if ( typeof wc_users_params.countries !== 'undefined' ) { /* State/Country select boxes */ this.states = $.parseJSON( wc_users_params.countries.replace( /"/g, '"' ) ); } $( '.js_field-country' ).select2().change( this.change_country ); $( '.js_field-country' ).trigger( 'change', [ true ] ); $( document.body ).on( 'change', 'select.js_field-state', this.change_state ); $( document.body ).on( 'click', 'button.js_copy-billing', this.copy_billing ); }, change_country: function( e, stickValue ) { // Check for stickValue before using it if ( typeof stickValue === 'undefined' ) { stickValue = false; } // Prevent if we don't have the metabox data if ( wc_users_fields.states === null ) { return; } var $this = $( this ), country = $this.val(), $state = $this.parents( '.form-table' ).find( ':input.js_field-state' ), $parent = $state.parent(), input_name = $state.attr( 'name' ), input_id = $state.attr( 'id' ), value = $this.data( 'woocommerce.stickState-' + country ) ? $this.data( 'woocommerce.stickState-' + country ) : $state.val(); if ( stickValue ){ $this.data( 'woocommerce.stickState-' + country, value ); } // Remove the previous DOM element $parent.show().find( '.select2-container' ).remove(); if ( ! $.isEmptyObject( wc_users_fields.states[ country ] ) ) { var $states_select = $( '' ), state = wc_users_fields.states[ country ]; $states_select.append( $( '' ) ); $.each( state, function( index ) { $states_select.append( $( '' ) ); } ); $states_select.val( value ); $state.replaceWith( $states_select ); $states_select.show().select2().hide().change(); } else { $state.replaceWith( '' ); } // This event has a typo - deprecated in 2.5.0 $( document.body ).trigger( 'contry-change.woocommerce', [country, $( this ).closest( 'div' )] ); $( document.body ).trigger( 'country-change.woocommerce', [country, $( this ).closest( 'div' )] ); }, change_state: function() { // Here we will find if state value on a select has changed and stick it to the country data var $this = $( this ), state = $this.val(), $country = $this.parents( '.form-table' ).find( ':input.js_field-country' ), country = $country.val(); $country.data( 'woocommerce.stickState-' + country, state ); }, copy_billing: function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); $( '#fieldset-billing' ).find( 'input, select' ).each( function( i, el ) { // The address keys match up, except for the prefix var shipName = el.name.replace( /^billing_/, 'shipping_' ); // Swap prefix, then check if there are any elements var shipEl = $( '[name="' + shipName + '"]' ); // No corresponding shipping field, skip this item if ( ! shipEl.length ) { return; } // Found a matching shipping element, update the value shipEl.val( el.value ).trigger( 'change' ); } ); } }; wc_users_fields.init(); });