import { BaseElement } from './BaseElement'; import { hasClass } from '../utils/actions'; export class FormToggle extends BaseElement { // Represents a FormToggle input. Use `selector` to represent the container its found in. async switchOn() { const container = await this.getCheckboxContainer(); if ( container && ! ( await hasClass( container, 'is-checked' ) ) ) { const input = await this.getCheckboxInput(); if ( ! input ) { throw new Error( `Could not find form toggle with selector ${ this.selector }` ); } input?.click(); // Wait for it to be checked. await `${ this.selector }` ); } } async switchOff() { const container = await this.getCheckboxContainer(); if ( container && ( await hasClass( container, 'is-checked' ) ) ) { const input = await this.getCheckboxInput(); if ( ! input ) { throw new Error( `Could not find form toggle with selector ${ this.selector }` ); } input?.click(); // Wait for a not checked toggle to be present. await page.waitForFunction( ( selector ) => { return document.querySelectorAll( selector ).length; }, {}, `${ this.selector } .components-form-toggle:not(.is-checked)` ); } } async getCheckboxContainer() { return$( `${ this.selector } .components-form-toggle` ); } async getCheckboxInput() { return$( `${ this.selector } .components-form-toggle__input` ); } async isEnabled() { await `${ this.selector }` ); } }