/** * External dependencies */ import { act, render, findByText, fireEvent, queryByTestId, } from '@testing-library/react'; import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event'; import apiFetch from '@wordpress/api-fetch'; import { SlotFillProvider } from '@wordpress/components'; import { recordEvent } from '@woocommerce/tracks'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { TaskDashboard } from '../index.js'; import { TaskList } from '../list'; import { getAllTasks } from '../tasks'; import { DisplayOption } from '../../header/activity-panel/display-options'; jest.mock( '@wordpress/api-fetch' ); jest.mock( '../tasks' ); jest.mock( '@woocommerce/tracks', () => ( { recordEvent: jest.fn() } ) ); const TASK_LIST_HEADING = 'Get ready to start selling'; const EXTENDED_TASK_LIST_HEADING = 'Things to do next'; describe( 'TaskDashboard and TaskList', () => { afterEach( () => jest.clearAllMocks() ); const MockTask = () => { return
mock task
; }; const tasks = { setup: [ { key: 'optional', title: 'This task is optional', container: , completed: false, visible: true, time: '1 minute', isDismissable: true, type: 'setup', }, { key: 'required', title: 'This task is required', container: null, completed: false, visible: true, time: '1 minute', isDismissable: false, type: 'setup', }, { key: 'completed', title: 'This task is completed', container: null, completed: true, visible: true, time: '1 minute', isDismissable: true, type: 'setup', }, ], extension: [ { key: 'extension', title: 'This task is an extension', container: null, completed: false, visible: true, time: '1 minute', isDismissable: true, type: 'extension', }, ], }; const shorterTasksList = [ { key: 'completed-1', title: 'This task is completed', container: null, completed: true, visible: true, time: '1 minute', isDismissable: true, type: 'setup', }, { key: 'completed-2', title: 'This task is completed', container: null, completed: true, visible: true, time: '1 minute', isDismissable: true, type: 'setup', }, ]; const notVisibleTask = { key: 'not-visible', title: 'This task is not visible', container: , completed: false, visible: false, time: '2 minute', isDismissable: true, }; const completedExtensionTask = { key: 'extension2', title: 'This completed task is an extension', container: null, completed: true, visible: true, time: '2 minutes', isDismissable: true, type: 'extension', }; it( 'renders the "Get ready to start selling" and "Things to do next" tasks lists', async () => { apiFetch.mockResolvedValue( {} ); getAllTasks.mockReturnValue( tasks ); const { container } = render( {} } /> ); // Wait for the setup task list to render. expect( await findByText( container, TASK_LIST_HEADING ) ).toBeDefined(); // Wait for the extension task list to render. expect( await findByText( container, EXTENDED_TASK_LIST_HEADING ) ).toBeDefined(); } ); it( 'renders a dismiss button for tasks that are optional and incomplete', async () => { apiFetch.mockResolvedValue( {} ); getAllTasks.mockReturnValue( tasks ); const { container } = render( {} } /> ); // The `optional` task has a dismiss button. expect( queryByTestId( container, 'optional-dismiss-button' ) ).toBeDefined(); // The `required` task does not have a dismiss button. expect( queryByTestId( container, 'required-dismiss-button' ) ).toBeNull(); // The `completed` task does not have a dismiss button. expect( queryByTestId( container, 'completed-dismiss-button' ) ).toBeNull(); } ); it( 'renders the selected task', async () => { apiFetch.mockResolvedValue( {} ); getAllTasks.mockReturnValue( tasks ); const { container } = render( {} } /> ); // Wait for the task to render. expect( await findByText( container, 'mock task' ) ).toBeDefined(); } ); it( 'renders only the extended task list', () => { apiFetch.mockResolvedValue( {} ); getAllTasks.mockReturnValue( tasks ); const { queryByText } = render( {} } /> ); expect( queryByText( TASK_LIST_HEADING ) ).toBeNull(); expect( queryByText( EXTENDED_TASK_LIST_HEADING ) ).not.toBeNull(); } ); it( 'sets homescreen layout default when dismissed', () => { const updateOptions = jest.fn(); const { getByRole } = render( ); userEvent.click( getByRole( 'button', { name: 'Task List Options' } ) ); userEvent.click( getByRole( 'button', { name: 'Hide this' } ) ); expect( updateOptions ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( { woocommerce_task_list_hidden: 'yes', woocommerce_task_list_prompt_shown: true, woocommerce_default_homepage_layout: 'two_columns', } ); } ); it( 'sets homescreen layout default when completed', () => { apiFetch.mockResolvedValue( {} ); const updateOptions = jest.fn(); act( () => { render( ); } ); expect( updateOptions ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( { woocommerce_task_list_complete: 'yes', woocommerce_default_homepage_layout: 'two_columns', } ); } ); it( 'hides the setup task list if there are no visible tasks', () => { apiFetch.mockResolvedValue( {} ); const updateOptions = jest.fn(); const { setup } = tasks; const { queryByText } = render( ); expect( queryByText( TASK_LIST_HEADING ) ).toBeNull(); } ); it( 'hides the extended task list if there are no visible tasks', () => { apiFetch.mockResolvedValue( {} ); const updateOptions = jest.fn(); const { extension } = tasks; const { queryByText } = render( ); expect( queryByText( EXTENDED_TASK_LIST_HEADING ) ).toBeNull(); } ); it( 'sets setup tasks list as completed', () => { apiFetch.mockResolvedValue( {} ); const updateOptions = jest.fn(); act( () => { render( ); } ); expect( updateOptions ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( { woocommerce_task_list_complete: 'yes', woocommerce_default_homepage_layout: 'two_columns', } ); } ); it( 'sets extended tasks list as completed', () => { apiFetch.mockResolvedValue( {} ); const updateOptions = jest.fn(); act( () => { render( ); } ); expect( updateOptions ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( { woocommerce_extended_task_list_complete: 'yes', } ); } ); it( 'sets setup tasks list (with only dismissed tasks) as completed', () => { apiFetch.mockResolvedValue( {} ); const updateOptions = jest.fn(); const { setup } = tasks; act( () => { render( ); } ); expect( updateOptions ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( { woocommerce_task_list_complete: 'yes', woocommerce_default_homepage_layout: 'two_columns', } ); } ); it( 'sets extended tasks list (with only dismissed tasks) as completed', () => { apiFetch.mockResolvedValue( {} ); const updateOptions = jest.fn(); const { extension } = tasks; act( () => { render( ); } ); expect( updateOptions ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( { woocommerce_extended_task_list_complete: 'yes', } ); } ); it( 'sets setup tasks list as incomplete', () => { apiFetch.mockResolvedValue( {} ); const updateOptions = jest.fn(); const { setup } = tasks; act( () => { render( ); } ); expect( updateOptions ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( { woocommerce_task_list_complete: 'no', woocommerce_default_homepage_layout: 'two_columns', } ); } ); it( 'sets extended tasks list as incomplete', () => { apiFetch.mockResolvedValue( {} ); const updateOptions = jest.fn(); const { extension } = tasks; act( () => { render( ); } ); expect( updateOptions ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( { woocommerce_extended_task_list_complete: 'no', } ); } ); it( 'adds an untracked completed task', () => { apiFetch.mockResolvedValue( {} ); const updateOptions = jest.fn(); const { setup, extension } = tasks; act( () => { render( ); } ); expect( updateOptions ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( { woocommerce_task_list_tracked_completed_tasks: [ 'completed' ], } ); } ); it( 'removes an incomplete but already tracked task from tracked tasks list', () => { apiFetch.mockResolvedValue( {} ); const updateOptions = jest.fn(); const { setup, extension } = tasks; act( () => { render( ); } ); expect( updateOptions ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( { woocommerce_task_list_tracked_completed_tasks: [ 'completed' ], } ); } ); it( 'adds an untracked completed task and removes an incomplete but already tracked task from tracked tasks list', () => { apiFetch.mockResolvedValue( {} ); const updateOptions = jest.fn(); const { setup, extension } = tasks; act( () => { render( ); } ); expect( updateOptions ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( { woocommerce_task_list_tracked_completed_tasks: [ 'completed' ], } ); } ); it( 'does not add untracked completed (but dismissed) tasks', () => { apiFetch.mockResolvedValue( {} ); const updateOptions = jest.fn(); act( () => { render( ); } ); expect( updateOptions ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( { woocommerce_task_list_tracked_completed_tasks: [ 'completed-2' ], } ); } ); it( 'dismisses a task', () => { apiFetch.mockResolvedValue( {} ); const updateOptions = jest.fn(); const createNotice = jest.fn(); const { extension } = tasks; const { getByText } = render( ); fireEvent.click( getByText( 'Dismiss' ) ); expect( updateOptions ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( { woocommerce_task_list_dismissed_tasks: [ 'extension' ], } ); } ); it( 'calls the "onDismiss" callback after dismissing a task', () => { apiFetch.mockResolvedValue( {} ); const updateOptions = jest.fn(); const createNotice = jest.fn(); const callback = jest.fn(); const { extension } = tasks; extension[ 0 ].onDismiss = callback; const { getByText } = render( ); fireEvent.click( getByText( 'Dismiss' ) ); expect( callback ).toHaveBeenCalledWith(); } ); it( 'sorts the extended task list tasks by completion status', () => { apiFetch.mockResolvedValue( {} ); getAllTasks.mockReturnValue( { extension: [ completedExtensionTask, ...tasks.extension ], } ); const { queryAllByRole, queryByText } = render( {} } /> ); expect( queryByText( EXTENDED_TASK_LIST_HEADING ) ).not.toBeNull(); const visibleTasks = queryAllByRole( 'menuitem' ); expect( visibleTasks ).toHaveLength( 2 ); expect( visibleTasks[ 0 ] ).toHaveTextContent( 'This task is an extension' ); expect( visibleTasks[ 1 ] ).toHaveTextContent( 'This completed task is an extension' ); } ); it( 'correctly toggles the extension task list', () => { const updateOptions = jest.fn(); const { getByText } = render( ); // Verify the task list is initially shown. expect( getByText( 'Show things to do next', { selector: 'button' } ) ).toBeChecked(); // Toggle it off. fireEvent.click( getByText( 'Show things to do next', { selector: 'button' } ) ); expect( recordEvent ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'extended_tasklist_hide' ); expect( updateOptions ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( { woocommerce_extended_task_list_hidden: 'yes', } ); } ); } );