# API A simple interface for interacting with a WooCommerce installation. ## Installation ``bash npm install @woocommerce/api --save-dev `` ## Usage Consumers of this package should rely on an instance of `ModelRegistry` to access the factories. Here is an example of how to initialize and use the package to generate a simple product: ```javascript import { AdapterTypes, initializeUsingBasicAuth, ModelRegistry, registerSimpleProduct, SimpleProduct } from 'e2e/api'; // The ModelRegistry instance is where all of the factories and adapters are stored in an easy-to-access way. const modelRegistry = new ModelRegistry() // Call the register functions to add a kind of factory to the model registry. // This will also add any adapters we've created for the factory, allowing it // to be created on the server. registerSimpleProduct( modelRegistry ); // Before you can use the included API adapter you need to initialize it using one of the utility methods. // If you do not initialize the API adapters they will not be able to make requests to the API. // Note that these utility functions only set up adapters that have been registered already // and so further calls to `registeryXXX` functions will have adapters that aren't ready. initializeUsingBasicAuth( modelRegistry, 'https://test.test/wp-json', 'admin', 'password' ); initializeUsingOAuth( modelRegistry, 'https://test.test/wp-json', 'consumer_key', 'consumer_secret' ); // In order to actually create the models on the server, each registered factory must have an adapter set. // You can do this on a per-factory basis using modelRegistry.changeFactoryAdapter( SimpleProduct, AdapterTypes.API ); // You can do this to all factories registered using modelRegistry.changeAllFactoryAdapters( AdapterTypes.API ); // Once all of the initialization has been taken care of you can create models! // Any fields that are not defined will be filled out by random data. const product = await modelRegistry.getFactory( SimpleProduct ).create( { name: 'Test Product' } ); // You can now access the ID of the created model using `product.id`! // You can also create models in bulk! const poducts = await modelRegistry.getFactory( SimpleProduct ).createList( 5 ); // You now have an array of products to work with! ``` ## Custom Models ## Custom Adapters