/** * External dependencies */ import { useEffect, useState, useRef, useCallback } from '@wordpress/element'; import { __, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { useEditorContext, usePaymentMethodDataContext, } from '@woocommerce/base-context'; import RadioControl from '@woocommerce/base-components/radio-control'; /** * @typedef {import('@woocommerce/type-defs/contexts').CustomerPaymentMethod} CustomerPaymentMethod * @typedef {import('@woocommerce/type-defs/contexts').PaymentStatusDispatch} PaymentStatusDispatch */ /** * Returns the option object for a cc or echeck saved payment method token. * * @param {CustomerPaymentMethod} savedPaymentMethod * @param {function(string):void} setActivePaymentMethod * @param {PaymentStatusDispatch} setPaymentStatus * @return {Object} An option objects to use for RadioControl. */ const getCcOrEcheckPaymentMethodOption = ( { method, expires, tokenId }, setActivePaymentMethod, setPaymentStatus ) => { return { value: tokenId + '', label: sprintf( __( '%1$s ending in %2$s (expires %3$s)', 'woo-gutenberg-product-blocks' ), method.brand, method.last4, expires ), name: `wc-saved-payment-method-token-${ tokenId }`, onChange: ( token ) => { const savedTokenKey = `wc-${ method.gateway }-payment-token`; setActivePaymentMethod( method.gateway ); setPaymentStatus().success( { payment_method: method.gateway, [ savedTokenKey ]: token, } ); }, }; }; /** * Returns the option object for any non specific saved payment method. * * @param {CustomerPaymentMethod} savedPaymentMethod * @param {function(string):void} setActivePaymentMethod * @param {PaymentStatusDispatch} setPaymentStatus * * @return {Object} An option objects to use for RadioControl. */ const getDefaultPaymentMethodOptions = ( { method, tokenId }, setActivePaymentMethod, setPaymentStatus ) => { return { value: tokenId + '', label: sprintf( __( 'Saved token for %s', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ), method.gateway ), name: `wc-saved-payment-method-token-${ tokenId }`, onChange: ( token ) => { const savedTokenKey = `wc-${ method.gateway }-payment-token`; setActivePaymentMethod( method.gateway ); setPaymentStatus().success( { payment_method: method.gateway, [ savedTokenKey ]: token, } ); }, }; }; const SavedPaymentMethodOptions = ( { onSelect } ) => { const { isEditor } = useEditorContext(); const { setPaymentStatus, customerPaymentMethods, setActivePaymentMethod, } = usePaymentMethodDataContext(); const [ selectedToken, setSelectedToken ] = useState( '' ); /** * @type {Object} Options * @property {Array} current The current options on the type. */ const currentOptions = useRef( [] ); useEffect( () => { let options = []; const paymentMethodKeys = Object.keys( customerPaymentMethods ); if ( paymentMethodKeys.length > 0 ) { paymentMethodKeys.forEach( ( type ) => { const paymentMethods = customerPaymentMethods[ type ]; if ( paymentMethods.length > 0 ) { options = options.concat( paymentMethods.map( ( paymentMethod ) => { const option = type === 'cc' || type === 'echeck' ? getCcOrEcheckPaymentMethodOption( paymentMethod, setActivePaymentMethod, setPaymentStatus ) : getDefaultPaymentMethodOptions( paymentMethod, setActivePaymentMethod, setPaymentStatus ); if ( paymentMethod.is_default && selectedToken === '' ) { setSelectedToken( paymentMethod.tokenId + '' ); option.onChange( paymentMethod.tokenId ); } return option; } ) ); } } ); currentOptions.current = options; currentOptions.current.push( { value: '0', label: __( 'Use a new payment method', 'woo-gutenberg-product-blocks' ), name: `wc-saved-payment-method-token-new`, } ); } }, [ customerPaymentMethods, selectedToken, setActivePaymentMethod, setPaymentStatus, ] ); const updateToken = useCallback( ( token ) => { if ( token === '0' ) { setPaymentStatus().started(); } setSelectedToken( token ); onSelect( token ); }, [ setSelectedToken, setPaymentStatus, onSelect ] ); useEffect( () => { if ( selectedToken && currentOptions.current.length > 0 ) { updateToken( selectedToken ); } }, [ selectedToken, updateToken ] ); // In the editor, show `Use a new payment method` option as selected. const selectedOption = isEditor ? '0' : selectedToken + ''; return currentOptions.current.length > 0 ? ( ) : null; }; export default SavedPaymentMethodOptions;