/** * External dependencies */ import { COLLECTIONS_STORE_KEY as storeKey } from '@woocommerce/block-data'; import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; import { useShallowEqual } from '@woocommerce/base-hooks'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { useCollectionOptions } from '.'; /** * This is a custom hook that is wired up to the `wc/store/collections` data * store. Given a header key and a collections option object, this will ensure a * component is kept up to date with the collection header value matching that * query in the store state. * * @param {string} headerKey Used to indicate which header value to * return for the given collection query. * Example: `'x-wp-total'` * @param {Object} options An object declaring the various * collection arguments. * @param {string} options.namespace The namespace for the collection. * Example: `'/wc/blocks'` * @param {string} options.resourceName The name of the resource for the * collection. Example: * `'products/attributes'` * @param {Array} options.resourceValues An array of values (in correct order) * that are substituted in the route * placeholders for the collection route. * Example: `[10, 20]` * @param {Object} options.query An object of key value pairs for the * query to execute on the collection * (optional). Example: * `{ order: 'ASC', order_by: 'price' }` * * @return {Object} This hook will return an object with two properties: * - value Whatever value is attached to the specified * header. * - isLoading A boolean indicating whether the header is * loading (true) or not. */ export const useCollectionHeader = ( headerKey: string, options: Omit< useCollectionOptions, 'shouldSelect' > ): { value: unknown; isLoading: boolean; } => { const { namespace, resourceName, resourceValues = [], query = {}, } = options; if ( ! namespace || ! resourceName ) { throw new Error( 'The options object must have valid values for the namespace and ' + 'the resource name properties.' ); } // ensure we feed the previous reference if it's equivalent const currentQuery = useShallowEqual( query ); const currentResourceValues = useShallowEqual( resourceValues ); const { value, isLoading = true } = useSelect( ( select ) => { const store = select( storeKey ); // filter out query if it is undefined. const args = [ headerKey, namespace, resourceName, currentQuery, currentResourceValues, ]; return { value: store.getCollectionHeader( ...args ), isLoading: store.hasFinishedResolution( 'getCollectionHeader', args ), }; }, [ headerKey, namespace, resourceName, currentResourceValues, currentQuery, ] ); return { value, isLoading, }; };