/** * External dependencies */ import { __, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { chartBar } from '@wordpress/icons'; import { useEffect } from '@wordpress/element'; import { registerPlugin } from '@wordpress/plugins'; import { addQueryArgs } from '@wordpress/url'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { registerCommandWithTracking } from '../command-palette/register-command-with-tracking'; import { useEditedPostType } from '../command-palette/use-edited-post-type'; const registerWooCommerceAnalyticsCommand = ( { label, path, origin } ) => { registerCommandWithTracking( { name: `woocommerce${ path }`, label: sprintf( // translators: %s is the title of the Analytics Page. This is used as a command in the Command Palette. __( 'WooCommerce Analytics: %s', 'woocommerce' ), label ), icon: chartBar, callback: () => { document.location = addQueryArgs( 'admin.php', { page: 'wc-admin', path, } ); }, origin, } ); }; const WooCommerceAnalyticsCommands = () => { const { editedPostType } = useEditedPostType(); const origin = editedPostType ? editedPostType + '-editor' : null; useEffect( () => { if ( window.hasOwnProperty( 'wcCommandPaletteAnalytics' ) && window.wcCommandPaletteAnalytics.hasOwnProperty( 'reports' ) && Array.isArray( window.wcCommandPaletteAnalytics.reports ) ) { const analyticsReports = window.wcCommandPaletteAnalytics.reports; analyticsReports.forEach( ( analyticsReport ) => { registerWooCommerceAnalyticsCommand( { label: analyticsReport.title, path: analyticsReport.path, origin, } ); } ); } }, [ origin ] ); return null; }; registerPlugin( 'woocommerce-analytics-commands-registration', { render: WooCommerceAnalyticsCommands, } );