/** @typedef { import('@woocommerce/type-defs/hooks').StoreCart } StoreCart */ /** * External dependencies */ import { CART_STORE_KEY as storeKey } from '@woocommerce/block-data'; import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; import { useEditorContext } from '@woocommerce/base-context'; import { decodeEntities } from '@wordpress/html-entities'; import { mapValues } from 'lodash'; /** * @constant * @type {StoreCart} Object containing cart data. */ export const defaultCartData = { cartCoupons: [], cartItems: [], cartItemsCount: 0, cartItemsWeight: 0, cartNeedsPayment: true, cartNeedsShipping: true, cartItemErrors: [], cartTotals: {}, cartIsLoading: true, cartErrors: [], shippingAddress: { first_name: '', last_name: '', company: '', address_1: '', address_2: '', city: '', state: '', postcode: '', country: '', }, shippingRates: [], shippingRatesLoading: false, hasShippingAddress: false, receiveCart: () => {}, }; /** * This is a custom hook that is wired up to the `wc/store/cart` data * store. * * @param {Object} options An object declaring the various * collection arguments. * @param {boolean} options.shouldSelect If false, the previous results will be * returned and internal selects will not * fire. * * @return {StoreCart} Object containing cart data. */ export const useStoreCart = ( options = { shouldSelect: true } ) => { const { isEditor, previewData } = useEditorContext(); const previewCart = previewData?.previewCart || {}; const { shouldSelect } = options; const results = useSelect( ( select, { dispatch } ) => { if ( ! shouldSelect ) { return defaultCartData; } if ( isEditor ) { return { cartCoupons: previewCart.coupons, cartItems: previewCart.items, cartItemsCount: previewCart.items_count, cartItemsWeight: previewCart.items_weight, cartNeedsPayment: previewCart.needs_payment, cartNeedsShipping: previewCart.needs_shipping, cartItemErrors: [], cartTotals: previewCart.totals, cartIsLoading: false, cartErrors: [], shippingAddress: { first_name: '', last_name: '', company: '', address_1: '', address_2: '', city: '', state: '', postcode: '', country: '', }, shippingRates: previewCart.shipping_rates, shippingRatesLoading: false, hasShippingAddress: false, receiveCart: typeof previewCart?.receiveCart === 'function' ? previewCart.receiveCart : () => {}, }; } const store = select( storeKey ); const cartData = store.getCartData(); const cartErrors = store.getCartErrors(); const cartTotals = store.getCartTotals(); const cartIsLoading = ! store.hasFinishedResolution( 'getCartData' ); const shippingRatesLoading = store.areShippingRatesLoading(); const { receiveCart } = dispatch( storeKey ); const shippingAddress = mapValues( cartData.shippingAddress, ( value ) => decodeEntities( value ) ); return { cartCoupons: cartData.coupons, cartItems: cartData.items, cartItemsCount: cartData.itemsCount, cartItemsWeight: cartData.itemsWeight, cartNeedsPayment: cartData.needsPayment, cartNeedsShipping: cartData.needsShipping, cartItemErrors: cartData.errors, cartTotals, cartIsLoading, cartErrors, shippingAddress, shippingRates: cartData.shippingRates, shippingRatesLoading, hasShippingAddress: !! shippingAddress.country, receiveCart, }; }, [ shouldSelect ] ); return results; };