/** @format */ /** * External dependencies */ import { __, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import apiFetch from '@wordpress/api-fetch'; import { applyFilters } from '@wordpress/hooks'; import interpolateComponents from 'interpolate-components'; /** * WooCommerce dependencies */ import { Link } from '@woocommerce/components'; const SETTINGS_FILTER = 'woocommerce_admin_analytics_settings'; const defaultOrderStatuses = [ 'completed', 'processing', 'refunded', 'cancelled', 'failed', 'pending', 'on-hold', ]; const orderStatuses = Object.keys( wcSettings.orderStatuses ) .filter( status => status !== 'refunded' ) .map( key => { return { value: key, label: wcSettings.orderStatuses[ key ], description: sprintf( __( 'Exclude the %s status from reports', 'wc-admin' ), wcSettings.orderStatuses[ key ] ), }; } ); export const analyticsSettings = applyFilters( SETTINGS_FILTER, [ { name: 'woocommerce_rebuild_reports_data', label: __( 'Rebuild reports data:', 'wc-admin' ), inputType: 'button', inputText: __( 'Rebuild reports', 'wc-admin' ), helpText: __( 'This tool will rebuild all of the information used by the reports. ' + 'Data will be processed in the background and may take some time depending on the size of your store.', 'wc-admin' ), callback: ( resolve, reject, addNotice ) => { const errorMessage = __( 'There was a problem rebuilding your report data.', 'wc-admin' ); apiFetch( { path: '/wc/v3/system_status/tools/rebuild_stats', method: 'PUT' } ) .then( response => { if ( response.success ) { addNotice( { status: 'success', message: response.message } ); // @todo This should be changed to detect when the lookup table population is complete. setTimeout( () => resolve(), 300000 ); } else { addNotice( { status: 'error', message: errorMessage } ); reject(); } } ) .catch( error => { if ( error && error.message ) { addNotice( { status: 'error', message: error.message } ); } reject(); } ); }, }, { name: 'woocommerce_excluded_report_order_statuses', label: __( 'Excluded Statuses:', 'wc-admin' ), inputType: 'checkboxGroup', options: [ { key: 'defaultStatuses', options: orderStatuses.filter( status => defaultOrderStatuses.includes( status.value ) ), }, { key: 'customStatuses', label: __( 'Custom Statuses', 'wc-admin' ), options: orderStatuses.filter( status => ! defaultOrderStatuses.includes( status.value ) ), }, ], helpText: interpolateComponents( { mixedString: __( 'Orders with these statuses are excluded from the totals in your reports. ' + 'The {{strong}}Refunded{{/strong}} status can not be excluded. {{moreLink}}Learn more{{/moreLink}}', 'wc-admin' ), components: { strong: , moreLink: , // @todo This needs to be replaced with a real link. }, } ), initialValue: wcSettings.wcAdminSettings.woocommerce_excluded_report_order_statuses || [], defaultValue: [ 'pending', 'cancelled', 'failed' ], }, { name: 'woocommerce_actionable_order_statuses', label: __( 'Actionable Statuses:', 'wc-admin' ), inputType: 'checkboxGroup', options: [ { key: 'defaultStatuses', options: orderStatuses.filter( status => defaultOrderStatuses.includes( status.value ) ), }, { key: 'customStatuses', label: __( 'Custom Statuses', 'wc-admin' ), options: orderStatuses.filter( status => ! defaultOrderStatuses.includes( status.value ) ), }, ], helpText: __( 'Orders with these statuses require action on behalf of the store admin.' + 'These orders will show up in the Orders tab under the activity panel.', 'wc-admin' ), initialValue: wcSettings.wcAdminSettings.woocommerce_actionable_order_statuses || [], defaultValue: [ 'processing', 'on-hold' ], }, ] );