import config from 'config'; import chai from 'chai'; import chaiAsPromised from 'chai-as-promised'; import test from 'selenium-webdriver/testing'; import { WebDriverManager, WebDriverHelper as helper } from 'wp-e2e-webdriver'; import { Helper, PageMap, CheckoutOrderReceivedPage, StoreOwnerFlow, GuestCustomerFlow } from 'wc-e2e-page-objects'; chai.use( chaiAsPromised ); const assert = chai.assert; const PAGE = PageMap.PAGE; const storeOwnerFlowArgs = { baseUrl: config.get( 'url' ), username: config.get( 'users.admin.username' ), password: config.get( 'users.admin.password' ) }; const assertOrderItem = ( orderReview, itemName, attrs ) => { assert.eventually.ok( orderReview.hasItem( itemName, attrs ), `Could not find order item "${ itemName }" with qty ${ attrs.qty } and total ${ }` ); }; let manager; let driver; test.describe( 'Checkout Page', function() { // open browser test.before( function() { this.timeout( config.get( 'startBrowserTimeoutMs' ) ); manager = new WebDriverManager( 'chrome', { baseUrl: config.get( 'url' ) } ); driver = manager.getDriver(); helper.clearCookiesAndDeleteLocalStorage( driver ); const storeOwner = new StoreOwnerFlow( driver, storeOwnerFlowArgs ); // General settings for this test. storeOwner.setGeneralSettings( { baseLocation: [ 'United States', 'United States (US) — California' ], sellingLocation: 'Sell to all countries', enableTaxes: true, currency: [ 'United States', 'United States (US) dollar ($)' ], } ); // Make sure payment method is set in setting. storeOwner.enableBACS(); storeOwner.enableCOD(); storeOwner.enablePayPal(); storeOwner.logout(); } ); this.timeout( config.get( 'mochaTimeoutMs' ) ); 'should displays cart items in order review', () => { const guest = new GuestCustomerFlow( driver, { baseUrl: config.get( 'url' ) } ); guest.fromShopAddProductsToCart( 'Beanie', 'Long Sleeve Tee' ); const checkoutPage = guest.openCheckout(); assert.eventually.ok( Helper.waitTillUIBlockNotPresent( driver ) ); const orderReview = checkoutPage.components.orderReview; assertOrderItem( orderReview, 'Beanie', { qty: '1', total: '18.00' } ); assertOrderItem( orderReview, 'Long Sleeve Tee', { qty: '1', total: '25.00' } ); assert.eventually.ok( orderReview.hasSubtotal( '43.00' ), 'Could not find subtotal 43.00' ); } ); 'allows customer to choose available payment methods', () => { const guest = new GuestCustomerFlow( driver, { baseUrl: config.get( 'url' ) } ); guest.fromShopAddProductsToCart( 'Beanie', 'Long Sleeve Tee' ); const checkoutPage = guest.openCheckout(); assert.eventually.ok( Helper.waitTillUIBlockNotPresent( driver ) ); assert.eventually.ok( checkoutPage.selectPaymentMethod( 'PayPal' ) ); assert.eventually.ok( checkoutPage.selectPaymentMethod( 'Direct bank transfer' ) ); assert.eventually.ok( checkoutPage.selectPaymentMethod( 'Cash on delivery' ) ); } ); 'allows customer to fill billing details', () => { const guest = new GuestCustomerFlow( driver, { baseUrl: config.get( 'url' ) } ); guest.fromShopAddProductsToCart( 'Beanie', 'Long Sleeve Tee' ); const checkoutPage = PAGE.CHECKOUT ); assert.eventually.ok( Helper.waitTillUIBlockNotPresent( driver ) ); const billingDetails = checkoutPage.components.billingDetails; assert.eventually.ok( billingDetails.setFirstName( 'John' ) ); assert.eventually.ok( billingDetails.setLastName( 'Doe' ) ); assert.eventually.ok( billingDetails.setCompany( 'Automattic' ) ); assert.eventually.ok( billingDetails.setEmail( '' ) ); assert.eventually.ok( billingDetails.setPhone( '123456789' ) ); assert.eventually.ok( billingDetails.selectCountry( 'united states', 'United States (US)' ) ); assert.eventually.ok( billingDetails.setAddress1( 'addr 1' ) ); assert.eventually.ok( billingDetails.setAddress2( 'addr 2' ) ); assert.eventually.ok( billingDetails.setCity( 'San Francisco' ) ); assert.eventually.ok( billingDetails.selectState( 'cali', 'California' ) ); assert.eventually.ok( billingDetails.setZip( '94107' ) ); } ); 'allows customer to fill shipping details', () => { const guest = new GuestCustomerFlow( driver, { baseUrl: config.get( 'url' ) } ); guest.fromShopAddProductsToCart( 'Beanie', 'Long Sleeve Tee' ); const checkoutPage = PAGE.CHECKOUT ); assert.eventually.ok( Helper.waitTillUIBlockNotPresent( driver ) ); assert.eventually.ok( checkoutPage.checkShipToDifferentAddress() ); const shippingDetails = checkoutPage.components.shippingDetails; assert.eventually.ok( shippingDetails.setFirstName( 'John' ) ); assert.eventually.ok( shippingDetails.setLastName( 'Doe' ) ); assert.eventually.ok( shippingDetails.setCompany( 'Automattic' ) ); assert.eventually.ok( shippingDetails.selectCountry( 'united states', 'United States (US)' ) ); assert.eventually.ok( shippingDetails.setAddress1( 'addr 1' ) ); assert.eventually.ok( shippingDetails.setAddress2( 'addr 2' ) ); assert.eventually.ok( shippingDetails.setCity( 'San Francisco' ) ); assert.eventually.ok( shippingDetails.selectState( 'cali', 'California' ) ); assert.eventually.ok( shippingDetails.setZip( '94107' ) ); } ); 'allows guest customer to place order', () => { const guest = new GuestCustomerFlow( driver, { baseUrl: config.get( 'url' ) } ); guest.fromShopAddProductsToCart( 'Beanie', 'Long Sleeve Tee' ); const checkoutPage = PAGE.CHECKOUT ); const billingDetails = checkoutPage.components.billingDetails; Helper.waitTillUIBlockNotPresent( driver ); billingDetails.setFirstName( 'John' ); billingDetails.setLastName( 'Doe' ); billingDetails.setCompany( 'Automattic' ); billingDetails.setEmail( '' ); billingDetails.setPhone( '123456789' ); billingDetails.selectCountry( 'united states', 'United States (US)' ); billingDetails.setAddress1( 'addr 1' ); billingDetails.setAddress2( 'addr 2' ); billingDetails.setCity( 'San Francisco' ); billingDetails.selectState( 'cali', 'California' ); billingDetails.setZip( '94107' ); checkoutPage.selectPaymentMethod( 'Cash on delivery' ); checkoutPage.placeOrder(); Helper.waitTillUIBlockNotPresent( driver ); const orderReceivedPage = new CheckoutOrderReceivedPage( driver, { visit: false } ); assert.eventually.ok( orderReceivedPage.hasText( 'Order received' ) ); } ); // quit browser test.after( () => { manager.quitBrowser(); } ); } );