$menu_item ) : $classes = (array) $menu_item->classes; // Unset active class for blog page if ( $page_for_posts == $menu_item->object_id ) : $menu_items[$key]->current = false; unset( $classes[ array_search('current_page_parent', $classes) ] ); unset( $classes[ array_search('current-menu-item', $classes) ] ); // Set active state if this is the shop page link elseif ( is_shop() && $shop_page == $menu_item->object_id ) : $menu_items[$key]->current = true; $classes[] = 'current-menu-item'; $classes[] = 'current_page_item'; endif; $menu_items[$key]->classes = array_unique( $classes ); endforeach; return $menu_items; } /** * Detect frontpage shop and fix pagination on static front page **/ function woocommerce_front_page_archive_paging_fix() { if ( is_front_page() && is_page( get_option('woocommerce_shop_page_id') )) : if (get_query_var('paged')) : $paged = get_query_var('paged'); else : $paged = (get_query_var('page')) ? get_query_var('page') : 1; endif; query_posts( array( 'page_id' => get_option('woocommerce_shop_page_id'), 'is_paged' => true, 'paged' => $paged ) ); define('SHOP_IS_ON_FRONT', true); endif; } /** * Front page archive/shop template applied to main loop */ function woocommerce_front_page_archive( $query ) { global $paged, $woocommerce, $wp_the_query, $wp_query; if ( defined('SHOP_IS_ON_FRONT') ) : wp_reset_query(); // Only apply to front_page if ( $query === $wp_the_query ) : if (get_query_var('paged')) : $paged = get_query_var('paged'); else : $paged = (get_query_var('page')) ? get_query_var('page') : 1; endif; // Filter the query add_filter( 'parse_query', array( &$woocommerce->query, 'parse_query') ); // Query the products $wp_query->query( array( 'page_id' => '', 'p' => '', 'post_type' => 'product', 'paged' => $paged ) ); // get products in view (for use by widgets) $woocommerce->query->get_products_in_view(); // Remove the query manipulation remove_filter( 'parse_query', array( &$woocommerce->query, 'parse_query') ); remove_action('loop_start', 'woocommerce_front_page_archive', 1); endif; endif; } /** * Fix active class in wp_list_pages for shop page * * Suggested by jessor - https://github.com/woothemes/woocommerce/issues/177 **/ function woocommerce_list_pages($pages){ global $post; if (is_woocommerce() || is_cart() || is_checkout() || is_page(get_option('woocommerce_thanks_page_id'))) { $pages = str_replace( 'current_page_parent', '', $pages); // remove current_page_parent class from any item $shop_page = 'page-item-' . get_option('woocommerce_shop_page_id'); // find shop_page_id through woocommerce options if (is_shop()) : $pages = str_replace($shop_page, $shop_page . ' current_page_item', $pages); // add current_page_item class to shop page else : $pages = str_replace($shop_page, $shop_page . ' current_page_parent', $pages); // add current_page_parent class to shop page endif; } return $pages; } /** * Add logout link to my account menu **/ function woocommerce_nav_menu_items( $items, $args ) { if ( get_option('woocommerce_menu_logout_link')=='yes' && strstr($items, get_permalink(get_option('woocommerce_myaccount_page_id'))) && is_user_logged_in() ) : $items .= '
  • '.__('Logout', 'woothemes').'
  • '; endif; return $items; } /** * Update catalog ordering if posted */ function woocommerce_update_catalog_ordering() { if (isset($_POST['catalog_orderby']) && $_POST['catalog_orderby'] != '') $_SESSION['orderby'] = $_POST['catalog_orderby']; } /** * Increase coupon usage count */ function woocommerce_increase_coupon_counts() { global $woocommerce; if ($applied_coupons = $woocommerce->cart->get_applied_coupons()) foreach ($applied_coupons as $code) : $coupon = &new woocommerce_coupon( $code ); $coupon->inc_usage_count(); endforeach; } /** * Remove from cart/update **/ function woocommerce_update_cart_action() { global $woocommerce; // Remove from cart if ( isset($_GET['remove_item']) && $_GET['remove_item'] && $woocommerce->verify_nonce('cart', '_GET')) : $woocommerce->cart->set_quantity( $_GET['remove_item'], 0 ); $woocommerce->add_message( __('Cart updated.', 'woothemes') ); if ( wp_get_referer() ) : wp_safe_redirect( wp_get_referer() ); exit; endif; // Update Cart elseif (isset($_POST['update_cart']) && $_POST['update_cart'] && $woocommerce->verify_nonce('cart')) : $cart_totals = $_POST['cart']; if (sizeof($woocommerce->cart->get_cart())>0) : foreach ($woocommerce->cart->get_cart() as $cart_item_key => $values) : if (isset($cart_totals[$cart_item_key]['qty'])) $woocommerce->cart->set_quantity( $cart_item_key, $cart_totals[$cart_item_key]['qty'] ); endforeach; endif; $woocommerce->add_message( __('Cart updated.', 'woothemes') ); endif; } /** * Add to cart **/ function woocommerce_add_to_cart_action( $url = false ) { global $woocommerce; if (empty($_GET['add-to-cart']) || !$woocommerce->verify_nonce('add_to_cart', '_GET')) return; if (is_numeric($_GET['add-to-cart'])) : //single product $quantity = (isset($_POST['quantity'])) ? (int) $_POST['quantity'] : 1; // Add to the cart if ($woocommerce->cart->add_to_cart($_GET['add-to-cart'], $quantity)) : woocommerce_add_to_cart_message(); endif; elseif ($_GET['add-to-cart']=='variation') : // Variation add to cart if (empty($_POST['variation_id']) || !is_numeric($_POST['variation_id'])) : $woocommerce->add_error( __('Please choose product options…', 'woothemes') ); wp_safe_redirect(get_permalink($_GET['product'])); exit; else : $product_id = (int) $_GET['product']; $variation_id = (int) $_POST['variation_id']; $quantity = (isset($_POST['quantity'])) ? (int) $_POST['quantity'] : 1; $attributes = (array) maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($product_id, 'product_attributes', true)); $variations = array(); $all_variations_set = true; foreach ($attributes as $attribute) : if ( !$attribute['is_variation'] ) continue; $taxonomy = 'attribute_' . sanitize_title($attribute['name']); if (!empty($_POST[$taxonomy])) : // Get value from post data $value = esc_attr(stripslashes($_POST[$taxonomy])); // Use name so it looks nicer in the cart widget/order page etc - instead of a sanitized string $variations[esc_attr($attribute['name'])] = $value; else : $all_variations_set = false; endif; endforeach; if ($all_variations_set && $variation_id > 0) : // Add to cart if ($woocommerce->cart->add_to_cart($product_id, $quantity, $variation_id, $variations)) : woocommerce_add_to_cart_message(); endif; else : $woocommerce->add_error( __('Please choose product options…', 'woothemes') ); wp_redirect(get_permalink($_GET['product'])); exit; endif; endif; elseif ($_GET['add-to-cart']=='group') : // Group add to cart if (isset($_POST['quantity']) && is_array($_POST['quantity'])) : $total_quantity = 0; foreach ($_POST['quantity'] as $item => $quantity) : if ($quantity>0) : if ($woocommerce->cart->add_to_cart($item, $quantity)) : woocommerce_add_to_cart_message(); endif; $total_quantity = $total_quantity + $quantity; endif; endforeach; if ($total_quantity==0) : $woocommerce->add_error( __('Please choose a quantity…', 'woothemes') ); endif; elseif ($_GET['product']) : /* Link on product pages */ $woocommerce->add_error( __('Please choose a product…', 'woothemes') ); wp_redirect( get_permalink( $_GET['product'] ) ); exit; endif; endif; $url = apply_filters('add_to_cart_redirect', $url); // If has custom URL redirect there if ( $url ) { wp_safe_redirect( $url ); exit; } // Redirect to cart option elseif (get_option('woocommerce_cart_redirect_after_add')=='yes' && $woocommerce->error_count() == 0) { wp_safe_redirect( $woocommerce->cart->get_cart_url() ); exit; } // Otherwise redirect to where they came elseif ( wp_get_referer() ) { wp_safe_redirect( wp_get_referer() ); exit; } // If all else fails redirect to root else { wp_safe_redirect(home_url()); exit; } } /** * Add to cart messages **/ function woocommerce_add_to_cart_message() { global $woocommerce; // Output success messages if (get_option('woocommerce_cart_redirect_after_add')=='yes') : $return_to = (wp_get_referer()) ? wp_get_referer() : home_url(); $woocommerce->add_message( sprintf(__('Continue Shopping → Product successfully added to your cart.', 'woothemes'), $return_to )); else : $woocommerce->add_message( sprintf(__('View Cart → Product successfully added to your cart.', 'woothemes'), $woocommerce->cart->get_cart_url()) ); endif; } /** * Clear cart after payment **/ function woocommerce_clear_cart_after_payment() { global $woocommerce; if (is_page(get_option('woocommerce_thanks_page_id'))) : if (isset($_GET['order'])) $order_id = $_GET['order']; else $order_id = 0; if (isset($_GET['key'])) $order_key = $_GET['key']; else $order_key = ''; if ($order_id > 0) : $order = &new woocommerce_order( $order_id ); if ($order->order_key == $order_key) : $woocommerce->cart->empty_cart(); unset($_SESSION['order_awaiting_payment']); endif; endif; endif; if (isset($_SESSION['order_awaiting_payment']) && $_SESSION['order_awaiting_payment'] > 0) : $order = &new woocommerce_order($_SESSION['order_awaiting_payment']); if ($order->id > 0 && $order->status!=='pending') : $woocommerce->cart->empty_cart(); unset($_SESSION['order_awaiting_payment']); endif; endif; } /** * Process the login form **/ function woocommerce_process_login() { global $woocommerce; if (isset($_POST['login']) && $_POST['login']) : $woocommerce->verify_nonce('login'); if ( !isset($_POST['username']) || empty($_POST['username']) ) $woocommerce->add_error( __('Username is required.', 'woothemes') ); if ( !isset($_POST['password']) || empty($_POST['password']) ) $woocommerce->add_error( __('Password is required.', 'woothemes') ); if ($woocommerce->error_count()==0) : $creds = array(); $creds['user_login'] = $_POST['username']; $creds['user_password'] = $_POST['password']; $creds['remember'] = true; $secure_cookie = is_ssl() ? true : false; $user = wp_signon( $creds, $secure_cookie ); if ( is_wp_error($user) ) : $woocommerce->add_error( $user->get_error_message() ); else : if ( wp_get_referer() ) : wp_safe_redirect( wp_get_referer() ); exit; endif; wp_redirect(get_permalink(get_option('woocommerce_myaccount_page_id'))); exit; endif; endif; endif; } /** * Process the registration form **/ function woocommerce_process_registration() { global $woocommerce; if (isset($_POST['register']) && $_POST['register']) : $woocommerce->verify_nonce('register'); // Get fields $sanitized_user_login = (isset($_POST['username'])) ? sanitize_user(trim($_POST['username'])) : ''; $user_email = (isset($_POST['email'])) ? esc_attr(trim($_POST['email'])) : ''; $password = (isset($_POST['password'])) ? esc_attr(trim($_POST['password'])) : ''; $password2 = (isset($_POST['password2'])) ? esc_attr(trim($_POST['password2'])) : ''; $user_email = apply_filters( 'user_registration_email', $user_email ); // Check the username if ( $sanitized_user_login == '' ) { $woocommerce->add_error( __( 'ERROR: Please enter a username.', 'woothemes' ) ); } elseif ( ! validate_username( $_POST['username'] ) ) { $woocommerce->add_error( __( 'ERROR: This username is invalid because it uses illegal characters. Please enter a valid username.', 'woothemes' ) ); $sanitized_user_login = ''; } elseif ( username_exists( $sanitized_user_login ) ) { $woocommerce->add_error( __( 'ERROR: This username is already registered, please choose another one.', 'woothemes' ) ); } // Check the e-mail address if ( $user_email == '' ) { $woocommerce->add_error( __( 'ERROR: Please type your e-mail address.', 'woothemes' ) ); } elseif ( ! is_email( $user_email ) ) { $woocommerce->add_error( __( 'ERROR: The email address isn’t correct.', 'woothemes' ) ); $user_email = ''; } elseif ( email_exists( $user_email ) ) { $woocommerce->add_error( __( 'ERROR: This email is already registered, please choose another one.', 'woothemes' ) ); } // Password if ( !$password ) $woocommerce->add_error( __('Password is required.', 'woothemes') ); if ( !$password2 ) $woocommerce->add_error( __('Re-enter your password.', 'woothemes') ); if ( $password != $password2 ) $woocommerce->add_error( __('Passwords do not match.', 'woothemes') ); // Spam trap if (isset($_POST['email_2']) && $_POST['email_2']) $woocommerce->add_error( __('Anti-spam field was filled in.', 'woothemes') ); if ($woocommerce->error_count()==0) : $reg_errors = new WP_Error(); do_action('register_post', $sanitized_user_login, $user_email, $reg_errors); $reg_errors = apply_filters( 'registration_errors', $reg_errors, $sanitized_user_login, $user_email ); // if there are no errors, let's create the user account if ( !$reg_errors->get_error_code() ) : $user_id = wp_create_user( $sanitized_user_login, $password, $user_email ); if ( !$user_id ) { $woocommerce->add_error( sprintf(__('ERROR: Couldn’t register you... please contact the webmaster !', 'woothemes'), get_option('admin_email'))); return; } // Change role wp_update_user( array ('ID' => $user_id, 'role' => 'customer') ) ; // send the user a confirmation and their login details $mailer = $woocommerce->mailer(); $mailer->customer_new_account( $user_id, $password ); // set the WP login cookie $secure_cookie = is_ssl() ? true : false; wp_set_auth_cookie($user_id, true, $secure_cookie); // Redirect if ( wp_get_referer() ) : wp_safe_redirect( wp_get_referer() ); exit; endif; wp_redirect(get_permalink(get_option('woocommerce_myaccount_page_id'))); exit; else : $woocommerce->add_error( $reg_errors->get_error_message() ); return; endif; endif; endif; } /** * Cancel a pending order **/ function woocommerce_cancel_order() { global $woocommerce; if ( isset($_GET['cancel_order']) && isset($_GET['order']) && isset($_GET['order_id']) ) : $order_key = urldecode( $_GET['order'] ); $order_id = (int) $_GET['order_id']; $order = &new woocommerce_order( $order_id ); if ($order->id == $order_id && $order->order_key == $order_key && in_array($order->status, array('pending', 'failed')) && $woocommerce->verify_nonce('cancel_order', '_GET')) : // Cancel the order + restore stock $order->cancel_order( __('Order cancelled by customer.', 'woothemes') ); // Message $woocommerce->add_message( __('Your order was cancelled.', 'woothemes') ); elseif ($order->status!='pending') : $woocommerce->add_error( __('Your order is no longer pending and could not be cancelled. Please contact us if you need assistance.', 'woothemes') ); else : $woocommerce->add_error( __('Invalid order.', 'woothemes') ); endif; wp_safe_redirect($woocommerce->cart->get_cart_url()); exit; endif; } /** * Download a file - hook into init function **/ function woocommerce_download_product() { if ( isset($_GET['download_file']) && isset($_GET['order']) && isset($_GET['email']) ) : global $wpdb; $download_file = (int) urldecode($_GET['download_file']); $order_key = urldecode( $_GET['order'] ); $email = urldecode( $_GET['email'] ); if (!is_email($email)) : wp_die( sprintf(__('Invalid email address. Go to homepage →', 'woothemes'), home_url()) ); endif; $download_result = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare(" SELECT order_id, downloads_remaining FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions WHERE user_email = %s AND order_key = %s AND product_id = %s ;", $email, $order_key, $download_file ) ); if (!$download_result) : wp_die( sprintf(__('Invalid download. Go to homepage →', 'woothemes'), home_url()) ); exit; endif; $order_id = $download_result->order_id; $downloads_remaining = $download_result->downloads_remaining; if ($order_id) : $order = &new woocommerce_order( $order_id ); if ($order->status!='completed' && $order->status!='processing' && $order->status!='publish') : wp_die( sprintf(__('Invalid order. Go to homepage →', 'woothemes'), home_url()) ); exit; endif; endif; if ($downloads_remaining=='0') : wp_die( sprintf(__('Sorry, you have reached your download limit for this file. Go to homepage →', 'woothemes'), home_url()) ); else : if ($downloads_remaining>0) : $wpdb->update( $wpdb->prefix . "woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions", array( 'downloads_remaining' => $downloads_remaining - 1, ), array( 'user_email' => $email, 'order_key' => $order_key, 'product_id' => $download_file ), array( '%d' ), array( '%s', '%s', '%d' ) ); endif; // Get the downloads URL and try to replace the url with a path $file_path = get_post_meta($download_file, 'file_path', true); if (!$file_path) exit; $file_download_method = apply_filters('woocommerce_file_download_method', get_option('woocommerce_file_download_method'), $download_file); if ($file_download_method=='redirect') : header('Location: '.$file_path); exit; endif; if (!is_multisite()) : $file_path = str_replace(trailingslashit(site_url()), ABSPATH, $file_path); else : $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); // Try to replace network url $file_path = str_replace(trailingslashit(network_admin_url()), ABSPATH, $file_path); // Now try to replace upload URL $file_path = str_replace($upload_dir['baseurl'], $upload_dir['basedir'], $file_path); endif; // See if its local or remote if (strstr($file_path, 'http:') || strstr($file_path, 'https:') || strstr($file_path, 'ftp:')) : $remote_file = true; else : $remote_file = false; $file_path = realpath($file_path); endif; // Download the file $file_extension = strtolower(substr(strrchr($file_path,"."),1)); switch ($file_extension) : case "pdf": $ctype="application/pdf"; break; case "exe": $ctype="application/octet-stream"; break; case "zip": $ctype="application/zip"; break; case "doc": $ctype="application/msword"; break; case "xls": $ctype="application/vnd.ms-excel"; break; case "ppt": $ctype="application/vnd.ms-powerpoint"; break; case "gif": $ctype="image/gif"; break; case "png": $ctype="image/png"; break; case "jpe": case "jpeg": case "jpg": $ctype="image/jpg"; break; default: $ctype="application/force-download"; endswitch; if ($file_download_method=='xsendfile') : header("X-Accel-Redirect: $file_path"); header("X-Sendfile: $file_path"); header("Content-Type: $ctype"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"".basename($file_path)."\";"); exit; endif; /** * readfile_chunked * * Reads file in chunks so big downloads are possible without changing PHP.INI - http://codeigniter.com/wiki/Download_helper_for_large_files/ * * @access public * @param string file * @param boolean return bytes of file * @return void */ if ( ! function_exists('readfile_chunked')) { function readfile_chunked($file, $retbytes=TRUE) { $chunksize = 1 * (1024 * 1024); $buffer = ''; $cnt = 0; $handle = fopen($file, 'r'); if ($handle === FALSE) return FALSE; while (!feof($handle)) : $buffer = fread($handle, $chunksize); echo $buffer; ob_flush(); flush(); if ($retbytes) $cnt += strlen($buffer); endwhile; $status = fclose($handle); if ($retbytes AND $status) return $cnt; return $status; } } @session_write_close(); if (function_exists('apache_setenv')) @apache_setenv('no-gzip', 1); @ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'Off'); @set_time_limit(0); @set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); @ob_end_clean(); if (ob_get_level()) @ob_end_clean(); // Zip corruption fix header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Expires: 0"); header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); header("Robots: none"); header("Content-Type: ".$ctype.""); header("Content-Description: File Transfer"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"".basename($file_path)."\";"); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"); if ($size = @filesize($file_path)) header("Content-Length: ".$size); // Serve it if ($remote_file) : @readfile_chunked("$file_path") or header('Location: '.$file_path); else : @readfile_chunked("$file_path") or wp_die( sprintf(__('File not found. Go to homepage →', 'woothemes'), home_url()) ); endif; exit; endif; endif; } /** * Google Analytics standard tracking **/ function woocommerce_google_tracking() { global $woocommerce; if (!get_option('woocommerce_ga_standard_tracking_enabled')) return; if (is_admin()) return; // Don't track admin $tracking_id = get_option('woocommerce_ga_id'); if (!$tracking_id) return; $loggedin = (is_user_logged_in()) ? 'yes' : 'no'; if (is_user_logged_in()) : $user_id = get_current_user_id(); $current_user = get_user_by('id', $user_id); $username = $current_user->user_login; else : $user_id = ''; $username = __('Guest', 'woothemes'); endif; ?> user_login; else : $user_id = ''; $username = __('Guest', 'woothemes'); endif; ?> footer(); if (is_admin()) return; // Don't track admin // Get the order and output tracking code $order = &new woocommerce_order($order_id); ?> '; elseif ( is_tax( 'product_cat' ) ) : $term = get_term_by('slug', get_query_var('product_cat'), 'product_cat'); $feed = add_query_arg('product_cat', $term->slug, get_post_type_archive_feed_link( 'product' )); echo ''; elseif ( is_tax( 'product_tag' ) ) : $term = get_term_by('slug', get_query_var('product_tag'), 'product_tag'); $feed = add_query_arg('product_tag', $term->slug, get_post_type_archive_feed_link( 'product' )); echo ''; endif; } /** * Rating field for comments **/ function woocommerce_add_comment_rating($comment_id) { if ( isset($_POST['rating']) ) : global $post; if (!$_POST['rating'] || $_POST['rating'] > 5 || $_POST['rating'] < 0) $_POST['rating'] = 5; add_comment_meta( $comment_id, 'rating', esc_attr($_POST['rating']), true ); delete_transient( esc_attr($post->ID) . '_woocommerce_average_rating' ); endif; } function woocommerce_check_comment_rating($comment_data) { global $woocommerce; // If posting a comment (not trackback etc) and not logged in if ( isset($_POST['rating']) && !$woocommerce->verify_nonce('comment_rating') ) wp_die( __('You have taken too long. Please go back and refresh the page.', 'woothemes') ); elseif ( isset($_POST['rating']) && empty($_POST['rating']) && $comment_data['comment_type']== '' ) { wp_die( __('Please rate the product.',"woothemes") ); exit; } return $comment_data; }